
chapter 39

The very air itself felt hard to breath as Yusei and Declan kept on staring at each other, neither of them paying the others any mind. Their only focus was on each other and sizing one another up. Everyone else was staring at Declan in surprise, mentally wondering who he was and how long he's been there without any of them noticing. Henrietta, Lulu and Rin were the exceptions.

LID's Chairwoman was smiling a sly grin at seeing her son here. Lulu and Rin had narrowed eyes at the young president of the Leo Institute, having known he'd been watching since Yuya's Duel. Rin walked over to her "sister", stopping right beside Lulu and leaned in a little to whisper to her. "Hey... Do you think that's him? The son of that crazy mad scientist, Leo Akaba?" The green-haired female asked, speaking low enough so that Sora won't hear them.

Lulu gave a very tiny, almost unnoticeable nod to Rin's question. Rin's eyes grew a curious look inside of them as she stared at Declan, a sudden thought coming to her mind. "Hey... He's our original self's brother, right? So, wouldn't that technically make him our brother?" The Windwitch Duelist asked, eyes shifting over to Lulu once she finished speaking.

Lulu blinked in surprise at Rin's question, no clue whatsoever what the answer to that question is. "I... have no idea how that works, but I don't think that means we're related to him". The Mistress of Birds whispered back, honestly preferring one brother and Shay was a handful on his own. "I guess you're right. And I'm content with just having you as a sister". Rin replied to her Xyz counterpart, words that brought a smile to Lulu's face since they touched her heart.

Yuya couldn't keep quiet anymore. He took a step forward and narrowed both eyes at Declan. "And who are you supposed to be?" The Odd-Eyes Duelist questioned, not recognizing the Leo Institute's president. Yuya's question captured Declan's attention as he turned his gaze from Yusei over to Yuya. In Declan's view, he saw Yusho appear in Yuya's place for a moment, smiling a cheerful smile before the image disappeared.

"Pardon my lack of manners, Yuya Sakaki. I am Declan Akaba, president of the Leo Institute of Dueling". Declan introduced himself to Yusei's student, much to the shock of Yuya, Zuzu, Gong, Allie, Tate, Frederick and Serenity at hearing this. Sora, on the other hand, became fascinated while Yusei, Lulu and Rin weren't the least bit affected at their suspicions proved to be true.

"Huh!?" Allie, Tate and Frederick gasped, eyes wide as they stared at Declan like he head two heads. "H-he's president of the Leo Institute?" Zuzu questioned in disbelief, taking a step back before looking over to Serenity and saw her staring at Declan. 'But he looks about the same age as Serenity!' The pink-haired girl said inside of her mind, certain that Declan's 16-years-old just like Serenity.

Dipper, Kit and Julia chuckled a bit. They couldn't see the shock looks on the You Show gang's faces, but they could tell from their voices that they were surprised to say the least about this discovery. They felt some amusement from this, something that cheered them up a bit from their school's defeat to the You Show Duel School, but not much. Henrietta's expression didn't change, she just watched with fascination on what's about to happen.

Declan turned his gaze from Yuya's shocked face back to Yusei. "It is an honor to finally make your acquaintance, Yusei Fudo". The silver-haired teenager greeted Satellite's Shooting Star, something that Yusei raised an eyebrow at. "You know about me?" He said, but it felt more like he was stating a fact instead of asking a question.

"But of course I do. Your flawless victory over the Sledgehammer 2 months ago shook Paradise City so much that I doubt there isn't anyone in this city that doesn't know who you are". Declan said with a small grin. He was telling the truth in a way, but Yusei captured his attention with more than just that. And along with it many questions that will hopefully be answered soon.

"We are getting a bit off topic. Congratulations are in order for your school's victory, you've trained them well". Declan said to Yusei, eyes shifting over to the three that dueled for a quick moment. "Like I said to your mother; I just merely helped them grow stronger on their own. Their growth as duelists is thanks to their hard work and dedication". Satellite's Shooting Star told LID's young president, repeating the same words he said to Henrietta not too long ago.

Declan directed his gaze back to Yusei. Henrietta spoke up at that moment, catching everyone's attention. "As per we agreed on our bet, you've been given the chance to speak with my son". LID's Chairwoman stated, feeling curious to see why Yusei wanted to meet Declan. Perhaps this confrontation will give them an answer of Yusei being a friend or foe.

(Music end)

Once Henrietta finished speaking; Yusei and Declan returned their gazes to one another, their eyes displaying serious intent. "So, Yusei Fudo, why did you wish to speak to me?" LID's young president asked, wasting no time on small talk and cutting straight to the chase. Yusei was silent for a few moments, but eventually spoke. "I wanted to have a private conversation with you, but there's something I need to check first". Satellite's Shooting Star answered, slowly bringing his right hand up before pointing at Declan with the index finger.

(Play Yu Gi Oh! 5D's Sound Duel 3 Disc 1 19. Moment of Tension)

"Declan Akaba, I challenge you to a duel!" Yusei declared, taking almost everyone by surprise. Declan blinked in surprise at the unexpected challenge, while Lulu and Rin stared at Yusei in wonder at why he wanted to challenge Leo Akaba's son. "Yusei, what the heck!?" Yuya exclaimed with wide eyes, staring up at his mentor as if he had gone crazy.

"Why do you want to duel him? We won the bet, so there isn't any need to duel him!" Zuzu stated, glaring a little at the black-haired man since this challenge could bring them more trouble. "That may be, but there's something important I need to know and I can only get my answer by dueling him". Yusei said with a serious voice, lowering his right hand while he was speaking.

Yusei trusted the Crimson Dragon completely, but he still felt a bit of suspicion towards Declan. That's why Yusei felt that he had to face Declan because in a duel, duelists can understand each other in a way that words can't. It was how he was able to understand so many people back in his world. Yusei only regrets that it can't be in a Turbo Duel because those were the duels he lived for.

Declan continued to stare at Yusei in surprise for a second or two, but regrew his calm face and gave a smirk. "Very well, your challenge is accepted". The silver-haired youth told Satellite's Shooting Star, much to Yusei's satisfaction at hearing this. "May I also suggest a bet for this duel of ours as well? I won't ask you to wager your cards, students or yourself this time, but something else". Declan suggested to his soon to be opponent, seeing this as a chance to get another question of his answered.

Yusei slightly widen his eyes at Declan, yet decided to indulge him. "And what would that be?" Yusei questioned, crossing both arms and glared a little at Declan. He had a feeling that Declan would have him wager the truth about himself like where he's from, or is he from the Synchro Dimension. Despite feeling a bit on edge about this, Yusei felt confident that he'll win this new wager.

Declan was quiet for a moment until he spoke. "If I win this duel, you have to tell me where Yusho Sakaki is". The silver-haired teenager told Yusei, something that took him and Yuya by surprise. 'He wants to know where Yusho is? Why?' Yusei mentally questioned, wondering why Declan wants to know that of all things.

Yuya started feeling temptation at this wager. Despite Yusho's letter to him and knowing that his dad never ran away or abandoned them, Yuya still wanted to know where he is right now. He never really realized this desire of his until now, having been enjoying life with Yusei, Lulu and Rin. Now though, there was this dark feeling of him wishing to see Yusei lose.

Yuya grit his teeth and let out a small growl as he shook his head to rid himself of that feeling. 'Get ahold of yourself man! No matter how much you want to see dad again, you shouldn't want Yusei to lose! He's your friend and master, so don't ever think that!' The Odd-Eyes Duelist scolded himself, feeling ashamed that he wanted his own mentor to lose.

Lulu took notice of this and grew a bit worried. She drew closer to Yuya's side, passing by Rin and gently took hold of Yuya's left hand with her right one. The Odd-Eyes Duelist blinked in surprise, before looking over to Lulu and saw her worried look.

Yuya's face fell a bit at seeing Lulu making that face at him since he didn't want to worry her. Yuya gave the Mistress of Birds a reassuring smile and nodded to her. Lulu lost her worried face at Yuya's reassurance and decided that she didn't need to speak right now. With that matter settled, they directed their gazes back to Yusei, none of them noticing that Rin had watched the whole thing.

Satellite's Shooting Star still had a look of surprise, but quickly lost it and replaced it with an expressionless face. "Of all things, why do you want to know that?" Yusei questioned Declan, no clue whatsoever why he'd want to know where Yusho is. "It is a rather personal matter that I'd like to keep to myself for now". The silver-haired teenage replied, keeping a secret himself since he doesn't fully trust Yusei yet.

