
The Imperial Palace

Here is an extra chapter! Thank Tryhard_007, he bought me out with 3 Power Stones. Hpe you enjoy!


Stepping out from the relatively cramped transport we were met with a massive mass of well-dressed and erudite looking people. Outfits from seemingly the 1700's and even before that were on display as if it was the norm. Selene was looking at all of this in utter amazement, her voice lightly picking out each style and type of clothing.

Shouts of reverence and piety were bleated out in a massive scream of thousands of voices. Alongside these watchers were the hundreds of Arbites, their armour tightly fitting to their forms as they carried lasguns. In several places many Arbites held back the crowd as they tried to get closer to a representation of the Emperor's might, Guilliman. This was the section which was least guarded as down several levels of the city were millions of people being held back by an equivalent force of Arbites and Imperial Guard. 

The screaming of prayers and exclamations increased as not so far from where we landed the massive Custodes, the Emperor's hand crafted Space Marines, methodically moved forwards. One Custodes stood out from the rest as his massive form was similar to Guilliman, if not a bit wider of frame. Constantin Valdor the captain general of the Custodes, the Emperor's Right hand. In Medieval times he would be considered an executioner or an advisor, he was the mail about the Emperor's fist and the siege device in the Emperor's Arsenal. At least that was how his position was described within the Imperium, whether this was true or not was waiting to be seen.

Striding forwards to meet him Guilliman greeted the man and extended his hand for a small handshake. Constantin accepted the gesture, finishing it in less than a second before turning his gaze at me, his eyes like those of a falcon, his expression as unknowable as a wizened sage. His face was all steely angles and masculine definition, muscle almost discernible beneath his bright, gleaming, golden Power Armour.

The Armour itself was a statement as it held so much detailing and filigree that you would think they were a piece of artwork before considering they were 8-10 foot tall Gods. Amongst the intricately designed armour were symbols of the Imperial Aquilla and the specific variety of the Custodes they served, Constantin have a pure golden colour scheme due to his position as right hand of the Emperor. As for the two other Custodes that were beside the captain general, they had different coloured parts that denoted the Shield Host they were part of. One had purple as their secondary colour, denoting that they were from The Aquilan Shield. The other Custodes was wearing a pure black alongside the golden, his Shield host being called the Dread Host.

Following Guilliman we stepped forwards, the Custodes taking me and my wives' physical appearance into their eidetic minds, a record that each of them would make a record of in archives soon after they got time to themselves. 

"Greetings Captain General... I have come here to introduce these allies to the Emperor of Mankind."

The Captain general instantly became weary and began to scan us from head to toe with his bright blue eyes. The other Custodes to his side tightened their grip on their Guardian Spears, the chain on the end of the staffs lightly whirring. 

"Your reason... Primarch...?" He almost spat the word Primarch as his eyes showed his mistrust and disgust at the idea of foreign entities entering the sacred hall of the Emperor of Mankind. 

"They have offered to aid us in our conflicts and have already aided us in stopping the Tyranids on a planet called Redna. This also comes from a sense I get from them that comes from somewhere within my psyche, as if Father is telling me to believe in them." At this statement Constantin furrowed his brows his own expression becoming a mix between mistrust and faith.

"I see... They shall only be allowed under the guard of Custodes and yourself. If they make a move against the Emperor or any citizen on Terra, they will be cut down." His tone was unquestionable as it came with a grit only seen by people who had slaughtered entire species. I felt my own brows furrow as Hela and Selene looked at the Godly golden man with chagrin. 

"As if they could..." Hela murmured, her words weren't unheard either as one of the Custodes lightly lowered his Guardian Spear, not immediately threatening violence but promising it if we continued speaking in that way. In the heart of their power, it was better not to test them... As one of the worst people in history of Earth said: Number have a quality all their own. I hated quoting Stalin but it made complete sense in this scenario.

"Hela, please keep your thoughts to yourself, we are here to gain their trust and to gain the Emperor's acceptance." She looked hurt as she heard me say that in a monotone voice, she looked on the edge of exploding on me when Selene tapped her on the shoulder and walked away for a second, the ancient Human woman having to explain to the previously Asgardian woman the gravitas of the situation and why I acted that way. The Captain general watched all of this and heard what I had said, his expression returning to normal as he turned around, the other Custodes following him.

"Follow... We shall go to the palace... Do not dawdle." Moving forwards at an even pace the streets passed by. Streets were more like massive bridges between Hive tiers as we slowly got closer and closer to the palace. The transport was not allowed to go straight to the palace because of safety protocols and the danger in allowing such things, especially considering the Golden Throne's importance.

Our path was unbarred and fully supported by the Custodes themselves and the Arbites. All of them ready for the crowds and people of Terra. Finally after half an hour of walking we finally reached a silent area, the roads cleared of the din and the view of the palace unabated. 

'Interesting... I thought that Terra would have more people in these sections. Maybe they have pushed these people out for today? How did they know...? The Emperor... You sneaky bastard. Hehehe.'

Finding hilarity in the level of prep he put into this situation I couldn't help but slip a little giggle, my wives looking at me quizzically, as if asking what I found funny. Cawl looked on at me with his various implements lightly buzzing. The Captain General turned his head as he walked, watching me as I held my mouth. Guilliman just continued to walk.

"What do you find funny, human?"

"Pf- I find your Emperor's care for diplomacy very endearing... He put all of this together didn't he? We came here so quickly that without a prior warning you would have no way to prepare for us." My words made his head straighten a touch as Guilliman now turned to me in surprise. 

"What do you mean father-"

"Heh, your father isn't as dead as you think he is. He is alive within the warp and his soul, although fragmented, is still perfectly intelligent and intact. Knowing that I was coming here he decided to organise his own forces. Why do you think the Captain General came to meet us as soon as we appeared? Usually it would dignitaries or the High Lords... Then we would struggled to get away from the Nobles until eventually we could get to him. This way? yeah, I'll meet him in less than a day."

Everybody seemed to slowly process what I was saying as the monumentally massive Imperial Palace expanded out in my vision. We were on a massive Bridge that lead into the front of the Palace. Imperial Aquilas and banners flew from every side of the bridge as the Palace itself gleamed in gold. Light sparkled off of gothic architecture as multi-hundred story towers and spires reached up towards the sky.

Castle buildings and other structures of similar dramatic architecture splayed out around the central palace as in the distance hymns and other chants were echoing into the massive green-lit space. The scale was off the charts and made my 'palace' back in Atlantis seem as if a cabin in the woods.

'It's time...'

Seeing a golden glow in the distance I witnessed the form of a large glowing man, made of pure white light, gazing out from the entrance to the Palace, his eyes matching stares with my own.

'Being that is similar to me... Meet me within.' 


I have another Fan Fic called: A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord, please check it out here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-new-life-beyond-realms-tensura-x-overlord_29310820600463405

Thanks for all of the power stones and support! 

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