
Chapter 149

"You're probably wondering why you can't seem to hurt me with those vibrating attack's of yours," Argo said smirking, "well that answer is simple really you see-."

"-Oh do shut up," Percy said interrupting him, "enough with the monologue. What are you a Bond villain?"

Argo raised an eyebrow, "most people would be happy that their enemy is explaining their powers to them."

Percy sighed, "Yeah okay sure it would be smart of me to listen to your explanation and then figure out a way to defeat you, but by the gods your voice is so annoying! It's like my ears are going to rip themselves off my head just so that they don't have to listen to it anymore!"

Argo blinked at Percy and for a long time simply stared before saying, "Has anyone ever told you that have a penchant for pissing people off?"

Percy shrugged, "deal with it." The demigod then sprinted and reappeared in front of Argo and sent a punch at the man's face. Argo blocked the strike with one hand but just then Percy opened his other hand and sent out a blue fire ball towards the man's head.

Argo release Percy and moved back batting the fire ball away with his black hand before suddenly the shadows created by the fire ball launched up from the ground and sliced into Argo's face.

"Shit!" Argo cursed before he blurted back. His face had several cuts on it and blood slowly poured out of his wounds.

"I already know how to beat you," Percy said lighting up two more fireballs, "I just have to aim at the normal colored part of you."

"I thought you were a son of Poseidon! How the hell can you create fireballs and control shadows?!"

"I'm special," Percy replied before sending both fireballs at Argo. The blue flames lit up the night as Percy commanded the shadows under Argo's feet to attack him. The suited man started to swing his arms quickly with his left taking care of the fire balls and his right cutting the tendrils of shadows that were coming out of the ground for him.

'So his black arms can nullify magic,' Percy figured out. The fireballs weren't doing any arm to his clothes, which should at least be burnt when something so hot came near it, and furthermore the shadows that Argo cut looked like they were melting in his arms, something that Percy remembered his shadows doing only when he didn't have any more mana to power them with.

Instead of attacking Argo, Percy dashed to his gauntlet with his ridiculously high speed. But just before his hands could even touch it Argo swooped in and grabbed the thing before jumping away towards Luke.

"Get back here you slutspawn!" Percy cried out before dashing towards Argo. He managed to catch up to Argo just as they reached the warehouse. He grabbed Argo and reached for the gauntlet but Argo threw him aside.

Percy skidded across the ground and looked up just in time to see Argo put on the gauntlet.

"NO!" Percy cried out. Argo laughed as he moved his fingers getting a feel for the weapon.

"With this I can rule the world!" Argo roared out holding the gauntlet up in the air. He then channeled mana into the gauntlet, "come out my minions!"

Percy then watched as slowly smoke started to pour out of the gauntlet. A feeling of dread filled him as slowly the smoke turned solid tacking the form of five distinct forms. But before they could solidify the gauntlet started to spark as a surge of electricity went out of it and into Argo.

"ARGH!" Argo cried out in pain and quickly took off the gauntlet and threw it aside holding his left arm in pain.

Percy grabbed the gauntlet and saw Argo's arm, it was black, and not black from his special skill but black from getting burnt. His entire arm was smoking as little peices of skin was seen cut off in different places.

"What did that thing do to me?" Argo screamed doubt looking at Percy, "you'll pay for this brat!"

Percy narrowed his eyes before slowly putting the gauntlet on. He channeled his mana into it and prayed to his dad that it wouldn't shock him like it did Argo. Luckily though everything seemed normal as five smoky figures spread out of Percy's left arm.

Zed, Craig, Alecto, Marchosias and Cerberus stood besides and behind Percy as they all brandished their weapons, or fangs and fists at Argo. "Try me bitch," Percy said with narrowed eyes as he slowly reached into his pocket pulling out and uncapped Riptide.

Argos' eyes widened in fear at the sight of the monsters at Percy's side. He looked at Percy and glared;

Bloodlust detected! Argo!

Percy sighed and pushed the box away. He then looked at Argo read to fight the man to death but just then Annabeth, who was dragging an unconscious Clarisse on her back, came out of the warehouse and right behind them was the blonde haired Gergosa.

"Annabeth!" Percy cried out before turning to his servants, "help them!" The five nodded running to the demigoddess, but Marchosias reached there first as the winged wolf took a huge bite out of the Gergosa's feet.

Percy then turned to Argo, behind whom was Luke. "Let's finish this," Percy said reading his blade, they both were injured, this would be Percy's only chance at beating them.

Luke smiled as he placed his hand on Argo's shoulder, "maybe next time kiddo," and just then the two vanished in a flash of light that nearly blinded Percy. The son of Poseidon blinked and soon realized her was now alone.

'Shit!' Percy cursed himself for letting them get away. He then ran to Annabeth and Clarisse as he took the daughter of war off Annabeth holding her up with one arm, "are you okay?"

Annabeth nodded, "broken rib, but I had some Ambrosia, I'll live."

Percy nodded and then looked at Clarisse who was slowly bleeding out of her head covering his black jacket in blood. "Shit," Percy cursed as he held her tighter, "what happened?"

"She tried to attack one of them by jumping off a 30 foot shelf. She managed to hurt him, but she fell down pretty hard."

Percy felt her ribs, luckily nothing was broken but her left arm did feel fractured, "we need to get her somewhere safe, now."

"But what about-" Annabeth's words died in her mouth as she turned to the blind Gergosa who was now nothing more than scraps of meat slowly dissolving in Cerberus's mouth.


You have leveled up!

'Huh how did that happen? Oh right my servants took care of the Gergosa, sweet free Exp.'

Percy Jackson

Health-2,600/2,600(+1000) = 3,600

Mana-1,475/1,475(+1000) = 2,475

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-19 Exp- 17,898/69,000









MONEY- 87,597$/466D


Quest Completed!

Survive the ambush!


You live!

30,000 $

Skill disk, Lv-2


Make Argo and Luke run away!

And just like that three objects spread and landed in front of Percy and Annabeth. One was a skill disk and the other was a stack of cash held together by a band. The third however was a giant white canon with black circuits carved along the weapon. Percy observed it;

Light Beam Cannon,

A canon that uses light to form beams of energy. Light can be stored up inside the canon like a solar panel and be used at anytime, anyplace.




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