Yusei's left eye slightly twitched at Declan's words, but he didn't make a retort. "Now, I've decided what I get if I win our duel. Now, what would you like?" Declan asked Yusei what he wants from this wager, a question he had a response to right away. "I don't have any idea, so I'll think about it later. For now, let's just get to dueling". Satellite's Shooting Star replied to LID's young president, words that brought a pleased grin to Declan's face.

A minute later; Yusei and Declan stood across each other 10 feet away in the Action Duel arena, Duel Disks equipped and decks already slotted in and shuffled. Declan's Duel Disk is a white Standard Dimension Duel Disk, no real attention-grabbing detail about it.

Everyone else was watching from the viewing section again as Yusei and Declan were ready to begin. On the LID side; Kit and Julia looked to be eager to watch this duel because they'd finally see Yusei duel. Dipper wasn't as excited because he still considered Yusei to be a lucky duelist instead of skilled and honestly looked forward to seeing Declan beat him badly. And as for Henrietta, she had a fascinated face to finally see Yusei duel.

With the You Show group; the three kids were a bit worried about Yusei's chances against Declan. "You guys think Yusei's gonna be okay against this Declan guy?" Allie asked with clear concern leaking out of her voice. "Don't worry about him. He's faced much worse than this guy". Lulu reassured the young girl, gazing down at hers and Yuya's connected hands for a moment before looking over to Yusei.

She knows for certainty that he'll be fine because she's seen what he's faced in the past. When the Crimson Dragon showed her and Rin images of Yusei's adventures and duels in his world, they saw what kind of duelists and Duel Monsters he faced. The Earthbound Immortals, Meklord Emperors, Dark Signers and even Aporia's three pieces to name a few of the dangerous foes he faced. So Lulu was confident to say that Yusei can handle Declan with no issue.

"If anything, it's Skip I'm worried about. Him picking an Action field that's bad for him and good for Declan". Rin remark, looking up towards the control room where Zuzu's father was deciding the Action field. "Don't you think you're bring a bit harsh? I'm sure dad learned his lesson and won't make the same mistake again". Zuzu protested, looking up towards the control room as well.

"I think the better question to ask is what kind of Field Spell would work best for Yusei". Sora spoke, looking up as he thought of all the Field Spell cards he knows and which one would help Yusei best. "Gong says the best would be one that powers up Warrior or Dragon monsters". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist said, arms crossed as he spoke. "We'll just have to wait and see. I mean it's Yusei after all". Serenity commented, folding both hands behind her back all the while she stared at Yusei with a smile full of belief and affection.

Meanwhile in the control room; Skip sat in front of the Arc System computer, arms crossed and tapping his right foot. Despite the fact their school was safe now, he couldn't help feeling a tense pressure from this duel and thus felt like he needed to make a decision without a single mistake. 'The Arc System doesn't have a specific Action Field that can solo work for Yusei. I guess I'll have to focus on one that doesn't focus on Synchro Monsters, but a monster type instead. And I got one in mind'. Zuzu's father thought to himself, growing a confident grin because he's certain this Field Spell he picks will greatly help Yusei.

He raised his right hand and spoke out loud. "I select the Action Field; Sogen!" Skip shouted out with spirit, throwing his hand down and pressed a single button on the keyboard. An Action card appeared on the computer screen, then flipped over to reveal the Field Spell Sogen.

The Arc System underneath the field began to activate with beams of light erupting out. "Augmented Reality Combat System Energized! Generating Action Field!" The Ai called out as the Duel Field began to glow a green colour. The glowing field transformed into a green meadow, a blue sky with clouds, mountains in the distance and bushes nearby.

Yusei and Declan looked at their surrounds and the Action Field chosen for them to duel in. 'Hmmm... An interesting choice for an Action Field. With this Action Field, all Warrior-Type and Beast-Warrior-Type monsters gains 200 ATK and DEF Points. Most of Yusei's cards consists of Warrior and Machine-Type monsters, so this field gives them the advantage'. Declan thought to himself, a bit fascinated with the Action Field chosen.

(Music end. Now play 3 Generations Unreleased Ost)

Declan turned his gaze over to Yusei and saw Satellite's Shooting Star facing him. "It would appear that you hold the Action Field advantage in this duel". The silver-haired teenager stated, not the least bit affected by this since it won't affect his deck. "I highly doubt it'll brother you too much". Yusei shot back, much to Declan's amusement as he chuckled.

'Now... To see just how strong you are. I'll be sure to force you to give it everything you have'. Declan thought to himself, feeling a sense of excitement flow through him. He's been looking forward to dueling Yusei and now that it was happening, he was excited to face the man that shook Paradise City and inspired so many duelists to get better.

Yusei looked down at his right forearm through the corner of his right eye, exactly where the mark of the Crimson Dragon's head was. 'Akiza... Jack... Crow... Leo... Luna... everyone... This is for you'. Yusei thought to himself, narrowing both eyes before facing forward. Lulu and Rin blinked at seeing the look on Yusei's face, seeing from the memories that Yusei only makes that face when he's dueling with everything he's got.

"Let's go!" Yusei exclaimed, throwing his left arm up into the air. Yusei's Duel Disk activated with the screen turning on, displaying the words "Standby". The blade activated with the words on screen changing to "Acceleration", right as Yusei turned h

is left hand into a fist. He brought it down and held the Duel Disk in front of himself. Declan didn't do anything dramatic like Yusei and instead held up his forearm with the Duel Disk activating a red edged blade.

"Let's Duel!" Yusei and Declan shouted out the words that officially started their duel. A duel that would determine if they could be allies in the war against Duel Academy and one that'll shake the Standard Dimension again.

The air itself felt heavy from the tension everyone was feeling. Yusei and Declan were quiet, staring at one another with deep frowns as they held their starting hand of five cards.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Declan Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"Okay, go-time!" Yuya uttered to himself, feeling a sort of pressure on his body. "What kind of deck do you think Declan uses?" Serenity asked with curiosity, looking over to Declan and stared at him. "No clue". Zuzu answered straight away, no idea what kind of cards that LID's president uses. Lulu turned her gaze over to Declan and grew a small glare, a bit on edge at what she's soon to see from Leo Akaba's son.

Declan adjusted his glasses, looking at the five cards he's holding for a moment and then over to Yusei. "So, what shall it be? Will you give me the first turn out of kindness since you have the advantage?" LID's president asked his opponent, using this as a start to see what kind of person that Yusei is. "Under normal circumstances I would, but not in a duel like this. The first move is mine". Yusei answered Declan, an answer that brought a small smile to the teenager boy's face.

(Yugioh Zexal ost: Duel Target! Lock On!)

Yusei took a card and held it out. "First off, I'm activating the Spell card; On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, inserting the Spell into his Duel Disk. A large copy of the Spell appeared in front of Yusei, followed by his deck suddenly shuffling. "When this card is activated and I don't have any other cards on the field, I'm allowed to add a Synchron monster from my deck!" Yusei explained the Spell's effect, looking down at his deck right as it stopped shuffling.

A single card slotted out and he took hold of it with his right hand's index and middle fingers. He turned the card over to reveal it was Junk Synchron. "I pick my favorite Tuner monster, Junk Synchron! But he won't be around for long". Yusei stated, adding Junk Synchron's card to his hand and picked another card. "Now I'll play another Spell card. This time Graceful Charity!" The black-haired adult called out, showing the legendary Spell card to Declan.

Declan glanced down at his screen as it displayed Graceful Charity's card. "This Spell card lets me draw 3 new cards, then discard 2". Yusei explained the Spell's effect, drawing the top 3 cards of his deck. Yusei looked at them for a moment, before discarding two of them and adding the last one to the hand. 'He's filling up his Graveyard with monsters mostly likely'. Declan thought to himself, realizing what his opponent was up to right now.

"Next up I'm Summoning Junk Synchron in a ATK Mode!" Yusei exclaimed, taking a card from his hand and swiped it down on a Monster Zone of his Duel Disk. A bright orange explosion of energy appeared in front of Yusei and ascended, before suddenly transforming into Junk Synchron with the Warrior-Type Monster giving out a cry.

Junk Synchron ATK: 1300 + 200 = 1500/ DEF: 500 + 200 = 700.

