
House Keeping, Unto War!!!

With the fractured demi-plane of Abeloth surrounding me I waved my hand and repaired the fragment of the realm of souls within this place. Celestial shards of time-space and reality melted together in a massive swirl around me. Spherical in shape the shards soon became a full dimension once more, the shape morphing and changing with the currents of time and space. Then imagination was connected once more to the dimension as the real realm of souls was forcefully connected. 

This connection strangely enough looked like a massive roiling storm of emotional energy... A tempest of unimaginable scale and depth. One could try to find the edge but it would be a hopeless venture as distance and mass was almost a comical aspect of the Realm of Souls. 

Digressing away from that, my system lit up with ominous red colours before also shining a deep cyan blue, the two colours meeting in the middle to form a neutral greyish palate. 

[Mission Completed- Become the Force ~ Rewards: 1,000,000,000,000 Reality Shards, Primordial Domain of the Force]

[1,678,542,980,850 + 1,000,000,000,000 = 2,678,542,980,850 Reality Shards ] 

My domain within the force was the omniscience that now prevailed my mind, a foreboding sense of understanding and seeing everything, constantly entuned to my vision. Besides this my power in creation had amplified by an absurd amount, my ability to form new species and planets making me almost in line with the definition that many Christians gave to God. I could snuff light, I could make light... I could make humans, I could end everything... Nothing was out of reach within Multiverses of certain power levels. 

Many were still dangerous to be, such as SCP, Doctor Who, Magic The Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, and of course, Warhammer... But other less insane places were trivial to me. Lucifer's Universe was a cakewalk now. The DC Multiverse, although still riddled with dangerous foes, allowed me to use the full range of my powers; unlike Warhammer. One would assume that arrogance would have set in by now, but strangely, no. I was completely calm and logical, the rune of my chest providing a superb amount of confidence and stalwartness. 

"Hmmm, this is intriguing... Maybe I should spend a little bit of time on Terra accommodating myself to these changes?'


After a singular second I returned to my office on Atlantis. One of my clones was working away at paperwork as it quickly dissipated and became one with me. With ease I slipped into its former position and began to chip away at social issues, economical issues and technological paths for the Veritas Imperium.

The Warhammer 40k series had been extremely popular with Henry Cavil becoming a billionaire within the first several months. The storyline of the show was based off of an Inquisitor fulfilling their duties whilst exploring the Hive Worlds and different political quagmires of the Imperium. Very little Space Marines were within said show but there were hundreds of small hints to those that knew the lore. Star Wars had also taken off, the sludge of Disney being completely purged on this planet as the stories of Star Wars now centred around Luke's founding of the Jedi Temple after destroying the Death Star, the relationship he fosters with an ex-sith and even the trials and tribulations of keeping the Galaxy at peace. 

I was happy with these outcomes as they had become pillars of Terra's Culture, cornerstones for the intelligent to latch onto and make progress for Humanity. At the same time these opposing shows started conversation about various social topics, whether aliens were good, were they bad... Some would see this as a negative conversation to have, but freedom of speech was a wonderful thing and would negate most of the extremist perspectives. 

Speaking about the film industry, it had blown up, big time. Hundreds of Movies were releasing around the planet every year. Thousands of shows and TV series were aired every day and there was even a massive push for TTRPGs to be taken up as official genres to be made movies on and series about. DND was the most popular and besides that there was also Pathfinder and Dagger Heart... People loved the personal interaction between the players in these games. And with the returning of culture to the world, these communities were completely booming. 

The Red light districts 9000 boogaloo were also going well. The number of births was staggering and lead to direct increase in population size. Sex workers had massive opportunity to find family and, unburdened by sexual diseases, their work was much safer. Hospitals were thriving also, their technological level now to the stage that cancer was easily cured and almost every disease from Earth was codified and solved. Paralysis could be fixed immediately now, unobtrusive nanite-fuelled brain chips allowing the brain to communicate to any part of the body wirelessly. 

Consciousness was enhanced as well, these chips and the massive changes to technology as we see it, allowing humanity to access the internet with their minds. Pay games with their minds. And even have phone calls, all within, their minds. 

As awesome as that was, that wasn't he most shocking thing. Humanity, along with the Twi'leks and the Light Elves had begun to procreate with one another. Half-elves had officially been born not but two months before this. Twi'lek and Human couples had also had children by this point. This was shocking due to the difficulty of different species procreating with one another in a safe way that ensured no genetic mismatch within the fetus. But! This had been done safely and apparently there was a 100% compatibility between High-Human physiology and Elven physiology! Twi'lek physiology was a little lesser in compatibility but the side effects of such a union were easily fixed with the aid of futuristic health systems that were in place. 

