
Sending the Kids on Their Way, Striking whilst the iron is hot

After eating their ice-creams I brought them back to the apartment where I dumped all of the books onto them and told them to read them. Corrin and Elijah seemed really bored when looking at the books so i promised them that if they were to complete the books and show me what they had learnt I would make a cool weapon for each of them. I also offered the same treatment to all of my kids as I spread the message amongst their teachers, my wives, that they would gain a custom weapon from me if they achieve all of the skills taught to them.

The weapons would all be somewhat unique but wouldn't be amazing, they are just kids and needed something to use to learn martial arts. My offer of making weapons for them made them burgeon with joy as they gave me big hugs and started to dance. The munchkins sure were energetic and cute... After that they ran to their rooms and started to read through the books. I had given them all of the spatial books, the books being useful to Corrin and also Elijah as they dealt with possible enemies he could face in the future.

Soon after I left them be, with Pixel staying home to look after them I quickly disappeared and emerged within the control room of the Fortress Ascendant. Milling around me were hundreds of personnel and various automatons following orders. The entire room had been decorated, polished and cleaned to perfection as it now shined with a dark black and luminescent white sheen. Standing in the middle of the room was Kali, who was taking a break day from training our children. Currently she was communicating with several different generals, admirals and Space Sovereigns; Space Sovereigns being the equivalent rank of admiral for the space force, newly implemented after some of the latest changes to the military.

In the middle of their conversation was a large holographic display of the Solar system. Countless points across the solar map were alight with orange and gold hues, little fortification tags and symbols glowing alongside them. They were currently planning the defence stations, relays and bastions for the defence of the solar system if need be. On the solar map there were 8 gateway symbols, representing wormhole junction points that were going to be added to assist is Multiversal travel, universal travel and ultimately civilian FTL trading. We would reserve the wormhole drives of the military solely to the military and Spy agency of the Veritas Imperium. 

Knowing that their conversation was important I waited off to the side and decided to greet some of the regular staff here, shaking hands and greeting them all. There was a large scene with some of the military staff taking careful footage of me greeting their fellow co-workers. It turned into a pseudo-publicity stunt as after several minutes the streams had blown up, millions of people watching from home, or out an about. Numerous minutes later and I had finished my little meet and greet, finally being beckoned over by Kali who had an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry Emelia, I hope we didn't keep you long..."

"Don't be silly love...-" I gave her a large kiss on the lips before retracting. "You could never make me wait too long, I'd go to the end of time just to wait if i had to." She seemed to like that and blushed somewhat before lightly turning and beckoning me towards the central holographic display.

Stepping up to the place she had indicated I soon saw a large plan dictating the defence of the Solar System, amongst several mining operations that would start to be implemented by the civilian sector. I knew of the civilian mining operations as I had also seen requests for a civilian space station for the crews of said ships and the future space commerce industry. I had agreed to the proposal and had given a timeline of a month or two, one of the space dockyards being used to create the pieces for said station.

"We have planned out the defences of the solar system honey, it is modest at best, but it will do in the case of imminent invasion by the Ori. Also, we have been in contact with Ryloth and have ensured the security of the planet, they are now being educated in our ways, our entertainment is being slowly integrated into their cultures and religions. I envision, that within the next year or two, more Twi'leks will be considering themselves Imperium Citizens than Rylothians." She seemed super happy about the achievement as this had been one of the first assignments i had given her that she had full control over. Witnessing her need for praise I romantically scooped my arm behind her back and bent her backwards over the projector, kissing her and dipping my tongue into her mouth; I had cloaked us with an illusion set to make people see what they perceived we were supposed to be doing. She blanched and blushed as she looked around, only to notice the lack of response from passing officers and staff.

"Emelia...! Don't do that here!"

"Okay, okay, fine... Later then."

She frowned before sighing and nodding, a flicker of excitement and expectation brewing within her subconscious. We continued to talk about the defences and I introduced the idea of speaking with Odin in gaining the support of the Vanir, Light Elves and his people to create a tri-part defence centred around their own individual planets.


The conversation went on for a long while until I eventually brought up the idea of going to Warhammer 40k for a small trip. I was just planning on sussing out the power scale there and any limitations i could pose there. The limited time I had spent in Warhammer being insufficient to make an actual analysis and reach a full understanding of what we were potentially getting ourselves wrapped up in.

I had made my case and she was still hesitant, but, after some 'sensual diplomacy' I finally convinced her to let me have ten ships to go and explore Warhammer.

'Yatta! Let's go see if it is as bad as the books say it was.'


Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know of anything from Warhammer you would like to see, I may or may not add it... Also, I do not own Warhammer 40k or Warhammer, I only own the characters that I have personally made. Second of all, I do not claim to have 100% knowledge of Warhammer 40k law, if I get things wrong please understand that this is a fan fiction and that it is possibly an AU... Thank you all once again. Chapter 301 BABY!

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