"When Junk Synchron's successfully Normal Summoned, his special ability activates and brings back a Level 2 or lower monster from the Graveyard!" Yusei spoke, holding up another card with his right hand's index and middle fingers. He then flipped it over, revealing the card to be Tuning Supporter. "Come on out, Tuning Supporter!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, right before the Machine-Type Monster appeared with a flash of light.

Tuning Supporter ATK: 100/ Level: 1.

"And that's not all! Since I have a Tuner monster on my field like Junk Synchron, I can now bring back the Quillbolt Hedgehog in my Graveyard!" Yusei called out, throwing his right hand out to the side. A portal appeared in between Junk Synchron and Tuning Supporter and Quillbolt Hedgehog emerged from it, grinning its usual grin.

Quillbolt Hedgehog ATK: 800/ Level: 2.

"Now I tune my Level 1 Tuning Supporter and Level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog to my Level 3 Junk Synchron!" Yusei declared, right before both Quillbolt Hedgehog and Tuning Supporter took off into the air. Junk Synchro gave a cry, before pulling on its lever, causing the engine on its back to start up. Junk Synchro burst into orange energy that shot up into the sky.

It turned into a single light that split into three in a triangle formation. The lights transformed into green rings that flew down, heading towards Quillbolt Hedgehog and Tuning Supporter. The two Machine-Type Monsters flew into the three rings with Quillbolt Hedgehog in the lead, both turning orange transparent as they passed through the first one.

2 lights appeared in Quillbolt Hedgehog's body, while a single one appeared in Tuning Supporter's. The lights lined up within in green rings, before a thin beam appeared in between them, before turning into a massive bright one.

3 + 2 + 1 = 6.

"When wishes of steel gather round the messenger of the gale, that wish will become an invincible shield! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Come out, Junk Gardna!" Yusei chanted, holding his right hand up into the air. Something heavy fell from the bright beam and crash landed in front of Yusei, kicking up a bit of dust. The dust cleared to reveal it was Junk Gardna with the Synchro Monster raising both hands into shield position.

Junk Gardna DEF: 2600 + 200 = 2800/ ATK: 1400 + 200 = 1600/ Level: 6.

"Since Quillbolt Hedgehog was Summoned through his effect, he's banished once he leaves the field. Not to mention that since Tuning Supporter was used as Synchro Material, I get to draw 1 card!" Yusei informed his opponent, drawing one more card from the deck. It took a moment to look at it, before he took another one from his hand and inserted them both into the Duel Disk. "I'll throw 3 face-downs and end my turn". Satellite's Shooting Star said, three face-down cards appearing in front of him before disappearing.

(Music end)

Declan Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Yuya nodded in approval at Yusei's opening move. He could see what Yusei's plan was; start off with a strong defense to see what kind of cards Declan use and think of the best way to deal with them. Not to mention that the Field Spell boosted Junk Gardna's DEF Points. The Odd-Eyes Duelist was confident to say that was a strong start.

Allie, Tate and Frederick didn't think the same because they were all frowning a little. "Why's he on the defensive like that?" Frederick questioned, having honestly preferred that Yusei had gone straight onto the attack. "Yeah! Yusei, don't be scared of that guy!" Allie cried out to Satellite's Shooting Star, but her cry was ignored completely. "He isn't afraid you guys, he's playing smart". Lulu told the children, looking at them with a small frown at what they said about Yusei being scared.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all lost their frowns and looked over at Lulu. It was at that moment Sora spoke up. "She's right about that. With Junk Gardna on his field, Declan will have to Summon a stronger enough monster to get through it. And even if he does, Junk Gardna can switch it to DEF Mode through its special ability, making the attack useless". The Fusion Duelist explained with a grin, a lollypop already in his mouth.

"And even if he does manage to destroy Junk Gardna in battle, its second effect will activate. Yusei's setting things up for his next turn to take whatever Declan's gonna throw his way". Rin told the three kids with a confident grin, much to their excitement at hearing this. "So just wait for now. On Yusei's next turn, he'll go on the attack". Yuya told Allie, Frederick and Tate, turning to look at them with a grin.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all grew excited faces at hearing this, turning their gazes back to the duel. Serenity spared them a quick glance with a soft smile, before returning her gaze over to Yusei, just as Declan began his turn.

"I draw!" The silver-haired male called out, drawing the top card of the deck. He looked through the corner of his right eye for a moment, then added it to the hand. He looked over to Yusei and began scrutinizing him, looking like he was trying to analyze his entire existence. Yusei raised an eyebrow at noticing this, a good idea on what exactly his opponent was doing.

"Sizing me up?" Satellite's Shooting Star questioned LID's young president, something that Declan gave a nod to. "Indeed. You are quit an anomaly that I've never seen before. Your eyes tell me that you're someone that's lived through hardship since a very young age, but that's all I can make from that. And there's even the cards you use". The silver-haired teenage spoke, turning his gaze over to Junk Gardna and stared at it.

"You use low Level monsters in a way that I've never seen before. Using their full potential to work together to create powerful monsters. Clearly you know that even the weakest cards can be powerful if used right". Declan said, growing an impressed grin as he looked over to Yusei. Satellite's Shooting Star gave a nod in response and spoke. "But of course. Every card is special, and you just have to learn to appreciate its power in order to figure out how to use it". Yusei said with a small grin, slightly turning his head to look over at everyone from You Show watching from the viewers hall.

The You Show gang and Gong all couldn't help smiling at Yusei's words since they all agreed wholeheartedly with him on that. Lulu especially since her deck consists of low Level monsters, but were powerful in their own right. Sora, on the other hand, gave a small scoff at Yusei's words because he thought that talk as nothing but nonsense and only cards with power mattered in a duel.

Declan grew a smile himself because he agreed with Yusei as well. "I have to agree with you on that. Even powerful cards are useless if the duelist doesn't fully appreciate their power. It's only when a duelist fully knows how to use their cards that they can truly be powerful. Allow me to demonstrate". The silver-haired boy stated, taking two cards and held them up.

(Play Yu Gi Oh! ARC V Ost 20- A Nerve Wrecking Duel)

Declan took a moment to look at them for a moment. He then gave a grin, before holding them. To Yusei's surprise, Declan's cards were Pendulum cards. "Using these cards, Scale 3 D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas and Scale 10 D/D Savant Newton, I'm going to set the Pendulum Scale!" Declan declared, before holding his right hand out to the side. "What!?" Yusei called out with wide eyes, taken back by this unexpected reveal.

Yusei's not the only surprised by this, so was everyone else including the LID team. The only exception was Henrietta because she's smiling a sly grin. Declan placed his cards on the edges of his Duel Disk, causing the blade to gleam in a rainbow colour for a moment. The words 'Pendulum' then appeared across the blade in rainbow colours. Two blue pillars of light appeared besides Declan on his left and right.

D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas appeared on Declan's right pillar and D/D Savant Newton rose up in the left one. Both monsters stopped rising once they were high enough with the numbers "3" appearing under Rebel King Leonidas and "10" underneath Savant Newton in golden colour. The blue lines appeared in the sky, the same ones that the giant version of Yuya's pendant that would usually draw.

D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas Pendulum Scale: 3.

D/D Savant Newton Pendulum Scale: 10.

Yusei stared up at Declan's Pendulum Monsters with wide eyes. So were the You Show gang and LID students as well. "No way... He's got Pendulum cards...!" Yuya uttered to himself, honestly a bit shaken by this. He's already accepted that everyone will learn to Pendulum Summon one day, this was just unexpected. "I guess Kisara was right when she said that the Leo Institute have already started on their creation of Pendulum cards. He must have gotten the first few ones because he's the president". Zuzu said to herself, narrowing both eyes at Declan's Pendulum monsters with a trace of...envy in her eyes.

"The creation of Pendulum cards would have taken much longer if Yuya had remained the only Pendulum user, but thanks to Lulu Obsidian and Rin, progress was much faster. These cards are just two of the few we've managed to create so far". Declan informed Satellite's Shooting Star, displaying a pleased smile at seeing his Pendulum cards working without problem.

"Oh really? Can the same be said for Pendulum Synchro Monsters or Pendulum Xyz Monsters?" Yusei asked with a curious tone, wondering if they succeeded with those as well. "Unfortunately, we're behind schedule on those". Declan answered with a displeased frown.

