
Spending Time with Family (Part 1)

After my ears were blown out by the loud ass response from my women we all decided to immediately start visiting the parents of some of my wives. Specifically: Xavier for Jean, Nikolai, Alexandra and Piotr for Illyana, Ivald for Idun, Monsieur Delacour and Apolline Delacour for Fleur, Winston and Hazel Frost for Emma and Loki for Hel and Hela. The rest of my wives were all either created by me or had suffered family losses in their early life, Blink being such an example with Sol also being the same.

Thinking of meeting these people made my stomach all queasy, except for Piotr and Illyana's parents. Loki was okay to meet and he didn't give any fucks, so he was fine too but the rest I hadn't even met. Fortunately I had saved Nidavellir and therefor Idun's mother, otherwise I would have felt horrible. Fleur's parents were an unknown to me, the movies were never clear about side characters and I never read the books. At this moment I was individually going to take my wives to their families, the decision being made without my own agreement as they all thought it would be more respectful. Nodding along in agreement I waved goodbye to my children as I was dragged by Illyana to go grab Piotr, who had been staying with her parents for a protracted period of time, apparently content in living his life normally. 

'Lucky bastard...'

"Emelia, did you just think something bad?" 

Shaking my head and placating Illyana I soon sighed in relief as she let it up. She was way too damn sensitive to my emotions and thoughts sometimes, it made me question whether I was the more powerful one or not. A flash of blue emerged and consumed our figured before we both emerged on top of the Siberian snow. In front of us was a large wood manor with warm interior lighting, snow piling on the heated tile roof and dripping down into icicles off to the side.

|Completion of Main Task has been accomplished, congratulations for your Imperium's Victory.|

I smiled as Illyana walked ahead of me, my hand clasped in hers tightly. Through the windows one could see small bits of furniture and movement, the winter air frigidly wafting into my nostrils and through my dress. Usually it would make someone cold but it was as if a slight dampness had hit me before turning to vapor. Slowly we trundled up to the front door of the manor, Illyana knocking rather loudly onto the door with an impressive amount of control. Apparently she had been training... 'I should've paid more attention, god I am shit as a partner...'

Illyana turned and frowned at me before smacking the top of my head. Shocked by her action I widened my eyes. 

"Stop being stupid. You are the best partner, just look at our situation..." I couldn't fault the logic so I just stayed quiet, almost in a beaten way. Looking at me she just seemed frustrated, her hand slipping to my sides and her lips touching mine for a few seconds before pulling back. 

"Calm down honey, we all love you and understand what is at stake. Warhammer showed us what you are fighting for all of our sakes. Don't fret so much." Rotating her head towards the front door of the manor the door opened, revealing the beautiful figure of Alexandria who was an older but more graceful looking Illyana in looks. Her eyes lit up with excitement, her cold-red cheeks blushing at me and Illyana's presence.

"Finally! You have come back to say hello!" She leapt out and hugged Illyana. With intense stress I summoned Aurora and Eternia, mine and Illyana's children. I hadn't shown them to her parents yet and honestly this was a good chance to have some close family time. My children were a little stunned at suddenly being yanked from their play with their mothers but quickly adapted when they saw their biological mother hugging a woman who looked older than her and the same as her. Staring at me they giggled before running up to me and jumping onto my shoulders, both of them using levitation magic to do so. It didn't even take a moment for Alexandria to notice the little munchkins, shock painting her face before extreme judgement came over it. Yeah you could say she was constantly changing emotions.

"Illyana...! What haven't you told us?" Illyana went pale as I stepped forwards, my little goblins laughing a little at the situation they had gotten me in. 'Little punks think their intelligent huh...? We'll see...'

`Stop thinking that and come up with a reason to my mother, NOW!`

Gulping I too turned pale and began speaking.

"Sorry mother... It is my fault... We had the kids five years ago." She got even more demonic in emotion as extreme anger flushed through her entire being, her Husband instinctually sensing it and looking out of a window on the second level.

"I can explain why we haven't had time though..." Thus I began a long explanation of who i was now and what my job was. At first she didn't believe me but my kids finally helped out and showed some images of me giving grand speeches and also showed some images of me commanding the Dark Justiciar. I didn't know where they got the footage but I was immensely happy for their support. Pissed although she still may be, but now she was much more understanding of the why. 

"I don't like that we have been kept out of the loop for a long time. Mmm, I'll forgive you, if you allow me to carry my two little grandkids..." A smile graced her face as she looked at the two little girls that sat on my shoulders. My kids didn't even hesitate and jumped onto her shoulders, using magic to ensure that they didn't hurt her in any way. Immediately she was much more hospitable, Illyana looking at me with relief. 

