
Chapter 440: Return

Likewise, using the power of limits, she would reinforce her soul for this transformation.

At this moment, Dolly stood at the edge of the cliff. Everything was so dark down below that Dolly shuddered. However, this was the end; there was nothing more she could do.

She knew this day would come. Her life was meaningless, and she was dead inside.

"Mi-chan... Misaki-chan... Joker-san, thank you."

But thinking of those three people who accompanied her in her short life, Dolky smiled without regret. It was painful to leave them, but at least she was happy with them, even if for a short time. Dolly was able to enjoy it.

"Take care, I'll go first."

Closing her eyes, Dolly prepared to jump, but at that moment, a light illuminated, and a hand held her, making her unable to continue.


"This is not over yet."

In front of Dolly, a humanoid figure with a hat on his head materialized. Dolly opened her eyes wide upon seeing him. After all, she could recognize him instantly.


"Where are you going? You still have much to live for; don't give up so easily."

"But... I, I can't anymore. This is my destiny, it's the end for me."

"Destiny? Do you really think so? Do you think this is over? What about Misaki? And your other friend, Mitori? Do you really think she distanced herself from you because she was disgusted by your body? Did you never think if Mitori still wants to be your friend? And if she was really trying to save you..."


Yuki's words were a great blow to Dolly. It was true that by dying, she was leaving everything behind, not to mention that by doing so, Misaki would be sad, and Mitori, whom she had never seen again, would be left behind.

She didn't know why Mitori stopped visiting her. At first, she thought it was because she was disgusted by her scars, but thinking about it, it didn't make sense. Something had happened that made Mitori stop visiting her.


Dolly began to tremble. She was ready to leave; she had no regrets. But Yuki's words were enough to make her doubt. She could not leave like this anymore.

Seeing her so confused, Yuki raised a finger and continued.

"You hear her, right? Misaki, she's calling for you. She wants you to come back..."

In the same way, Misaki's cries were heard, and Dolly couldn't help but shed tears.

"I can't..."

"Of course, you can. Even if life is hard, you still have to live it."

Yuki knew about Dolly's worries. Even if she returned, she would face another life of torture and imprisonment, unable to enjoy the beauty of the world. However, now it was different, after all...

"Come back to us, Dolly, because this time you will be surrounded by your friends. Don't worry, she will protect you..."

With her tears falling faster and faster, Dolly agreed, and Yuki began to pull her back to life.

"Let's go back; Misaki is waiting for us..."



Touching his hat, Yuki brought Dolly back into Misaki's arms. Bringing her back from the brink of life and death was more costly than he thought, but he confirmed something.

(As long as her soul remains in the material world, I can save them...)

The Breach Dojutsu is amazing, being able to enter all possible limits.

The only problem with this Dojutsu is that it consumes too much chakra and spiritual power. Yuki really envied the Demon King; with his massive power, he fears no exhaustion.

"Her heart... It's beating!"

With Dolly in her arms, her breathing and pulse returned, making Misaki tremble with joy. At first, she thought it was all over; her first friend had died. But it wasn't so; now she was safe...

"You did it... You saved her... You did it, Joker!"

Smiling in happiness, Misaki shed tears again. However, when she turned her head, she opened her eyes in shock.

Yuki was holding his hat and was also dispersing into thousands of particles of light.

But this was to be expected; staying in this timeline required a lot of chakra. Yuki had stayed for almost a month, exhausting his chakra reserves. At this moment, using the Breach and Apocalyptic World Dojutsu, he exhausted the last of his reserves. He no longer had the strength to continue existing in this timeline; he needed to return to his timeline.

But it was okay; Yuki did not regret this. After all...

"Mission accomplished..."

Yes, he had fulfilled his purpose, saving Dolly and giving her a future.

"No, no... It's a lie, right?... It's not good to joke like this."

With her trembling lips, Misaki forced herself to smile. However, Yuki's body was disappearing more and more...

"I have completed my mission, I can no longer stay here. But look on the bright side, you won't have this annoying clown with you anymore..."

"I told you to stop joking! It's not funny!..."

"You know I'm not joking, not now..."

An annoying clown? Yes, he's very annoying. Misaki cursed her luck many times for having him by her side, trying many times to get rid of him, but after several attempts, she had no choice but to give up.

Was Joker a byproduct of her ability or a different entity?

Misaki stopped caring. This was no longer necessary for her; as long as he was there, it was enough.

When did she start to get used to his presence? Misaki didn't know, but now that annoying clown wasn't so annoying anymore; he was her friend.

Misaki loved this clown as much as Dolly, but unlike Dolly, Misaki would never admit it. Misaki even swore in her heart that even if she were tortured, she would not admit it.

But now...

"Mission accomplished? Don't give me that bullshit! What is your mission!? Why did you suddenly appear?! Answer me!"

"You know that better than anyone..."

Shaking her head, Yuki became increasingly translucent, his existence smaller.


Seeing this, Misaki fell into despair again. She stepped away from Dolly and ran toward Yuki, trying to take his hand. Unfortunately, upon contact, Yuki's hand broke and dispersed into thousands of particles of light.

"No, no, don't go! It's about the cookies, right? You can have them! I'll buy you lots of cookies! But please don't go!"

Moving her hands in desperation, Misaki wanted to touch him, but she couldn't for fear that her body would collapse. She also remembered that they had strong arguments about who would eat the leftover cookies. Misaki even threatened to kick him out if he ate them again, now she was offering them...

Yuki, on the other hand, sighed. That's why he didn't like goodbyes; he preferred to leave quietly without anyone noticing.

Unfortunately, he no longer had the chakra to remain for another day.

Looking at Dolly still not waking up, Yuki smiled and looked back at Misaki in front of him.

"It's enough, Misaki. You don't need me by your side anymore. Remember, you have friends now."

The lonely Misaki even has a group of friends, and this was enough to protect Dolly.

And upon hearing this, Misaki stopped trembling, and her eyes became glassy. It was true; she was no longer alone.

"Don't forget your promise, Misaki...."

Taking the lead, Yuki leaned down and hugged Misaki one last time, who was stunned by this.

"Wahhhhh! How dare you! I won't forgive you! I swear I won't forgive you if you leave!"

"I'm sorry, but I no longer have the strength... One last piece of advice, don't trust this city, these white coats, don't be deceived. Don't let my teachings go to waste..."



With his body disappearing, Yuki dispersed into thousands of particles, and Misaki cried and screamed. After all, her arms lost support, and the lights were dissipating.

"Goodbye, Misaki... We'll meet again in the future..."

And so, Yuki's voice was carried away by the wind, while Misaki cried louder. Misaki could see that warm light that shone in the infinite darkness moving away from her, farther and farther, that even if she ran, Misaki couldn't reach it...

["Is she okay? Will the master return?"]

At the same time, as they returned to their timeline, Est couldn't help but ask. Yuki had literally left a girl crying for him, and for some strange reason, Est felt sorry for her.

[ "Hmp!"]

Even Eggy snorted at this. As always, that Uchiha man hurt the pure hearts of ladies...

"It's okay; I can't intervene anymore, or I'll change the future drastically, leaving a space-time hole, and Mother won't like this."

With time being so complex, Yuki could no longer intervene. Otherwise, it is possible that the will of the world would materialize and stop him, resulting in a strong argument between mother and son.


Author's Note: Misaki's story is not over yet. She has not lost the necklace yet, and there is still more to her character that remains to be read.

TN: Swear Yuki loves acting dying bro just running out of chakra and others be like "Nonono pls don't die" 😂

Also damn Misaki offering cookies

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