Pendulum cards had proven challenging for the Leo Corporation to create, but creating the next stage is really proving to be difficult. And it was just with Synchro and Xyz right now, Declan can only imagine how hard it'll be with Fusion and Ritual.

"But we're getting off track here. Allow me to resume my turn". The silver-haired male said, taking two more cards from his hand and held them out. "Now I activate two copies of Dark Contract with the Gate!" Declan cried out, inserting both cards into his Duel Disk. Two copies of the Spell card appeared in front of Declan and began gleaming a little.

"This Spell card normally allows me to add a Level 4 or lower "D/D" monster from my deck to the hand. But at my Standby Phase, my Contract deals me 1000 points of damage". The young president of LID explained, much to Yusei's slight surprise as he raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? He's willing to take 2000 points of damage just to add some new cards?" Tate said in confusion at Declan's plan, finding the pay more demanding than the benefits. "Cards that HE wants. Who knows what else that guy has got in that deck of his". Rin spoke up, folding both arms as she spoke. "Gong's got a bad feeling about this". The Superheavy Samurai Duelist stated, a deep sense of caution inside of himself the more he watched Declan.

"I activate both of my Contracts' effects". Declan stated, gazing down at his deck right as it began shuffling for a few moments. It soon ceased shuffling and two cards slotted out. The silver-haired male took both cards with his right hand, then held them out for Yusei to see. "I add D/D Berfomet and D/D Swirl Slime!" Declan declared his choices, then added them to the hand.

"The energies of the universe swing between the forces of darkness and of light. I shall now harness the power of this eternal oscillation. I Pendulum Summon and call upon my two monsters to emerge!" Declan cried out, holding two cards up with his right hand before throwing it out to the side. A small circle appeared in between the blue pillars, before widening out to a large one.

A portal appeared in between the circle and a deep purple wave of energy emerged from it. "Behold two of the supreme rulers of the dimensions! D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser and D/D/D Doom King Armageddon!" Declan cried out, the wave of energy clearing to reveal two massive monsters. One appeared to have the appearance of a warrior and the other a crystal-like monster. Both were intimidating as they cried out, releasing powerful shockwaves that hit both Yusei and Junk Gardna, yet they didn't flinch.

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon ATK: 3000/ Level: 8.

D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser ATK: 2800/ Level: 7.

"He Summoned two high Level powerful monsters at once!" Serenity called out in alarm at the sight of the two monsters that towered over Junk Gardna. "A Level 7 and 8 monster. This is gonna be challenging, but Yusei can get through this". Zuzu said to her friends, yet even she appeared to be worried for Yusei. "With Junk Gardna, Yusei can survive this upcoming assault". Yuya uttered to himself, crossing both arms and tapped her right foot in anxiety.

"At this moment; D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser's special ability activates!" Declan exclaimed, throwing his right hand out. Supreme King Kaiser raised its blade up, right before a dark aura appeared over it. "When this monster is Pendulum Summoned, all face-up cards that my opponent controls lose their effects until the end of this turn". The silver-haired male explained, much to Yusei's alarm. "What!?" Yusei called out, turning to Junk Gardna right as a black aura appeared over it.

Junk Gardna groaned weakly, losing its energy until it dropped both arms and lost its defense stance. "Crap! Now Junk Gardna can't defend itself!" Rin cried out with wide eyes, realizing that this meant Yusei's in trouble now. "This guy's more dangerous than I thought". Zuzu uttered to himself, head tilted down almost in shame.

"Now, battle! Go Doom King Armageddon, attack Junk Gardna and destroy him!" Declan commanded, pointing right at Yusei's only line of defense. Doom King Armageddon's crystal inside of its body began gathering energy for its attack. "Yusei run! Look for an Action card!" Allie cried out to Satellite's Shooting Star, but was ignored as Yusei didn't move a single inch.

"You guys outta know that's not gonna happen. Yusei doesn't rely on Action cards unless the situation is dire". Yuya commented with a small frown, barely able to remember Yusei ever using an Action card before. Doom King Armageddon unleashed multiple light purple homing attacks at Junk Gardna, completely bombarding it until the Synchro Monster exploded. The shockwaves from Gardna's destruction hit Yusei, yet he didn't flinch or move a muscle.

Once the shockwaves died down, Yusei looked over to Declan, reared his right hand in and then threw it out. "Junk Gardna's effect now activates and at this moment, I activate my Trap card!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, a single face-down card appearing in front of him. It lifted itself up and revealed itself to be Synchro Last Will.

"First since a Synchro Monster that I control was destroyed, Synchro Last Will allows me to draw a card for every 2 Levels it had! And since Junk Gardna was a Level 6, that's 3 cards for me!" Yusei explained the Trap card's effect, moving his right hand up and drew 3 more cards from his deck. He took a moment to look at them and added the three cards to his hand, making it a total of 5 cards once more.

"Now Junk Gardna's effect! When it's destroyed, one of your monsters switches its battle positions!" Yusei explained the destroyed Synchro Monster's effect, looking over to Supreme King Kaiser. The Fiend-Type took its blade and shifted into a defensive position.

D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser DEF Points: 2100.

"Okay, that should give Yusei some room to breathe now". Lulu said in relief, right hand resting atop of her chest. "Got that right. All Declan's got in his hands now are monster cards and I really doubt any of them has an ability that'll switch that kaiser back into ATK Mode". Rin spoke up, looking directly over to Declan and the two cards in his hand. "Now that he knows what to expect, Yusei can go on the attack! Get him Yusei!" Tate cried out to Yusei, an action that made him smile a bit.

"You did well to survive that assault. It seems I made the right choice to not activate Supreme King Kaiser's other effect". Declan spoke softly, looking down at the Fiend-Type Monster's card for a moment before looking back at his opponent. "I end my turn here. It's your turn now, Yusei Fudo". LID's president told Satellite's Shooting Star, eager to see what Yusei will do next.

(Music end)

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"That guy is in way over his head. Declan's the best duelist in Paradise City, he can't win". Dipper said with a grin, eager to see Yusei lose badly to Declan. "Don't be so quick to write him like that. Yusei's one of the best duelists I've ever seen, so he's got a good chance to win". Julia told the purple-haired teenager, turning to look at him with a frown. Dipper let out a small scoff at Julia's words. Kit remained silent, watching the duel with all his focus and not miss a single move that Yusei will make.

"Here goes!" Yusei exclaimed, drawing the top card in a dramatic style by throwing his right hand out. The black-haired adult brought the card up, only to blink in surprise at what he saw. 'This is...' Satellite's Shooting Star thought to himself, then narrowed both eyes.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Speed World music)

Yusei looked at Declan, then swiped his right hand out and pointed at him with the index finger, holding the card with his right hand's thumb and middle fingers. "On my Standby Phase; my Continues Spell card's effect activates! It gains a Signal Counter!" Satellite's Shooting Star informed Declan, the Spell's card reappearing beside him and began gleaming.

On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! Signal counters: 0 + 1 = 1.

Declan raised an eyebrow, yet didn't speak and let Yusei continue. Speaking of Satellite's Shooting Star held up the card he drew and spared a moment to stare at it. He then held the card out. "I activate... The Field Spell..." He began, before holding the card out for Declan to see. "Starlight Junktion!" The Signer cred out with pure spirit, using a new card that the Crimson Dragon gave him.

Yusei brought the card up, then inserted it into his Duel Disk. The Sogen field around Yusei and Declan started glowing white just like the last few times the field changed. However, the white light suddenly intensified without warning. It was so intense that everyone was forced to close their eyes and shield them, the only exception was Yusei. He even looked eager to see the changes.

After a moment or two, the bright gleaming began dying down. Allowing everyone to open their eyes, only for them to blink in shock at the changes because it was more than what they were expecting. "What in the..." Yuya uttered, eyes wide in astonishment and awe at what he's seeing right now. "How can one Field Spell do something like this?" Henrietta questioned, losing her composed face since even this wasn't anything she's seen before.

Lulu and Rin were the most astonished, not to mention feeling the biggest awe. "Is... Is this...?" The green-haired girl spoke slowly with a low voice, feeling a sense of home at what she's seeing right now. "New Domino City?" Lulu uttered to herself, feeling like she's actually seeing Yusei's home right now.