"Ah! Sister! It's good to see you again. Emelia! It is good to meet you once more." His English was much better now and his accent was a little more removed, a feature that was sad but also understandable as it had been five years since he had begun learning English properly.

"Piotr, it's good to see you again. How have you been?" He shrugged a little as he tensed his metallic muscles and skin.

"Not bad. I am still as refined as I was before. In fact, i have been getting a little bored sitting around here. Mother and Father have been rather, 'busy', in the attempt to make a third child." Alexandria and Nikolai blushed as Alexandria in specific started to hurriedly usher us all inside for a catch up. To be honest I didn't really want to know that either but Illyana just shrugged whilst looking at her brother.

"Got lazy brother... You haven't visited the school in a while." He scratched his head with his right hand awkwardly, looking to me to save him. In this he was alone however as I was dragged away by Alexandria who wished to know everything that had happened in these past five years. Getting distracted by her I soon ended up telling her most of the more basic information, foregoing many details about a great many things. She seemed intently interested for most of it, especially when it came to her grandkids. One by one she learned all the names of my kids, going so far as promising a tattooed name for each of them on her arm. Trying to dissuade her proved impossible however as she just doubled down and decided to do it more. Yeah, she was definitely Illyana's mother. 


`Come on love, you know I am right...`


`Love you...`

I made the image of me kissing her transmit through our link and felt her similar response. At the same time Aurora was walking around, interested in everything related to her grandmother and grandfather. There was hunting rifles secured tightly onto walls and animal heads. Besides that there was also small doll figures, stitched by Alexandria personally; made for her grandkids if she were to ever have any. Eternia was also interested but preferred to talk to Alexandria than to explore, her attitude seemingly being to get to know her own grandmother.

 Watching my kids being so loving despite the fact they hadn't seen my wife's parents made my heart warm, my conviction to protect them all becoming more and more solidified; even more than it already was. Nikolai was next as he guided Aurora around, my little girl asking question after question about the animals he hunted and why he did it. She was always inquisitive and Nikolai seemed to appreciate that, realising that she was a little genius from the moment he explained something she began to connect the dots and make assumptions that were almost all 80-90% correct.

Soon Piotr and Illyana joined me, Alexandria and Nikolai in the lounge room, coffees being summoned by me in an instant. Piotr took it in stride and just sat down, enjoying the considerate coffee. Alexandria and Nikolai however were a little stunned at my ease of using magic compared to when I last did in front of them. At this moment they also began to notice that my kids summoned their own orange juices, unphased by the cold temperatures.

"A-ah, have they learnt magic already?"

"Yes... My master has been teaching them and instilling discipline into them. Of course she has been taking it easy, but luckily for me and my wives the children are all super well behaved. Hell, I'd say they are geniuses but I don't want to toot their horns too much, less they become arrogant." My kids eyes glazed over a little at some of the words I was using but they knew I was talking about them in a good light.

"I see. It sure has been a while since we last saw you both. How have you been?"

I looked at Illyana and she looked back at me before we both sighed openly, our frustration leaking out somewhat.


Piotr nodded before gawking at some of the images Aurora summoned up, particularly the one pertaining to my fight with the Tyranid Hive Mind above that one Imperial planet. I couldn't fucking remember its name... All well...

"As you can see. Aurora, stop that please, we don't show such scenes while drinking, okay?" She lowered her head as if she had been scolded, ending the illusion in seconds as Eternia patted her shoulder. They were almost like comedians in their physical actions and attitudes but I kept a straight face.

"You didn't do anything too bad Aurora, just ask if people want to see it next time, okay?" She lightened up a little and nodded at me.

"Yes mum!" Alexandria and Nikolai almost melted at her words and reaction as Illyana smiled kindly from the side. I figured I had handled that well, I was happy that she was such a good girl.

"Good, love you..." I clasped the back of her head and gave her a kiss on the forehead before retracting and going back to conversation.

"Anyway... As you could see, we were busy."

"What were they Emelia?" Piotr asked as he set down his coffee, intrigue oozing from him in droves as I could also feel boredom behind his question. He was itching to do something, to help in some way. Alexandria and Nikolai were also interested while Illyana was giving me a concerned look.

"Illyana, I can't lie to them..." She looked at all of them before becoming pouty, yeah she was still cute but I would probably pay by going without snu snu for a while.

"You see...

From that point on I began to explain the enemies we face and the scope of dangers that are surrounding us. I didn't hold back in my information as I also allowed my kids to listen in. I didn't want to be one of those parents that hid shit from their kids, that type of action almost always lead to misunderstandings and issues down the road.

"Hoh, that is a lot Emelia..."

"Yeah, it is."


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