

The current 'head' at greenforfuture & co was Jack Layers. He was a smart man, had grown up to study enviromental science and had lived in Ireland for several years before returning to the US to work on a project for the new enviromental agency. He'd liked the people and the cause so much that he'd stayedt there since.

"Good morning Mr. President." He said, welcoming the US-leader into the quarters of the ever-growing company. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing well, thank you Jack. And how many times must I ask you to call me Alistair?"

"I'm sorry, Alistair. It always slips my mind. Coffee?" He asked. The coffee machine they owned was one of the most enviromental friendly ones out there; run with solar power and only using reusable caps. The coffee itself was fair-trade and organic. Just as one would expect from such an agency. 

"Yes please. I still need to wake up."

"Rough day?" Layers asked politely. He started the machine and put two cups under. 

"Yeah." Alistair replied. He couldn't go into detail no matter how much he liked the man. 

"I've been looking forwards to our meeting, Alistair, I'm proud to say we reached the numbers we'd promised in expansion. We also managed to support the installments of solar panels on private housing. The price sank by 5%. That's about one thousand dollars less than it used to be."

"That'll definitely attract more people."

"I hope so." He picked up the coffee's from under the machine. "Milk or sugar?"

"No thank you, Jack. I drink my coffees black, I stopped adding sugar and milk years ago. The bitter taste gives me an additinal kick." Jack Layers grinned at the Presidents confession. "So you're saying 5% less cost?"

"That's right."

"If the White House didn't already have some installed I'd ask you too, but we're already all set. I have several friends who've been thinking of it, I'll surely tell them about the price drop."

"Sure." Jack grinned again. "Let's go into the meeting room." So they left the 'big rome' where countless workers typed on the laptops, using browsers like ecosia and each with a fairphone or similar on the desk next to them. Jack Layers and Alistair Bowmore were such good aquaintences that not even security followed them into the room. The Presidents bodyguards stayed outside and chatted with some of the employees. 

"I see we're on good track to make solar power cheaper for the private customers, are we also on track with our governmental plans?" Alistair had promised to make as many government buildings all over the country run on renewable energy. Their goal had initially been 50% in the four years of his presidency, but soon enough they'd realized that was a long-shot. Sucess meant 25% or more. 

"Yeah, it's going pretty well. With technology you don't see a change too quickly until it meets the turning point and then BOOM everyone has it. We're still in the beginning stadium. I know that California is really far, and even Florida has so many more solar powered houses now."

"Good." Alistair said and took another sip of hot coffee. He didn't pull his face together as most might; he'd grown accostomed to the taste. "What do you think about me signing a decree that every house wether private or government has to be built with a solar system?"

"I love the idea Alistair but I don't think it would be a good move right now, not yet," Jack Layers answered honestly. Alistair liked to consult the young man about climate affairs before he took measures. If a man working for greenforfuture didn't think a very 'green' measure was good it meant it was far too radical. "I can explain why; people cannot pay the extra money to have that installed. And in some places like NYC they're not gonna settle for 'just' solar power. They'd need two systems in their homes. I don't think the majority of private builders would be pleased. I do think it would be good on a corporate level, though."

"I think I agree...." Alistair said. "And there's no way we could make the mortgage rate the same just a year or too longer?"

"Do you think people want to pay off their homes for an extra two years?"

"No." Alistair agreed, beaten. "Thanks for the advice anyway. I think I'll do something about corporate energy."

"Good idea." Jack Slayer got up to shake Alistair's hand. "I assume you'll need to be leaving quickly?"

"Actually I was going to grab some lunch. Care to join?"

"I'd love to." The two left the room chatting. They reunited with the small assembly of bodyguards and greenforfuture workers and, after a moment, decided to all go get lunch together in the companies cafeteria. Everything plant-based of course. 

Alistair Bowmore had always loved the food there, he'd been several times. It was always fresh and high-quality, and the cooks were very good. One of them came from Thailand, she made the best dishes. Apart from the food and the company, which nourished the soul and the tummy, they had a great ammount of local beers. Alistair tried a new kind every time he came. That day he picked a blonde from around the corner, brewed only a thirty minute walk away. 

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