In place of the green meadow was a glowing rainbow highway road with multiple lights, down below that glowed a rainbow color. There were two circle roads on both sides that resembled the infinity symbol with multiple different roads going each way. And below the highway road was a city full of skyscrapers. Off in the distance was even the monument symbolizing the unification of Satellite and New Domino City. Finally, the sky above was a beautiful night colour with multiple stars.

There was more to this bazar change. Normally everyone watching the Action Duel through the view window would be at even level, but now somehow it was like they were watching from above because this glowing rainbow highway road was down below. It was almost as if everyone had been teleported to Yusei's New Domino City itself.

Yusei and Declan were standing in the middle of the two circle roads on the left side. The silver-haired teenager was looking around his surroundings with wide eyes full of surprise. Yusei, on the other hand, had a genuine smile at seeing his home again even if it's a just a copy of it for a Field Spell.

'My home... I've almost forgotten how breathtaking it is at night'. Satellite's Shooting Star thought to himself, feeling a sense of comfort inside of his heart. No matter how long it took, he had every intention to return home and see the lights of New Domino City again soon.

Yusei closed both eyes and let out a sigh. He turned to look back at Declan and spoke. "Starlight Junkiton does more than just change the field around us and you're about to experience it". Satellite's Shooting Star told LID's young president, catching Declan's attention. The silver-haired teenage turned to Yusei, but before he could question him on what he meant by that, an unexpected phenomenal happened.

Both Duelists' Duel Disks began gleaming suddenly. Yusei's one was a crimson light and Declan's is silver. LID's young president gazed down at his Duel Disk in surprise while Yusei wasn't bothered. The gleaming grew bigger and stronger until it covered both duelists from view completely for a few moments.

The gleaming died down to reveal a sight that took everyone watching by surprise.

Yusei and Declan were now mounted atop Duel Runners with their Duel Disks now equipped onto them, cards in the card holders and keeping steady by having their right legs on the ground.

Yusei's Duel Runner was his famed Yusei Go one, exactly how it was in the World Racing Grand Prix and had the helmet on. And Declan's Duel Runner was one that's never been seen before.

It was silver on the top, the front going halfway down the middle with yellow Phoenix birds on both sides of the front and back. The back half was black with a yellow v and two wings on both sides of the front and back. Two black wheels, one in the front and one in the back with a blue glow coming out of the front. The handlebars were a pure white with black grippers and black on the outside. Declan even had a silver helmet with a vizor on it.

It was clear to say that everyone was astonished with what's happened. Rin had a gaze full of envy at seeing the Duel Runners since she had a good idea how this was gonna go down.

Declan stared down at the Duel Runner he's atop of with wide eyes, honestly shaken beyond words at what's happening right now. 'That Field Spell not only changed our surroundings, but even somehow gave us Duel Runners? The mysteries surrounding Yusei Fudo continue to grow'. LID's young president thought to himself, looking over to his left hand and saw a wrist dealer with his deck slotted in.

Declan took hold of his Duel Runner's handlebars with both hands, twisted the right one that resulted in a load and powerful engine roaring. 'Incredible... It's like this is a real Duel Runner. The engine, vibe, feeling and even the technology, all of it is real'. The silver-haired teenager thought to himself, taking a mental note to perhaps one day create a Duel Runner for himself just like this one.

"I hope you've got some experience riding, because this duel's going up to the next level". Yusei spoke up, catching the attention of Declan at hearing his voice. LID's young president looked to Satellite's Shooting Star, just as he began twisting the handlebars with the Yusei Go Duel Runner roaring.

Yusei lifted his right foot from the ground, showed his incredible skills with a Duel Runner as he effortlessly turned it around and took off down the highway.

Declan lifted his right foot from the ground and drove after Yusei, his monsters and Pendulum Monsters flying after their duelist. With the others watching, it was almost like they were watching from a helicopter because it seemed like they were following the two, even though they weren't moving at all.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like this!" Tate called out in awe, watching with wide eyes. "Yeah! I didn't think anyone could duel and drive at the same time!" Allie commented, feeling very excited to watch this Duel even more than before now.

Rin cracked a grin at the two, thinking back to her home and the excited children that watched Turbo Duels from the Commons below the city.

At the thought of her home; Rin's face fell in sadness for the people waiting for her to return. 'Yugo, everyone...'. The green-haired girl thought to herself, bringing up her right fist and rested it on her chest.

Lulu noticed her sister's sad face and grew a worried. As much as she wanted to talk to Rin right now, it wasn't the best time, not to mention that Lulu needed to watch the duel with all her focus to not miss a single detail about Declan.

Back with the now "Turbo" Duel; Yusei and Declan were racing through the highway like they were in a real Turbo Duel with Yusei in the lead. Declan's Fiend-Type monsters were flying above him, keeping at the same pace. Declan may not look it, but he was focusing with everything he had to not lose control and collapse. Yusei, on the other hand, was handling it without a problem and was actually relaxing as he rides on.

'I've missed this. The wind blowing past me, the thrill of Turbo Dueling and the rush I'm feeling. Action Duels were very interesting, but this is what I live for. Turbo Duels are my passion and I'm gonna enjoy this for as long as it lasts'. Yusei thought to himself, growing a fond smile at the familiar feeling he's missed terribly. He lifted his head to reveal a look of pure conviction in his eyes, then threw his right hand out.

"Now I activate the Trap card; Descending Lost Star!" Satellite's Shooting Star cried out, a card appeared on his right and flipped over to reveal it was Descending Lost Star's card. "This Trap card allows me to Summon back a Synchro Monster from my Graveyard, but its DEF Points are reduced to 0 and its Level goes down by 1! So say hello again to Junk Gardna!" Yusei cried out right as Junk Gardna burst out of Descending Lost Star's card and flew in the air above its duelist.

Junk Gardna DEF Points: 2600 - 2600 = 0/ Level: 6 - 1 = 5.

Yusei took a card from the 5 in the card holder and held it up. "Next I Summon the Tuner Monster; Jet Synchron!" The black-haired adult cried out, throwing Jet Synchron's card down beside Junk Gardna's one. A portal appeared in the sky and Jet Synchron flew out of it, giving an energetic cry.

Jet Synchron ATK: 500/ Level: 1.

"But he won't be around for long because I'm activating the effect of Starlight Junktion!" Yusei declared, a rainbow glow appearing and surrounded Jet Synchron. "First my Field Spell lets me tribute a Tuner Monster..." The black-haired adult began explaining, Jet Synchron bursting into sparkles, yet they didn't scatter.

"In exchange, I can now Summon a Synchron Tuner monster from my deck with a different Level from the tributed monster!" He finished, looking over to his deck on the wrist dealer.

It gleamed a rainbow colour for a moment, before it began shuffling. After a second or two, it stopped, and a single card slotted out. Yusei took hold and held the card out, revealing it to be Nitro Synchron. "I pick the Level 2 Tuner Monster; Nitro Synchron!" Yusei called out, the sparkles inside the rainbow sphere came together and transformed into Nitro Synchron. The sphere disappeared and Nitro Synchron flew beside Junk Gardna.

Nitro Synchron ATK: 300/ Level: 2.

(Music end. Now play Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Unreleased OST - Synchro Summon Theme / Yusei Fudo V0)

Declan widen his eyes in alarm at the sight of the new Tuner Monster. "Now I tune Level 5 Junk Gardna to Level 2 Nitro Synchron in order to Synchro Summon... Nitro Warrior!" Yusei declared, right as Nitro Synchron's body gleam green and burst apart into two green lights. The lights turned into two green rings that surrounded Junk Warrior from top and bottom. They closed in with Junk Gardna's body turning orange transparent with five stars lined up in its body.

5 + 2 = 7.

The rings and lights came down to beside Yusei on his right. A thin beam appeared in between them, then transformed into a more powerful, brighter and massive beam than normal. "Let's rev it up!" Yusei cried out his famous catchphrase. The beam burst into nothing as Nitro Warrior flew up into the sky, gripping its right fist up and took a stance with a battle cry.

Nitro Warrior ATK: 2800/ Level: 7.

Allie, Tate and Frederick all cried out in excitement at Nitro Warrior, Kit's eyes displayed the excitement he's feeling and Yuya gave a grin. Declan narrowed both eyes at Yusei's Synchro Monster, fully aware of its powers and how dangerous it was to him right now.

Nitro Warrior flew down to Yusei's right side and he continued his move. "Since Nitro Synchron was used to Synchro Summon Nitro Warrior, I can draw another card thanks to its effect". The black-haired teenager informed Declan, drawing another card from his deck and held it up.

