
the beginning.

Time Jump:

Summary of the Past Few Months:

Since the release of the album Strong, many music entities have reflected on how an album can be a market revelation. Inspired by rock albums, music magazines are showering praise on the music. Rock stations are tuning into the fresh system, rap flows, powerful hard music, and soft rock songs, along with new melodies, and defiant lyrics that captivate people.

NME (New Musical Express), under the guidance of Atlanta Records, was the first to pick up the pen and write a music review about the rock album. Each song starts from softer to more intense, in an order chosen by the own Jerry Wexler.

"Somewhere Only We Know" "Be Yourself" "In Too Deep" "Jimmy Eat World" "Like a Stone" "Can't Stop" "Seven Nation Army" "Enemy" "Teenagers" "Chop Suey!" "Clint Eastwood"

The New Musical Express magazine intrigued along with Atlanta Records, lavished praise on Billy's music. Even the directors couldn't resist the musical gem resonating. Comparisons were drawn to the best rock album since Nirvana's Nevermind in 1991, with excellent songs like "Smells Like Teen Spirit," "Come As You Are," "Lithium," and "Territorial Pissings" or compared to bands like Radiohead, The Clash, and AC/DC.


New Musical Express Magazine:

Exploring Musical Diversity: An Analysis of 11 Iconic Songs

Music is a vast ocean of sounds that encompasses a variety of genres, styles, and emotions. On this occasion, we venture to explore eleven iconic songs that have left an indelible mark on the contemporary music scene. From alternative rock to punk and pop-rock, these songs transport us to different sonic worlds, each with its own story and emotional power.

Starting with the first song, "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane, we begin our journey with an emotional ballad that transports us to a realm of melancholy and hope. Billy Carson's smooth and emotive voice intertwines with an ethereal melody, inviting us to reflect on the search for a sense of belonging in an unknown world. One of the favorite songs on the album, it transposes deep feelings about childhood, youth, love, and melancholy.

But that's not all; many songs shine for their mix of songs in an album that gains strength in numbers. "Chop Suey!" is an explosion of controlled chaos, an ode to alternative metal that defies conventions and established norms. With its abrupt rhythm changes and cryptic lyrics, this song plunges us into a journey through the darkest corners of the human mind.

From New Musical Express, we follow up with the lead single "Love Yourself," a song that crowned a unique style guided by hip-hop, but we have just discovered that the rising star has much more to give. Great songs containing all kinds of star singing; their melodic versatility reminds us of The Beatles. However, these propose styles that are completely different from a type of melody.


On the other hand, after a month of listening to the album and reviewing the music through a different lens, evaluating structure, nesting, and reaching a concept, Rolling Stones magazine pronounced its verdict on the album.

The most memorable words are "the best rock album of the 2000s" Since a forgotten Nirvana, the baton of rock was lost, a new contender is always something that calls to the rock culture. We hope the upcoming songs will surprise as much as the album.


Radio stations advertised songs, and many fans embodied rock at their parties, after-school evenings, gatherings, subway stations, rock circles, bars, and nightclubs. Billy's music began to reflect the popularity that only unrestrained marketing and talent for consensual lyrics in different styles coordinated to take off in the sky. They sold a total of 75,000 discs in the United States and $93,000 internationally.

Silver, gold, and platinum discs were achieved numerous times.

The 180,000 discs are a success as a whole, and sales just keep increasing. Success is already a reality for Atlanta Records, as all sales reached their outstanding point after two months, and the rise in sales continues. The same month that Connor left the correctional facility and was welcomed by Spencer, who took him to adapt to Billy's band as a gesture of help and a musical outlet. Spencer's interest is for Connor to leave behind the shackles of his parents, his family, and traditional emblems of a life that cannot be forgotten.

Over the next two months, Billy found himself entangled in some struggles, extending his sentence for several more months and missing the concert Jerry wanted him to attend. At that moment, the records sold in the country exceeded 238,000 in sales and 638,000 in international sales. Several of his songs appeared in the top 25 in the United States: "Somewhere Only We Know" – Keane reached number 28, "Be Yourself" reached number 23, "Like Stone" reached number 11, "In Too Deep" reached number 93, "Jimmy Eat World" reached number 63, "Seven Nation Army" reached number 42, "Clint Eastwood" reached number 24, "Teenagers" reached number 34, and "Can't Stop" reached number 17.

