
Space Therapy... What a day

"How dare you insinuate that I am related to this monster!"

Leia's shrieking voice carried through the chamber as the pain of losing her family and people presented its fangs at this moment. I thought of using a cheesy line like 'Search your feelings' but decided against it. I refocused on Anakin, Vader as he was known now.

"Padme had two children before dying of birth complications, due to your own use of the force against her, one was named Leia and given to the Organas for adoption, the other was named Luke and given to your family on Tatooine."

The breathing returned once again as i felt his pain amplify just that little bit more. He was a pathetic existence now, filled with hate and rage... He was only a fragment of what he had used to be, he needed to heal. Luckily for him I am the Primordial of Emotion and could help him slowly recover.

"That is false!"

"Leia, you are clouded by your own emotions currently..." I focused in on her mind and sent her a psychic message.

`Your planet and family are fine, i saved them before they were destroyed.`

She looked confused, beyond confused, turning to me she looked at me as if i was a strange creature that had just appeared. Ultimately she must have decided to link me with the Jedi or something akin to it as she started to clam down. Her eyes were stone cold and serious as she lightly bit her bottom lip to stop herself from asking. Anakin stepped forwards and lit up his lightsaber, the rest of the people in the room moving to the outskirts and even outside of the room. Quizzically i gazed at him, i could feel that he didn't want to do this but if he did not the Emperor would assume his betrayal. A stupid mind set, but one that was forever on his broken being.

"The emperor cannot harm you Anakin, he cannot stop you from rejecting the dark side. All you need to do is, not reject your emotions, but to accept them and find balance between your dark side and your light." A dark shadow slowly emanated from behind him as I saw the 'Son' emerge. He looked pissed off and just a little bit peeved. 

"Bitch! Who are you and why are you interfering!?" I snapped my fingers in response and sealed all of his powers, shattering this fragment of the being that was the representation of the dark side. Yes, strangely enough, Father, Son and Daughter were once primordial beings but were shattered by the mother and forced into fragments of themselves, doomed to look over all of the Star Wars Multiverse.

This fragment of the son quietened and went extremely pale as in the next second I blasted him away from this material realm and into the realm of souls. I turned back to Anakin, both him and Leia seeing nothing of this exchange.

"I...What, is the, point...?" Anakin seemed defeated and nihilistic in his view as he immediately became depressed, his thoughts unable to escape the intricate prison that had been created by Emperor Palpatine. 'Even his fucking name disturbs me, who the fuck trusts a guy with that sort of name?' Leia seemed to be focused on me and Anakin's exchange as she began to witness the change in the 'dark lord of the sith'. Yes my words were working but I needed to break the mental conditioning of Palpatine.

"Think Anakin, think... He used you! He moulded your ideas, ideals, manipulated your connections to your mentor and the Jedi council for his own benefit. He promised you salvation for your wife, instead he couped the Republic and twisted it with the Sith Doctrines. He destroyed your relationships, including the one with your very own master. You were brothers and under his control you attacked him... Snap the fuck out of it."

I could feel a monumental turmoil within him as he slowly raised his hands to his helmet, as if it were a face and began to mourn the stupidity he had fallen to. His emotions were chaotic and despotic as he dropped his lightsaber onto the ground, it was working. Tarkin was off to the side of the room, i could see him looking absolutely livid. With one small movement I snapped the man's neck and left him a dead corpse, consuming his soul as recompense for the deliberate act of trying to destroy Alderaan. Leia saw this and cracked a small smile before refocusing on me, specifically me this time.

Anakin was a wreck now, he could not focus and his connection to the dark side of the force was being slowly whittled away by his lack of care for it. His emotions had turned from the more malevolent ones to a strong sense of depression and wanting to make things right in some way. I smiled at this as I slowly walked up to him. The reason i smiled was because a certain star vessel had just been captured by the Death Star and a unique presence in the force appeared amidst the ship. Anakin looked up and seemed to almost cry, the noise unheard by the people around as his mechanical breathing stunted it.

"Master... What, have I, done...?"

"Let's go meet him, bring Leia. You will meet your son today. Leia, you will meet your brother." Leia seemed surprised by the sudden call out of her name but reluctantly nodded as she tried to stand up, her arms bound. Anakin slowly stood, grabbing his lightsaber and looking down at it for a time. I watched carefully as his emotions turned sporadic and painful, finally however he tightened his grasp around it before throwing it away, the lightsaber rattling against the side of the room. I secretly grabbed it and stored it away, having Darth Vader's lightsaber would be cool as fuck, 'I'll make it a mantle piece'. I slowly walked up to Leia and helped her to her feet, she was stunningly beautiful and seemed to sport a rather lithe a feminine figure, it made me a little hot just thinking about spending a night with her. Before things could get out of hand I cleansed my emotions and just helped her settle herself.

Anakin had already taken off ahead of us, his intense desire to confess his sins to his master evident from his emotions. 'Fucking hell am I good, maybe Lucifer had a point when he took over the Therapy for hell, it does feel good to help people free themselves from their stupidity' , 'That reminds me, i need to go to another Therapy session soon.'

I walked by the side of Leia as we followed a metre behind Anakin, who was pushing soldiers and other high ranking officers out of the way. One of them looked panicked though as he shouted out.

"But My Lord! The Emperor calls for you!"

Standing near to him I grasped him by the front of his shirt and waved my hand.

"You will take me to the room where the Emperor wishes to interface with Darth Vader."

"I will take you to that room." He started to stumble off as Leia began to follow me and the officer. Anakin had ignored the man and had worked his way towards his master, his true master. (Author Note: As in the master who trained him and raised him.)


I caught up to the sleep I had been lacking, so hopefully i will be able to deliver better content from now on!

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Special thanks to all of my soldiers for giving their power stones in support of the war effort!:

- Hello_dea

- Aaeru

- Avendriel

- Wizardlyllc

- Dark_mexican4

- Hello_dea

- LoneWolf_3000

- Poseydonx_Uzumaki

- Phohn

- JustLor

- Rakshahsa

- GoldenLeafGrass

- Jager_Serpent

- Br4mb0r

- dagoyaju

- Colin_Hilterhaus_7729

- EclipsingShadow

- florian_lautenbach

- Al_Folt

- Ukamaka_Festus

- hiatusy

- DuchessKolslaw

- KaineX15

Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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