

It's the first day of school.

Kaiser Kurogane feels confident that he can complete his academic education because he is a Kurogane and has recollections of his previous existence.

This world's education is being deteriorated, as it is in every Isekai school, only at the high school level.

However, there are some areas that he is certain he will struggle with, such as the history of this world or the magic formulas—which others may think, but did you suppose he did nothing for the previous years?

He had already studied history from a history book; unfortunately, the only recorded history that existed dates back roughly 150 years.

Furthermore, he couldn't discover any books on it in their library.

He studied the magic formula for a year in their library as well; however, he just knows the essentials because who would wish to distribute a weapon?

Magic is a weapon; a spell is a weapon; everything with magic is a weapon, so who would create a book about sophisticated magic and spread it for the sake of fame and fortune?

Isn't that ridiculous?

Needless to say, Kaiser Kurogane had just concluded his preparations and had exited the dormitory.

He hears scrapes in the bushes and a stomp that sounds like something falling near the academy.

He was intrigued about what was going on, so he went into the forest.

He is astonished to find a familiar face there.

"Ma'am Kara, are you all right?" "

Kara Lin has been knocked out and has numerous bruises, which appear to be sword cuts.

"Wake up, Ma'am Kara! Is something going on? "

She regained consciousness after being shaken and said, "Run."

She then lost consciousness.

He hears another scrape from the bush, and a man appears out of nowhere.

He is dressed entirely in black, with only his eyes visible.

When he saw him, he summoned his buddy, and they promptly surrounded them.

There are six males in total, including the man who first noticed them.

This scenario caused Kaiser Kurogane to frown.

He couldn't react quickly enough because everything was happening so fast.

Fortunately, he noticed a blue screen with the words [battle detected].

This is a skill notification for him.

He received a notification like that from his cheat ability to know if the scenario was considered a battle, similar to the system in those novels.

He was thrilled to see this, but he didn't show it.

The man and his friend said nothing and just unsheathed their swords.

'Is that a katana? So this is where it all begins.'

He recalls the world's story.

Homusubi is a terrorist organization that attacks in the middle of the story's tournament arc.

Only this gang is utilizing a katana; the sword came from somewhere unknown.

Returning to reality, Kaiser Kurogane reasoned that if he was correct, then...

A sneak attack hit one of the men and severed his left hand.

The group immediately got vigilant and spread their awareness.

However, they were unable to locate the perpetrator of the attack.

Kaiser Kurogane creates an ice spike while they are busy detecting the attacker.

Three guys attack him with the purpose to kill him in response to the mana influx.

Seeing this opportunity, another strike from above struck the two remaining warriors who had not rushed to Kaiser Kurogane.

The first man who had been hit earlier noticed a silhouette of a figure somewhere in the trees.

He swiftly conjured a fireball with his remaining hand and attacked in that direction.


They then hear a female voice.

As the smoke clears, a girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair appears.

"Oh my goodness! That almost got me, but I was able to avoid it."

They instantly cast intermediate-class magic after seeing the girl on the ground.

Water Sphere.

Thunder Lion.

Hundred fire arrows.

When she sees how these spells point to her, she has a helpless expression on her face.








Author's Note:

Yes, this is a two-part story.

In terms of the main heroine's appearance, if you choose the ACCIDENT in the previous chapter, the plot is different since in that scenario, Eva is the one who found and saved Kara Lin and Kaiser Kurogane has no clue about the incident earlier.

About the main scenario of the ACCIDENT, I might as well not tell it.

Anyway, the voting chapter is the next chapter.

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