Remarkably, the album's ranking began to rise significantly, and it did not lose its popularity. As October passed and November passed, the number of sales reached 355,000 in the United States and 780,000 internationally.

By the end of December, popularity began to wane. But exactly on December 8, 2000, Billy left the correctional facility. As it turned out, he had no idea of the stir he caused, and even the most intrepid paparazzi didn't expect the best-selling artist in the United States to be under the duress of a correctional facility. He emerged taller, and more seasoned, with some battle scars from the solitude, the change, and numerous fights—a testament to the essence of rebellion learned in the correctional facility.

-Thank you, Mom, - said Billy.

-You're taller, you've surpassed me, - said Agustina, happily, in her new small 1998 Mazda, with a large trunk to fit all kinds of materials.

-How have our album sales been? - Billy asked, which was the only thing he asked his mother in the days to come, every time she visited.

His mother was beautiful, wearing a long white shirt with loose black sweatpants in layers.

-We're moving to New York! With the money earned, we can rent an apartment near the university center, in a nice area of Brooklyn. I think California has only brought us bad luck, and I don't know New York, although Jerry arranged a secretarial position for me at a New York newspaper, - said Agustina.

-Great, - said Billy.

-I know, it's great, and you don't have to worry in New York. We'll be very safe, and Atlanta Records isn't too far away. You can record and perform at some music events while pursuing your studies at home, - Agustina said, ecstatic. Her new job earnings were more than double the normal rates, and she managed to save enough money to pay for Billy's home study. What she didn't know was about the trust fund created by Jerry for Billy—a not-very-large inheritance from the album's profits. After subtracting the expenses provided by Atlanta Records, the trust fund would activate when Billy turned eighteen.

-Why was this type of economic activity carried out? - Billy can earn at concerts with the growing popularity, and he can perform at some concerts for a few thousand dollars. And that can be used in his everyday life. Like the poorly paid job waiting for his mother in New York, a deal that Agustina agrees with and supports 100%.

-So, sales are wonderful. I have some idea about the number of sales, but I'm not sure, - Billy asked.

-You have a diamond album, which means you sold at least 1,000,000 copies. You'll have to ask Jerry, and besides, that doesn't matter my child, - said Agustina.

-I see, so when are we going to New York? - Billy asked, surprised by the change of plans. The marvelous New York was less than a five-hour flight away.

-Well, I didn't want to part with my furniture. I have a moving service that will take our forgotten things in Los Angeles, like in my old days. Now we can go to the shopping city. They say fashion in New York, the universities, and the East Coast are different, although California has large Latino communities, New York is not far behind, - said Agustina.

-It sounds awesome... although I'll miss California, all my friends are there, our life, and what's wrong with it. I want to attend a music school, though I don't think I can. And I don't want to get in through connections, you see, mother, the downside of fame, - said Billy.

-Stop being so proud. If you have something, use it. I begged to attend a school, and you don't want connections. If you have something for you, just take it. And it doesn't matter if you start like this; it would be useless to be a rock superstar if you're afraid of a recommendation, - said Agustina, surprising Billy completely with the unexpected advice from his mother, which was to take advantage of his privileges, contrary to what he always thought he should follow. In his previous jobs and life, he always put his pride first.

-It's... - Billy tried.

-Pride leads nowhere... Billy, make the most of your life. Don't be afraid to fall in love, lose money, take risks, and soar, my love. If you want to stop being a musician, do it, travel the world with no responsibilities... just don't regret your life. And don't shun advantages. If they give you free food, accept it. My problem is that the men who help me usually want to sleep with me, - said Agustina.

-So, I should be shameless. You're asking me to be shameless, to free myself from the burden of stupidity, and follow my thoughts, - said Billy.

Agustina nodded, with courage and strength. She could understand that most of the time people get carried away by foolishness, just follow your heart, a piece of advice that Billy needs now that he's on the path to a bright future.

-I will, and I won't regret it, - said Billy.


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