
Visit of The Father and his children

As i finished making breakfast Oceana stepped out of the room and quickly sat down at the kitchen bench, waiting for food, which i promptly gave to her and continued to make another two steaks. 'it was hard being a wife/husband, i was technically both because of my Lust ability but whatever.'

We sat down and enjoyed our meal, our kids enjoying it too as I felt some squirming inside my stomach, as per usual. I sat down next her on the opposite side of the bench and ate with her. We conversed about her recent project, which was a better version of the rail gun but with a sleeker and smaller design. She was definitely obsessed with making shit go zoom, but that was element i had come to love about her. After me saving her from her torment at the hands of MR. DEAD, she had picked up her shambled life and strove to make us powerful enough to face Mr. Dead. The small things mattered and her dedication to making shit explode made a lot of sense when you considered she really wanted to make his face blow up.

Our convo continued for a while, enjoying some laughs and hugs as we finished our food, ultimately it was really comforting, so naturally something had to happen to interrupt it.

A bright flash emerged on the other side of the counter as three people I'd rather not see right now were now here.

"Evening, Primordial. We have come to inform you that we have considered your stay here and come to the decision that you may stay permanently so long as you do not shatter the balance." (The Father)

"Hello, again, nice to meet you all again, would you like to sit down and have some tea?"

They were silent as i sighed and stood up.

"Thank you for your kindness, we will try our best to not interrupt the balance. As i stated when you first came to us, if they do not come after us they will have nothing to fear. Now, on that topic, are people allowed to exit the system now?"

"Yes, they can."

"What changed for you to let us out so early?"

"Nothing that concerns you..."

"Crazy. Okay, fine, have a good day then."

They just stood there looking at me as if I was an owner abandoning them. They all had puppy dog eyes.


"The tea?"



An hour later we were all sitting down have tea and discussing some Star Wars law, including the different aspects of the force and what it truly represented.

Supposedly the force was actually just the stuff of creation, like the Power Cosmic in Marvel but more concentrated and shared. It was a boosting force, life force, energy, everything, all at once. The force could be used much like Enuncia in some ways if you get proficient enough and supposedly only some of the old ancient civilisations of the galaxy could use it even a little proficiently. Valkorian was supposedly nothing in comparison to these ancient species. There was even a species that I recognised from Halo, the Ecumene or the forerunners as people knew them. Apparently, much like us they fled their galaxy due to disaster, not of our level. They were fleeing from a species called the Flood and they therefor decided to attempt to destroy all life in that galaxy and flee.

The Father went on to speak about a few galaxies in their original multiverse until he reach the point where they entered into this Star Wars Universe from their original multiverse. Supposedly they were still around in a distant galaxy but were very isolationist and tended to not view people in the best of lights.

I was intrigued, it may be possible that there was so many cross-overs and different species and fictions merging together to make entirely weird new stories. The Originals and Vampire the Masquerade, why not? Halo and Warhammer 40k? Possibly... Doctor Who and Star Trek, heh, of course. My mind was more blown than it had before as i considered the sheer amount and multitude of universes and multiverses out there.

"Why do you decide to live in this galaxy then?"

"Because it is the nexus of force powers."

"Fair enough. If you are all so powerful how come you aren't able to destroy The Mother?"

"That question is difficult to answer. Here, i'll ask you a question."

I nodded at his request as the sister and brother were for some reason being completely quiet. Oceana was just listening as she carefully drank the tea, cooling it slightly with her breath every time.

"What would you do if your reality was only saved because of the interference of several entities around the cosmos and the fact that the being above us has lost interest in his 'toy'?"

"I would quickly gain power and influence within said circle of entities, learn new things, build new bases of power and ultimately challenge this 'being above'."

Oceana looked at me with slight concern whilst The Father, Daughter and Son looked at me like i was a rare monster. I shrugged and continued to sip my tea as I got a mental notification from Pixel, Skadi and Kali that they had finished wrecking Hollywood and that they had the key to gathering all the power in the world easily. I smiled, causing the entities in front of me to grimace slightly.

"You are much braver than i am then... Or you have not experienced 'his' power."

"Oh, i think I have, since he was the one to destroy our Multiverse."

They all looked panicked and looked around in worry as I felt the movement of the force in a large radius.

"Calm down... The One Above All saved us and blessed me, he cloaked me from 'his' view. I don't know how, before you ask."

They settled down a little and took a few deep sips of tea.

"Now, since you asked a question, i will now ask one. Who is supporting your opposing faction?"

"Do you really think 'he' is the only being of that power level? The answer would be a no, i do not know, i am not qualified to know... All i can say is that they are equally as powerful to our chaotic creator."

"Right... I see."

With that our chat soured and slowed down to the point that when the tea was finished the three of them hastily left, leaving me with quite a bit of information to chew on.

'So all of the multiverses we think are separate could in fact be connected to other stories even indirectly... I need to take lead Earth, form a stable power base and then fully expand my forces. Once I have leadership i can easily advance us all and push us into multiple era changes. Now i just need to get rid of all of the corrupt elements of society and quickly carve my own path forwards, even if it means taking control of a country through forceful means.'

I was determined and i believe Oceana could see it in my eyes as she quickly moved next to me and snuggled, her body shivering a little, in fear of Mr Dead.

"It'll be alright, i'll end him and make everything safer and better for us all."

"I believe you honey... Please be safe though!"

'I will.'

I did not verbally respond as i tightened my hug around her shoulders as she dropped her head on my own shoulders.


Second Chapter!


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Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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