
Chapter 59 Barrier in the Sea Yuanci_1

"According to these black dots' position, the direction of West Sea Country should be this way..."

Wang Ba was sitting inside the large and oddly smelling belly of Fu, spreading the map in front of him.

Qin Lingxiao was also excited, disregarding her image and knelt beside the map, pointing in a certain direction.

"I think it might need to veer a bit this way."

The curious Hole-digging Otter on the side poked its head over, peeking at the map, sniffing around.

But it quickly lost interest, casually sniffing in the corners around it.

From time to time, it would pull undisgested shells from the corner, instantly using a stone from its fur to forcefully crush them.

It quickly started to eat with delight.

Its eyes curved into two lines in joy.

It looked extremely adorable.

However, Wang Ba and Qin Lingxiao had no time to watch it at the moment, instead they were seriously discussing the direction they needed to head next.

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