
chapter 10

And just like Rigurd had confidently declared yesterday, it wasn't even afternoon when he had prepared the team members for my expedition to the Dwarven kingdom.

Rigur and Gobta, welp, Gobta will definitely be suffering a little bit here but bear with it my soon to be strong goblin companion.

As for me, I had fashioned myself a Hoodie. In layman terms, I stole a cloak from the goblin's stash of adventurer items.

I was a tiefling, with horns and a tail. If people saw me they'd freak out, even though I wasn't a fully pledged demon I had heard from Veldora that my race was already extinct so naturally I need to be wary of collectors.

Maybe being a slime was better.

I regretfully sighed but nonetheless jumped on top of Ranga. Immediately letting myself get lost at the soft fur that he had.

Man, the novel really described his fur poorly. This like a cloud...

We brought luggages but it was mostly some fruits and nuts that we could eat if we needed to. Unlike the original Rimuru, I had to eat which was pretty good since at least I could taste them way earlier than he could.

Normally it would have taken 2 months for a goblin to reach the Dwarven kingdom on foot, but we had super sonic wolves that probably evolved the same way as they did before.

I hope so.

So we followed the original plan, tracing the Great Ameld River's route northward. It certainly kept us from getting lost. I had a map in my brain anyway, just in case. Of course we had a guide with us—Gobta, who apparently ran a trip of his own to the kingdom once—so we followed his lead, and I took up the rear.

Why did he go there anyway.

The wolves were fast, really fast, it wasn't something I was prepared for so I was feeling slightly nauseous but I kept myself from throwing up in front of my peeps.

"Make sure you don't push yourself too much." I told Ranga but for some reason they actually went faster

Competitive maybe?

I had spent the past three or so hours enjoying the wind and the motorcycle-like sense of speed, but I was starting to get a little bored. Trying to converse in these conditions would normally be impossible, but not with the Thought Communication skill I stole from the direwolf boss.

"So, uh, Rigur. Who was it that actually named your brother?"

"Ah, thank you for recalling my name, Sir Rimuru-sama! My brother was named by a passing member of the magic-born races."

"Oh? One of them visited a random goblin village?"

"Indeed, Rimuru-sama, about a decade ago. I was still a child. He spent several days in my village…and he claimed to 'see something' in my brother, in his words."

"Huh. Must've been a nice brother."

My brother was nice too, he was a little rought at the edges but when he was alive he'd always look after me.

"Oh, absolutely! He was my pride and joy. Sir Gelmud, the one who bestowed the name, said it himself. 'I would love to have you among my men,' he said!"

"His men? Did he have a demon horde?"

Pretty sure the Gelmud he's talking about is Clayman's underling, I need to beat him up so I can get the demon lord seed.

Wait, is it possible for me to get a hero seed too?

"I imagine so, yes. Now, though, we serve you, Sir Rimuru. We may not be able to follow Sir Gelmud to his honorable demon horde, but…"

I nodded.

Of course I didn't have any plans on joining said demon horde, heck I'm the one whose gonna be making one of my own but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

"Ranga, since you'll be one of my closest allies from now on. I hope you aren't angry at me since I killed your dad."

"I do have thoughts about it, my master. But to a monster, victory or defeat in battle is the only absolute in life. No matter how it turns out, we are aware of the fact that might makes right. Win, and the day is yours! Lose, and nothing shall remain! But…not only did my master forgive; he even gave me my once and future name for all time! I am filled with thankfulness, not resentment!"

"I see, well if you want to try and have a rematch then I'm open at any time."

"Heh-heh-heh… But, indeed, my evolution has made it all the clearer in my mind! If you had unleashed your full force in our previous battle, the whole of the pack would have been wiped out. We would have been lost to the winds of time, never able to realize our dreams of evolution! Our loyalty, our devotion, belongs to our one true master alone!"

That is true, I really had to go to great lengths just to keep myself from killing you guys.

"I'm glad you finally realized it, seems like you truly have grown."

"Ah-hah-hah! It pleases me to hear such words!"

Well, the journey to the kingdom was really boring. Apparently they didn't need any sleep or to eat, lucky them. I don't even know why I needed to do those things still

Maybe because I'm half human??

Either way, I just spent the last days gathering information on the kingdom, so naturally I talked with Gobta.

"Y-yes, sir! Umm, it is officially known as the Armed Nation of Dwargon! Their leader is known as the Heroic King, and—"

According to Gobta's account, the current king was Gazel Dwargo, third in his line from the original. A great hero, one whose might and presence made the elder dwarves recall his grandfather in his younger years, but also an intelligent one who ruled his realm with a steady, even hand. A living hero, in a way.

I wanna spar with him.

"In that case," I asked, "how much longer will it take, Gobta?"

"If I had to guess, we should arrive by the morrow, sir! The mountains are starting to loom high!"

It was true, the peaks were already in view. I decided to spend the remaining time talking to gobta on why he went there in the first place.

Apparently it was because he needed to sell magical gear. I must have glossed over his reason when I was reading the novel but oh well.

A nation of blacksmiths, supported by its undefeated army. The nation was even more intimidating that I had read about but that only got my blood pumping even more.

And in exactly three days after we began our journey, we reached the grasslands at the foot of the Canaats. The city truly was beautiful—chiseled into the vast mountain cavern, a natural fortress created by nature.

It was the Armed Nation of Dwargon in all its mighty glory.

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