
Chapter 33: No Worries!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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For now he could just settle for holding one up himself which he would easily be able to keep up except when he was asleep. That shouldn't have been too much of a problem, given his recent twelve hour nap in a field.

His appearance shimmered, his hair lightening, eyes darkening, scar disappearing, and facial features rearranging.

Then he set off towards the nearest town, from which he would get a cab to London, from which he would...do…something?

Suffice to say, he hadn't quite decided on his plans yet.

From all of his robberies and work for Marco, he was rich, and further reading had revealed that the Potters had also been quite affluent, enough so to boost him beyond millionaire status. He didn't need money, so he would just go back to his oldest motivation: to gain more power.

After arriving at Leaky Cauldron, Harry rented a room using some galleons he still had for some reason, not willing to risk being found to be using illusionary money.

Then he began to carve another illusion necklace, only making minor changes from the one before. As with the disguise he had kept over himself on his journey to London, this one gave him brown hair, brown eyes, hid his scar, and changing his facial features.

So after putting it on, Harry headed out into Diagon Alley for the first time in years. To his annoyance, it being summer meant the inevitable presence of children and teenagers.

'Would it be wise for me to remind you that you are also one?' Loki wondered aloud.

'I don't count,' Harry explained. 'I work out my age by calculating an average between us two, so I'm actually the oldest human alive.'

Loki snorted. 'It is a bit of a push to call you human.'

'Well, saying I'm the oldest wizard-Jotun-Asgardian hybrid alive doesn't have quite the same ring to it, seeing as I'm the only one to ever exist.'

'There might be another if I ever bred with mortals.'

Harry paused. 'Did you?'

'It is a slight possibility. As you know, my early attempts at shapeshifting led me to discover that there is a reason why it is a long-forgotten magic – your personality changes completely. I had Fenrir, Jogmungandr, and Sleipnir before I managed to regain my sanity, which is probably a reason why they all turned out as abominations,' For a moment, Loki was silent. 'It is incredibly unlikely, however, that I would have a child with a mortal. I would remember if I birthed them, and shattered pelvic bones would make it rather difficult for a female to survive a pregnancy, but-'

'What?!' Harry interrupted. He already knew about shapeshifting into other people driving Loki insane – it was why the god refused to let him become an animagus – but the second part….

'Asgardians – especially one as powerful as I – have strength far superior to humans. This strength is not only present in our arms and legs, believe it or not. In times of excitement it is rather easy to lose control. Has this never occurred to you before?'

Stunned into silence, Harry took a few seconds to formulate an answer. 'I don't tend to imagine you – or any other Asgardian for that matter – having sex all that often, so no, it hasn't occurred to me.'

'That would likely change if you knew what Lady Sif looked like – after all, you are a hormonal teenager,' the god mocked, and then he paused for a few seconds. 'On a similar note, you probably shouldn't have children in case the deformities of mine are due to my Jotun blood rather than shapeshifting.'

'I really didn't need to know that, but nonetheless, I'll keep it in mind to use protection whilst I accidentally destroy the hips of innocent girls.'

Loki hummed. 'You're probably not that strong.' Harry felt slight relief at that. 'You should worry more about dislocation or accidentally freezing them in a moment of pubescent excitement.'

'Don't worry,' Harry drawled, his tone thick with sarcasm. 'I'm sure as the glorious Boy-Who-Lived, I have a nigh-on limitless supply of fangirls lusting after me. The love they bear for their idol cannot be breached by something as petty as major injury, or death.'

'I wonder if that love extends to covering up crimes for you,' Loki mused aloud. 'Not that any host of mine would ever be caught committing a crime – because of your overwhelming benevolence, of course.'

Harry snorted. 'Fear not, if any attempt to falsely accuse me of any wrongdoing – like murder, for example, or something ridiculous as being in the magical Mafia – they shall fall before my glorious righteousness.'

'How I wish cackling was not associated with villains,' Loki lamented. 'That is something we shall have to change as we rise up as evil dictators – I mean selfless democratic rulers, of course. 'Twas but a slip of the tongue.' And then he cackled.


'Do I really have to do this?'

'Yes,' Loki insisted. 'Unless you would prefer to be in the heat of combat when you find out whether or not it works.'

'Can't I take it off first?' Harry pleaded.

'Without your magic running through it, it will not work.' Impatience was obvious in Loki's tone, 'Now hurry up. I will numb the pain.'

With a sigh, Harry pressed the gun to his side and pulled the trigger. A brief pain shot through him, as though he had been punched, but Loki immediately did away with it.

It hadn't been as bad as things that Harry had previously experienced, but if it hadn't worked, healing the wound wouldn't be a pleasant experience if the bullet remained inside him.

Looking down to his side, he grinned. No blood flowed from his side, and as intended, his skin-tight undershirt hadn't been penetrated. That had been its purpose, after all.

As a result of the encounter with SHIELD, Loki and Harry had decided to set in place better countermeasures for the weapons of muggles, Loki deeming Harry now powerful enough to create a method more efficient than just pouring power into his skin.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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