Yusei cracked a smile, before flipping the card over to reveal it was the Equip Spell; Junk Barrage. "Next I'm activating the Junk Barrage Spell and equipping it to Nitro Warrior!" The black-haired adult called out, inserting the card into the Duel Disk.

A copy of the card appeared beside Yusei, before it transformed into a bright green beam that went and surrounded Nitro Warrior. "Now when Nitro Warrior destroys a monster by battle and send it to the Graveyard, you take damage to half of that destroyed monster's ATK Points!" Yusei explained the Spell card's effect, before throwing his right hand out and gestured to Nitro Warrior.

"Now Nitro Warrior's ability activates! Since I activated a Spell card this turn, Nitro Warrior gains 1000 ATK Points on its next attack!" He further explained, much to the You Show group's excitement at hearing this.

"Yusei's Nitro Warrior will be stronger than Declan's Doom King Armageddon now". Serenity spoke with growing hope, gently clasping both hands together. "Not to mention that since that kaiser monster's in DEF Mode, Nitro Warrior can switch it to ATK Mode and attack again!" Tate called out with an excited voice, only for his mood to go down once Sora spoke up. "Maybe, but all that'll do is result in mutual destruction". The Fusion Duelist pointed out, catching Tate, Allie and Frederick by surprise.

"He's right. Both Nitro Warrior and Supreme King Kaiser have 2800 ATK Points, so it'll just end with both of them going to the grave". Gong said with a deep frown, wondering how Yusei's gonna get past this dilemma.

"Not to mention that Junk Barrage only works if the opponent's monster is sent to the Graveyard. Declan's Doom King Armageddon is a Pendulum Monster, so it'll just get sent to the Extra Deck once it gets destroyed". Yuya spoke up, pointing out another problem with this formation.

Serenity, Allie, Tate and Frederick all grew worried at hearing this. Lulu and Rin on the other hand, weren't worried because they could see Yusei's calm face and knew that it meant that he's got everything under control. Satellite's Shooting Star brought up his left hand, then threw it out to the side. "I activate my second Trap card; Synchro Striker Unit!" Yusei cried out, a card facing him appeared and turned over, gleaming a green aura.

That same green aura appeared over Nitro Warrior, doing no harm to him. "This Trap card equips itself to a Synchro Monster and grants it 1000 ATK Points!" Yusei explained the Trap card's effect, right as Nitro Warrior powered up.

Nitro Warrior ATK: 2800 + 1000 = 3800.

Declan slightly widen his eyes and Yuya grinned at seeing this. "Alright! With this, Yusei can take Declan out in this Battle Phase!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out, calculating the damage from the battles and Junk Barrage's damage with it being more than enough to wipe out Declan's Life Points. "Get him Yusei!" Serenity called out in encouragement, eyes displaying the excitement she's feeling.

"Nitro Warrior attack Doom King Armageddon with Dynamit Crunch!" Yusei commanded the Fire Synchro Monster. Nitro Warrior's thrusters in his arms and "tail" went off and he flew up into the air. Once high enough, he turned around and started heading straight for Doom King Armageddon, intending to crush it.

Declan stared up at the approaching Synchro Monster with narrowed eyes, but then something caught his eye. He looked forward and saw up ahead of him and Yusei was an Action card floating atop the right kerb. 'An Action card!' Declan cried out inside of his mind, pressing down on the accelerator and twisted the right handlebar. Declan's Duel Runner let out a roar as it speed up without warning.

Declan drove past Yusei, keeping close to the right kerb. He reached out with his right hand and grabbed the Action card right at the perfect timing. LID's young president looked and gave a pleased grin at seeing the Action card. "At this moment I activate the Action Spell; Battle Change!" Declan cried out, inserting the Spell card into his Duel Disk. A large copy of the Action Spell appeared in front of him and began gleaming.

"Terrific". Yusei gave a grunt, easily figuring out what that does just from the name itself. "I can only use Battle Change on your Battle Phase. It lets me redirect your attack to another monster I control". Declan explained Battle Change's effect, then gazed up at D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser. "I redirect Nitro Warrior's attack to D/D/D Supreme King Kaiser!" The silver-haired teenager called out, Supreme King Kaiser going up and stood in Nitro Warrior's way to Doom King Armageddon.

Nitro Warrior ATK: 3800 + 1000 = 4800.

Green energy appeared around Nitro Warrior's fists and took the shape of its fist. The Synchro Monster slammed its Dynamit Crunch attack on Supreme King Kaiser, breaking through its blade and striking the Fiend-Type monster with it exploding a second later.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 4800 - 1000 = 3800.

"Darn it! Now Nitro Warrior's ability won't go off!" Tate called out with wide eyes, utterly disheartened at seeing Yusei's awesome one turn kill get ruin like that. "Not to mention that since that Fiend monster was in DEF Mode, there's no battle damage dealt. Talk about rotten luck". Rin remark, frowning deeply with both arms crossed. "Yusei can't win this turn, but he can still deal some damage". Yuya spoke up, reminding everyone that Yusei's turn wasn't over yet.

Yusei narrowed both eyes at Declan's back, then spoke up. "You may have saved your Doom King, but nothing can save you from this. Since Nitro Warrior sent your Supreme King Kaiser to the Graveyard, Junk Barrage's effect activates! Your monster had 2800 ATK Points, so that's 1400 coming your way!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, right as Nitro Warrior flew past him.

The Synchro Monster flew up above Declan's moving Duel Runner, then held out its right hand. Green energy appeared around Nitro Warrior's right hand, then he started firing energy blasts down at Declan. They struck the teenager's back, causing him to grunt yet no harm was done to him.

Declan Life Points: 4000 - 1400 = 2600.

Nitro Warrior soon stopped and flew back to Yusei's side. "First blow dealt! Yusei's in the lead now!" Allie called out with a smile full of hope. "In terms of Life Points that is, but Declan's the first at the front now". Rin pointed out, pointing at Declan who was now driving his Duel Runner ahead of Yusei.

"There's no need to worry about that. Yusei's got this all under control". Yuya said with a confident grin on his face, certain that his master's got this duel in the palm of his hand.

"At this moment, Doom King Armageddon's special ability activates! Since a monster I control was destroyed by battle or card effect, my Doom King now gains that destroyed monster's ATK Points until the end of this turn!" Declan cried out as a black aura appeared around D/D/D Doom King Armageddon. "What!?" Yusei called out in surprise, right as Doom King Armageddon powered up.

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon ATK: 3000 + 2800 = 5800.

Yusei grit his teeth at the high ATK Points that Doom King has, before he took 2 cards from the card holder, leaving 2 cards left, and inserted them all into the Duel Disk. "I'll throw down these 2 face-downs and end my turn". Satellite's Shooting Star called out as 2 face-down cards appeared in front of him.

"And since it's my End Phase, Synchro Striker Unit reduces Nitro Warrior's ATK Points by 800". Yusei informed LID's president, Nitro Warrior powering down right as he finished speaking.

Nitro Warrior ATK Points: 3800 - 800 = 3000.

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon ATK: 5800 - 2800 = 3000.

(Music end)

Declan Life Points: 2600/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

The two duelists turned a corner on their right, a good 10 feet distance between Yusei and Declan. "My...turn!" Declan called out, drawing the top card of his deck and threw the right hand out. He brought the card up, then added it to his card holder.

"At this moment on my Standby Phase, the effects of Dark Contract with the Gate activate and I take 1000 points of damage". Declan said, both copies of the Continuous Spell appearing in front of his Duel Runner and gained dark auras around themselves.

"That's 2000 points of damage in total. That'll bring him down to 600 Life Points". Zuzu spoke, yet Lulu shook her head in denial. "If only it were that easy. But it isn't". The Mistress of Birds stated, having a good feeling of Declan after watching his last turn and came to the conclusion that he's someone that prepares for everything.

Lulu was about to be proven right as Declan threw his right hand up and gestured to D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas with it. "I activate Rebel King Leonidas' Pendulum ability!" The silver-haired teenager declared, Leonidas' golden armour gleaming a golden light. "If I am to take effect damage, I can destroy this card..." Declan began to explain, D/D/D Rebel King Leonidas bursting into sparkles with the blue pillar and number "3" disappearing.

