


Mephisto instantly felt the disappearance of his connection with Zarathos' soul. He angrily raised his staff and slammed it heavily on the ground. Instantly, the surrounding streetlights went out, plunging everything into complete darkness except for their headlights. Even the starlight in the sky was completely obscured.

At the same time, a cacophony of sounds emanated from the surrounding darkness, as if countless monsters were moving within it, peering at Zane and Lorna with greedy, bloodthirsty eyes.

Facing this eerie situation, Lorna instinctively shrank her neck and leaned tightly against Zane. Although Lorna possessed great power, as a girl, she still felt scared in such a situation. If it weren't for fear of affecting Zane, she would probably have screamed long ago.

Seeing Lorna's reaction, Zane's previous calm demeanor disappeared, replaced by a full sense of killing intent.

"I say, let there be light!"

The authoritative voice, empowered by faith, echoed across the wilderness. In the next moment, the entire wasteland suddenly lit up as bright as day. The monsters hidden in the darkness were revealed one by one but didn't last long. In a moment, they were turned into ashes by the dazzling white light.

This was a move Zane developed based on the characteristics of faith, which he named the Great Prophecy. Why was it called the Great Prophecy? Because at that moment, everything Zane said became reality.

The inspiration for this move came from the Bible, where God created the world in seven days. One couldn't deny that God was the ancestor of showing off; everything He said had great style.

However, the Great Prophecy consumed a huge amount of energy. Under normal circumstances, Zane wouldn't use it easily. For example, the sentence just now consumed offerings from 100 undead for a year.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Amidst the severe coughing, Mephisto appeared again. However, this time, his formerly neatly combed hair was disheveled, and there were more age spots on his face.

"Mephisto, do you still want Zarathos' soul?" 

Upon hearing Zane's cold words, Mephisto glanced at him, his wariness towards Zane deepening. He hadn't told Zane Zarathos' name from start to finish. In this world, only a few people knew of Zarathos' existence, and these people were ancient monsters who had lived for many years.

Now, Zane could accurately say Zarathos' name, which made Mephisto ponder Zane's background and origins.

"Who exactly are you?"

"What does it matter who I am to you? Speak up, you frightened my girlfriend earlier. How do you plan to compensate for that?"

The pure killing intent in Zane's eyes made even the Demon Lord Mephisto feel a chill throughout his body. Zane's intention was obvious; he was robbing, and if Mephisto's answer didn't satisfy him, Zane wouldn't mind making Mephisto pay a painful price.

Although Mephisto's true form was in Hell, Zane couldn't kill him completely. However, destroying the incarnation of Mephisto in front of him and ruining his decades of efforts in the mortal world was something Zane could easily do.

But getting a demon like Mephisto to cough up something wasn't so easy. Mephisto had realized from earlier that he wasn't Zane's match, so now there was only one way: to run. When all else fails, retreat.

As a demon, he wasn't like those hypocritical angels who had an inflated sense of pride and viewed glory as life. In his opinion, running away when unable to win was the truth.

In the next moment, Mephisto disappeared into the night like sand blown away by the wind.


Zane's eyes gleamed, and he spoke again.

"I say, those who run away will return to where they started."

Instantly, Mephisto appeared in front of Zane, looking bewildered.

"Sir, nice to see you again!" Mephisto's old face showed a awkward smile.

But Zane's expression turned even darker. That sentence just now consumed the power of faith from 100,000 undead for a year. Even a wealthy person like Zane felt a twinge of heartache. Now, if Mephisto didn't pay up, it would be like Zane had lived in vain.

"Mephisto, if you run away again, you won't stay in the Earth anymore." Zane's eyes flickered with a dangerous light.

Mephisto felt a pang in his heart, realizing Zane wasn't joking. If he ran away again, his incarnation, which had been painstakingly sent to Earth, might truly be destroyed.

"Sir, what do you want?"

"Knowledge. I want knowledge exclusive to demons!"

After hearing Zane's desire, Mephisto's eyes flickered with unknown intentions. He took out a scroll of parchment and a pen, and with a polite smile on his face, he looked at Zane.

"Sir, to prevent you from going back on your words, shall we sign a contract?"

Mephisto held up the parchment contract and waited for a while, but Zane showed no sign of movement. Instead, Zane's eyes became increasingly dangerous, and the power of faith within his soul began to stir.

To have an informed person like Zane sign a contract with a demon... Mephisto, are you trying to fool yourself along with others?

In the devil's dictionary, there are no such words as integrity. This is the experience summarized by countless people who have been deceived by demons, with blood and tears.

Upon realizing that Zane had already detected his intentions, Mephisto wasn't embarrassed. He very naturally tucked the scroll of the contract back into his chest, then pulled out from somewhere a thick, ancient book capable of knocking someone dead and handed it to Zane.


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