I was so excited to see this that I thought of creating a park to commemorate this massive milestone. Which I immediately put into writing and chose to make the centre of Australia a massive sprawling park that could be visited by any Veritas Citizen. Uluru would become a symbol to the unity between species and the awesomeness of the Imperium itself. Besides that little venture, I also began to sign off on varying social projects that included continent-wide public services maintenance. Every Continent had begun to vote upon which city would be referred to as the capital of said continent. 

Europe's choices were: Berlin, Paris, Rome, London or Brussels.

North America's Choice was essentially, Washington DC.

South America's had already come in as, Brasília.

Asia had some problems and couldn't choose between: Beijing, Tokyo, Taiwan, Singapore, Moscow or New Delhi. Votes were still being tabulated.

Oceana had already chosen Sydney as the capital, Canberra being abandoned as the capital when the corruption was revealed several years ago now.

Africa had chosen Cairo, with most of the population of Africa no longer starving but choosing to stay cordoned off from the majority of the world stage... An exception did lie within Wakanda, but they refused to help the rest of Africa, seeing them as a nuisance more than an aid.

And oddly enough, there were now floating cities being built in Antarctica, fuelled by companies that wished to mine for resources and exploit Oil deposits for more complicated processes. This newly colonized continent had a single city called Emelia... I know, it was a bit on the fucking nose, but it wasn't my decision. Apparently many people who lived in said city were devout believers in me and wished to dedicate the city to, well, me. It was oddly flattering but also a little concerning that I'd have to live with that name being always present as a city name; being Immortal and all...

Finally, after scrolling through the enormous amount of documents and suggestions I reached the end... The progress reports for all of the megastructures were in the positive. The orbital ring would be finished in around two months, the speed increasing exponentially as basic military vessels were repurposed for Civilian use. The VR world had become globe spanning and had instant connection between different nodes, lag being eradicated and response times reaching the peak of human perception... There were entire Call of Duty games played in VR now, the players themselves acting like soldiers whilst playing... Omnidirectional treadmills and such were used to accomplish this and honestly it was doing wonders for military training as many people who played call of duty began to enlist in the military... A sneaky thing from me that trained all COD players in basic shooting, movement, clearing, breaching, ordinance... etc... And thus, the military of the Veritas Imperium at a staggering six-hundred million people enlisted, the total population of Terra now reaching a mind-blowing 9 Billion.

Just as I finished a message came through from Solaris station, the figure of Roboute Guilliman staring back at me as the hologram shot out from my tablet display.

"Emelia, I trust you are well?"

"I am fine Roboute, what's wrong...?"

"I spoke with, br- Sanguinius. He said that you are now his sister and that we have a new family member..."

He let his words drag for a few moments as an inkling of hidden curiosity and worry twinkled in his bright blue eyes. His body exuded power as his armour gleamed with blue and golden gleams. Body language was all but smothered by the training and armaments that he carried upon him.

"Yes, Sanguinius has accepted me as a sister of sorts. We have discussed this at length and I have decided to bring the family back together..."

"All of them...?"

"Mmm, all of them."

"We don't need Conrad, he is, revolting."

"I disagree, as does Sanguinius. Everyone of them deserves a chance to come back to the Imperium of Man. Chaos corrupted their souls and minds, they had very little choice in the matter and when they did make a choice it was made from deceit, delusion, madness or betrayal. Erebus was the main one who caused the entire Horus Heresy."

The mention of Erebus caused Guilliman to tense as his power-fist crackled in molecular energy.

"You mean to tell me...-"

"Yeah, the Emperor knew all along. But he was playing the long game, he saw only one possible future where Humanity could win... And thus he threw everything he could at that single prospect. A very brave and noble decision to make really."

"B-but the decisions he has made! The lives he has thrown away! The sons that he has intentionally lost and thrown onto the coals of war and death!?"

"All worth it. Think of it from a species perspective Roboute. If there was no Humanity, his sons wouldn't survive anyway. If humanity didn't thrive then there would be no place for the species in the Galaxy. Eldari, Necrons, Orks, Chaos, Tyranids, C'tan, Old Ones... None would care for the plight of a 'primitive species'. In fact, they would abuse said species until it served their purposes no longer."

Silence prevailed him for many minutes, my patience being all encompassing as the symbol on my clavicle slowly thrummed away with soothing energy.

"Sister. We must meet again, it is finally good to have someone tell me what has been happening behind closed doors..."

"Heh, brother, you worry too much. But sure! We'll meet soon, my armada will be coming to aid the Imperium soon."

"Very well. I shall see you shortly."

The feed cut off and silence took the room. A new report flowed down my tablet's screen, showing a massive completion list from Justiciara. The new ships had been completed, the titans had been manufactured, and a new technology that allowed ships to travel in nothingness had been developed.

'Heh, time to set the Warp on Fire and cast the Tyranids into the furnace of damnation!'


Hope you all enjoyed, please leave a comment, a power stone and if you really care... Have a check out of my patreon! https://www.patreon.com/c/user/membership?u=111976696 

Thank you all and have a good day/night!!!

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