"Then all effect damage I take this turn instead increases my Life Points". Declan explained, a dark aura over both Dark Contract cards transforming into a golden colour before sparkles came off of them, passing through Declan and increasing his Life Points.

Declan Life Points: 2600 + 2000 = 4600.

"Come on! Really!?" Yuya exclaimed with wide eyes, a bit annoyed now since Declan's now in the lead completely. "4600 Life Points... More than what he stared out with". Gong remarked, a deep frown married to his face and both arms crossed.

"Not to mention that Declan can use those Spell cards again and get two more D/D cards". Sora commented, no chocolate or candy in hand at the moment and had both arms crossed behind his head. "At least Declan's Pendulum Scale is broken now". Yuya pointed out, looking at Declan's sole remaining Pendulum Zone Monster.

(Play Yu Gi Oh! ARC V Ost 19- I Can See the Victory

"With that out of the way, I shall continue my move now. I activate both of my Dark Contract with the Gate Spell cards!" LID's president declared, holding his left arm with both eyes on the deck. It began shuffling again for 5 seconds, then stopped with two cards slotting out.

Declan took both cards with his right hand and held them out. "I add to my hand D/D Nighthowl and D/D Lilith!" He declared, adding both cards to the card holder.

He took a single card from the 5 in his hand. "I now activate the Spell card; Allure of Darkness". Declan said, inserting the card into his Duel Disk. A card appeared in front of Declan and turned itself over, gleaming a faint light. "Allure of Darkness lets me draw 2 cards..." The silver-haired teenager explained, drawing the top two cards of his deck. He took a moment to look and added them to the card holder.

"Then I banish one DARK Monster from my hand". Declan added, taking D/D Lilith's card and put it away in his right pocket. "Now he's got six cards in his hand!" Allie cried out with wide eyes, while Dipper grinned at the sight.

"Yusei's only got 2 cards in his hand". Zuzu said in concern for the difference in the number of cards. "Calm down guys. Yusei's still got Nitro Warrior with 3000 ATK Points. And Declan can't Pendulum Summon his Doom King Armageddon again if it's destroyed". Yuya told his friends, looking at Zuzu for a moment then going back to the duel.

Declan suddenly grew a grin, before looking at Yusei over his left shoulder. "Yusei Fudo... Allow me to show something that no one's ever been able to accomplish". The silver-haired teenager said with an eager voice, much to Yusei's curiosity on what he meant by that.

Declan took a card from the five in his hand and held it out. "I activate the special ability of D/D Swirl Slime! I can use this card and another D/D card in my hand to Fusion Summon!" LID'S president explained, much to Yusei's surprise at hearing this.

He wasn't the only one surprised at hearing this, so was everyone else. "He's also a Fusion user!" Rin cried out with wide eyes, before she lost that surprised expression and grew an embarrassed grin.

'Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised by this. Yuya, Lulu and I aren't just Pendulum users, so it honestly wouldn't have been surprising if Declan was'. The green-haired girl thought to herself, wondering why she was so surprised earlier.

Declan took another card from the card holder and held both it and D/D Swirl Slime. "I fuse D/D Swirl Slime and D/D Berfomet!" The silver-haired teenager declared, two portals appearing on his sides with both Fiend-Type monsters emerging from them. Swirl Slime and Berfoment ascended into the sky where a bright swirling portal was and absorbed them both.

"Arcane swirl that takes in all forms! Engulf the specter wiggling in the darkness and give birth to a new king! Be born! Level 6! D/D/D Flame King Genghis!" Declan chanted, swiping his right hand out with a card in hand before swiping it down on the Duel Disk's blade. The Fusion Monster; D/D/D Flame King Genghis flew out of the swirling portal with a red aura around it and came right up to beside D/D/D Doom King Armageddon.

D/D/D Flame King Genghis ATK: 2000/ Level: 6.

"So, you're not just a Pendulum user, but a Fusion Summoner as well". Yusei said with both eyes slightly narrowed, curious to know if that's all Declan has to show him. \

"There's more where that came from". LID's president replied, taking another card from his hand and held it out to the side. "Now I Summon the Tuner Monster D/D Nighthowl!" Declan cried out, placing the card down beside Doom King Armageddon's card. A portal appeared and D/D Nighthowl emerged from it with a snarl.

D/D Nighthowl ATK: 300/ Level: 3.

Yusei widen his eyes in surprise at Declan's monster. "A Tuner Monster!?" He cried out, honestly taken back since he didn't think of the possibility of Declan being a Synchro user as well. "That's correct. When Nighthowl is successfully Normal Summoned, I can now bring back a D/D monster from my Graveyard with its ATK and DEF reduced to 0". Declan explained Nighthowl's special ability, a single card slotting out of his Duel Disk's Graveyard.

Declan took the card with his right hand and held it up. "So welcome back, D/D Berfomet!" He called out, throwing the card down right besides Nighthowl's card. Berfomet appeared inside of Nighthowl's mouth and came right out, giving a snarl.

D/D Berfomet ATK: 1400 - 1400/ DEF: 1800 - 1800 = 0/ Level: 4.

Yusei's wide eyes widen even more at seeing this because he knew exactly what Declan's gonna do next. "Now I tune Level 4 D/D Berfomet to my Level 3 D/D Nighthowl!" The silver-haired teenager declared, throwing his right hand up to the air. Nighthowl growled, followed by its body gleaming a bright white light. It then transformed into 3 bright stars that flew around until turning into 3 green rings that went to Berfomet.

They lined up right as Berfomet flew into them, turning orange transparent with four stars as it was scanned. Berfomet's body disappeared complexly, before the four stars lined up within the green rings.

4 + 3 = 7.

A thin beam appeared through the stars and rings, followed by electrical energy coming out of the rings. The thin beam then transformed into a massive one that absorbed them all. "Howls that tear through the night. Gain the swiftness of a gale and become the cries of a newborn king! Synchro Summon! Be born! Level 7! D/D/D Gust King Alexander!" Declan chanted, a white armoured warrior with a green cape wielding a sword appeared from the beam and took its blade into both hands.

D/D/D Gust King Alexander ATK: 2500/ Level: 7.

Yusei stared up at Gust King Alexander, then to Declan's other two monsters. 'Pendulum Synchro and Fusion. This guy's certainly got a lot of options'. Satellite's Shooting Star thought to himself, a sense of dread telling him that Declan isn't finished yet.

"I'm not done yet! Flame King Genghis, activate your special ability and turn up the heat!" Declan cried out, looking up towards his Fusion Monster. The red aura around Flame King Genghis changed into a purple colour, before it raised its blade up. "When a D/D monster other than my Flame King Genghis is Summoned, I'm then allowed to Summon another D/D monster from my Graveyard! And that's what I'll do!" The silver-haired teenager explained, a black portal appearing in the sky above him.

"Come out once again, D/D Berfomet!" Declan cried out, holding up D/D Berfomet's card with his right hand's index finger. The Fiend-Type monster emerged from the black portal, snarling at Yusei and Nitro Warrior.

D/D Berfomet ATK: 1400/ Level: 4.

Declan suddenly threw his right hand up into the air. "And as a further twist, D/D/D Gust King Alexander's special ability activates!" LID's young president cried out, the green aura around Gust King Alexander intensifying with a gust of wind appearing around him. "Whenever a D/D monster is Summoned, my Gust King can command another D/D monster to rise from the Graveyard! As it will now!" Declan explained his Synchro Monster's special ability, before throwing his right hand out.

"Return to me! D/D Nighthowl!" Declan cried out, another black portal appearing in front of him. D/D Nighthowl floated out of the portal and joined its fellow Fiend-Type monsters.

D/D Nighthowl ATK: 300/ Level: 3.

'Is he going for another Synchro Summon?' Yusei questioned inside of his mind, mentally preparing himself for Declan's next trick. "Now I activate D/D Berfoment's special ability!" Declan declared, throwing his right hand up into the air.

"Once a turn; Berfoment has the power to change a D/D monster's Level anywhere between 1 and 8! I change Nighthowl's Level to 4!" The silver-haired explained, a black aura appearing over Nighthowl and powering it up.

D/D Nighthowl Level: 3 + 1 = 4.

Yusei's eyes went wide once more at seeing Nighthowl's Level. 'Two Level 4 monsters!? Don't tell me he's planning to do that!?' Yusei shouted out inside of his mind, more amazed than shock really.

