
Adopting Hinata

During the three days after coming back from Naruto me and my family welcomed a guest/potential adoption. Hinata had woken up a day after I had saved her, her habit of constantly fainting making it so that she didn't wake up for more than a couple minutes. 

The only reason she was able to talk to us was because I used my emotion domain to stabilize her thoughts and soul, anchoring them to a single though in her brain. Was this slightly invasive, yes, does it help her be a normal human being? Also yes.

"...W-who a-re y-y-you all?" Her voice was calm and soothing despite the stutters and breaks in her words as she nervously bit her tongue sometimes. My wives melted when they saw the cute display and ended up turning around and breathing deeply to stop themselves from leaping at her.

"I am the one who saved you, Emelia... You are now safe from your 'family'."

"S-so... I-i won't be tortured anymore?" I smiled and walked forwards in a kind way, my posture showing a lack of intention to hurt. She still backed away but she stopped as I gave her a hug.

"No, you won't be tortured again. In fact, they can never touch you again, not now that you are a part of my family." She blanched at that and almost slipped into unconsciousness. Some of my women laughed and chuckled, finding the ball of cuteness called Hinata contagiously fluffy.

"W-w-why, would y-you, want, someone like m-me?" Her face was threatening to pour out tears as she grasped onto my clothes as if I was the only thing that could saver her from a storm or flood. I rubbed her back and tightened the hug a little, not too much as to break her, just enough to convey my feelings on the matter.

"Because you are a wonderful girl, strong, persevering, hopeful and cute. Who wouldn't want you to be their daughter? And if your family were among those than they don't deserve to be called family." She burst into tears as i continued as my wives all came and joined in the hug, each of them showing different levels of reactions. Idun was in tears as Jean was stoically hugging the poor girl. Illyana was upset but mainly pissed at her past family. Skadi, kali and Pixel were all stalwart and strong looking as they just nodded and joined in the group hug. Selene wasn't here, the same with Fleur as they were both working together to hunt down the Externals.

"C-c-c-c-can, I *Hic* really, have, happiness?" Her eyes were red as water leaked from them down her small pert face, the red flushing through her face as pain oozed from her gaze. I looked down at the small girl, my daughter, and just smiled before giving her a small kiss on the forehead, retracting it moments later.

"Of course. You are my daughter, if you can't have happiness who else can?"


Like that we had gained another daughter to the already long list. Luckily when we introduced her to my actual daughters she was easily accepted and brought into the children's circle, showing her games they play and thing they consider cool. The boys were especially funny as they tried to show off their strength despite having really small bodies... My kids were weird, unique, and i loved them for it.

I was also pulled into the fun as I got dragged through several tea parties and was made to answer several phone calls on fake phone. My children were intelligent but still liked to pretend that they were adults despite not being adults, like most kids. Some of my kids were actually following me as an example and had sat down with a lot of books, reading them over before talking to each other about the books... Now the books were just children's stories but It was still an interesting hobby.

This made me think about the way that Atlantis could be expanded and developed. The city was massive, granted, but it was still not what I saw as a capital city of the world. It needed to be grandiose and magnificent, it needed t exemplify humanity to the peak. Our will, our strength, our perseverance and our intelligence.

I soon started to make plans for large scale updates, upgrades and development of certain segments of the city. I also had plans for mega structures and an interconnected Highway across the world, using hard light technology, shielding and gravity manipulators. To many species making a highway around the world would seem idiotic, but to me, it was a Tuesday!

I spoke with my wives about the idea and how it was inspired and they loved it. Having a highway around the world would cease the need for large scale shipping and increase the amount of connectivity. There were some concerns about maintaining road rules but ultimately I decided to use my OP bullshit powers to design automatons that were speed cameras, recording devices, security and Police force. Following that I designed some unique androids that would be living to the side of the road and maintained the law through the automatons. Accidents could also be dealt with by these automatons, i named them Emergency Service Automatons.

This idea umbrellaed out until we started to talk about teleportation stations along the road that could be used to transport to Terra Nova in different locations and maybe even Asgard, so long as they were prepared for Midgardian traffic and people. Knowing that this was a project that would be done after updating Atlantis with the Inneutron and upgrading all of the structure I quickly teleported Himari and Aurelie to me and quickly made enough material to update all of Atlantis.

I also checked in with my clones and found out that there were several operations being conducted by Shield to quell any internal strife before war breaks out. I smiled at this and quickly continued to ask more about the situations. My clones continued until I received a reward once I read a certain piece of paper.

[Ding! Primordial Mission Completed: Disrupt the infection of this existence from outer planar beings]

[Rewards x10: Element of Love, Element of Corruption, Element of Knowledge, Level x50]



Hope you enjoyed! Sorry about the delay!

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