"And now Yusei Fudo, I intend to overlay my Nightowl and Berfomet". Declan informed his opponent, before throwing his right hand out. "And so it begins!" He called out, both Nighthowl and Berfomet transforming into darkish purple lights that ascended into the sky.

The sight of what's happening made the You Show gang watching widen their eyes in pure disbelief. "No way!" Allie, Tate and Frederick all cried out with their mouths wide open. "Oh my". Serenity lightly gasped, left hand up to her mouth.

"Well, this is interesting". Sora commented with a grin, very impressed with Declan right now. "I... honestly thought that I was the only person with the four Summoning methods". Yuya uttered to himself, feeling a bit outclass by Declan right now.

Lulu and Rin were silent, but even they had wide eyes at what they're witnessing. Once again, their expectations of Declan Akaba were utterly crushed by this discovery. "Whoa... I guess he really is our original self's younger brother". Rin whispered, speaking with a low voice so that Sora doesn't overhear them. "Declan Akaba... He really is a duelist unlike the others I've seen". Lulu uttered to herself, very impressed with Declan's dueling style.

A golden galaxy portal appeared in the sky above the rainbow highway and the two lights flew into it. A bright light erupted out of it with a steam of energy coming out. "In order to subjugate all that resides in this world, now, descend onto the peak of the world! Xyz Summon! Be born! Rank 4! D/D/D Wave King Caesar!" Declan chanted, a silver and purple armoured warrior wielding a great sword appearing from the stream of energy with two blue overlay units circling around it.

D/D/D Wave King Caesar ATK: 2400/ Rank: 4/ Overlay units: 2.

(Music end)

Everyone stared at Declan's Pendulum, Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Monsters with mixed expressions that were awe, disbelief and impressed with what they've seen. "Pendulum... Fusion... Synchro and Xyz... This guy's on an entirely different level". Gong uttered to himself, this being his first time seeing someone doing all three Extra Deck summoning methods on a single turn.

"That guy must have been through intense training to reach that Level. And something tells me that they're not Declan's strongest monsters". Rin commented, crossing both arms and stared at Declan's four monsters with a small glare.

Lulu didn't speak, just stared at Declan and his four monsters for a few moments. She lifted her left hand and stared at her bracelet. '...Were you able to easily accomplish that as well, Ray Akaba?' The Mistress of Birds thought to herself, comparing herself to her original self.

She didn't know much about Ray Akaba's dueling skills, just that she was a pro duelist and faced the Supreme King Dragon. Other than that, Lulu didn't know what cards that Ray used, what Summoning method she specialized in and her dueling style.

'Will I be able to reach your level someday? Or will I just be nothing more than a fragment of you?' Lulu mentally questioned, feelings deeply suppressed negative emotions inside of herself coming out from those thoughts.

Yuya noticed Lulu's sad frown and blinked in concern. He had no idea what she's feeling right now, but Yuya knew that he didn't like that look on her face. So, the Odd-Eyes Duelist reached out and gently took hold of Lulu's left hand with his right one. Lulu blinked in surprise, then looked over to Yuya and saw his reassuring smile at her.

Lulu gave her "boyfriend" an appreciated smile for his support, then lightly took hold of Yuya's hand. No words were needed between them, just looking at each other's eyes were enough for them to communicate. They went back to watching the duel, keeping a hold of each other's hands.

Yusei was silent, the only sounds were the engines of both his and Declan's Duel Runners. Satellite's Shooting Star eventually cracked a smile and spoke. "Consider me impressed, Declan Akaba. This is the first time I've seen someone do Fusion, Synchro and Xyz all on the same turn". The black-haired adult said with an impressed voice, certain that not even Yugi could accomplish this.

Declan gave a grin at Yusei's words. "I'm glad to hear that I impressed you so much. My deck doesn't solely focus on a single Summoning method, but all of them". The silver-haired teenager told his opponent, both him and Yusei coming up to another corner and drive to their left this time. "Does that include Ritual Summoning?" Satellite's Shooting Star asked with a curious voice, looking over to his hand of 2 cards for a moment.

In response, Declan gave a chuckle. "You'll have to find out yourself". The silver-haired teenager answered, facing forward and saw something up ahead. Floating above the ground was a single Action card that was up for grabs. Declan gave a grin, while the You Show group gasped at seeing the Action card.

"An Action card!" Zuzu called out with wide eyes of alarm. "Yusei, stop him quick!" Frederick called out to Satellite's Shooting Star, yet Yusei didn't make any move to past Declan and get to the Action card. "Don't worry. Action cards are still a game of luck, so if that Action card isn't what Declan's looking for then things won't go his way". Rin told her friends, sparing a quick moment to look at them then back to the duel.

Drawing closer to the Action card; Declan reached out with his right hand and leaned a bit to the right all without a trace of fear. He grabbed the card with perfect timing, bringing it up to see what he got. The silver-haired teenager gave a pleased grin at what he saw, before immediately playing it. "I activate the Action Spell; Over Sword!" Declan called out, a larger copy of the Spell appearing in front of him.

(Play Jack Atlas - Battle Theme (Japanese)

"This Action Spell increases the ATK Points of a monster I control by 500 during the damage step. Not only that, but its attack cannot be negated". Declan explained the Action Spell's effect, then held his right hand out and gestured to Doom King Armageddon with it. "I select D/D/D Doom King Armageddon!" He declared his choice, Yusei growing a small frown at hearing this.

"He better do something quick, or he's gonna lose the duel". Sora said with an uncaring grin, not really bothered who wins or loses this duel. "He's got this, just watch". Rin told the Fusion Duelist with a slightly stern voice, looking at him through the corner of her right eye for a moment.

"Now Doom King Armageddon, attack-" Declan began, only for Yusei to speak up and interrupt. "Not so fast! I activate the Trap card, Synchro Barrier!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, pressing down on one of his Duel Disk's buttons. A card appeared in front of Yusei, then turned over to reveal itself and began gleaming. "What!?" Declan called out in surprise, having been expecting a different move than this.

"Synchro Barrier allows me to tribute a Synchro Monster like Nitro Warrior..." Yusei began to explain, Nitro Warrior bursting into yellow sparkles that went and formed a barrier around him. "Then for the rest of this turn, I take no damage!" The black-haired adult finished explaining, much to Declan's slight annoyance at hearing this.

"Nice one! Now even if Declan does attack, it won't deal any damage thanks to that Synchro Barrier!" Yuya called out in praise at Yusei's quick thinking. "That was close, but now Yusei doesn't have a monster on his field while Declan's got four". Zuzu pointed out the difference in numbers. "Don't worry. Yusei's got a monster that can tip the scales without a problem". Rin told her friend, thinking of a Synchro Monster that Yusei has and how its power can change things for Yusei.

Dipper had an annoyed frown on his face. "That guy's so annoying. Why can't he just lose already so that we can just leave". The Xyz Duelist said with annoyance leaking out of his voice. "That's a stupid question and you know it". Kit told his friend, looking at Dipper like he was an idiot. "I'm honestly eager to see how he'll get out of this". Julia said with a small grin, feeling a sense of excitement from how intense this duel's been so far.

"Impressive Yusei Fudo. You stopped my attack before it could even begin". Declan complimented his opponent, taking the remaining two cards in his hand and inserted them into his Duel Disk. "I shall end my turn by placing 2 cards face-down. It is your move". The silver-haired teenager told Yusei, two face-down cards appearing in front of him and slightly floating above the ground.

(Music end)

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 2.

Yusei placed his right hand on his deck, preparing to draw. "It's my move!" Satellite's Shooting Star called out, drawing the top card in a dramatic fashion by throwing his right hand out to the side. Yusei's Spell card reappeared beside his moving Duel Runner's left and began gleaming once more.

On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! Signal counters: 1 + 1 = 2.

(Play Yusei Battle Theme)

Yusei brought up the card he drew and nodded in approval. He then threw his right hand out, all while keeping hold of the card. "Since my Spell now has 2 Signal counters, now I can activate the final effect of On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL!" Satellite's Shooting Star declared, the Spell card's gleaming growing stronger all of a sudden. "By removing 2 Signal counters and sending this card to the Graveyard..." Yusei began explaining, sending the Spell card to his Graveyard.

"I can draw 2 more cards, then discard 1 one from my hand". Yusei finished explaining, drawing the top 2 cards of his deck right away in his usual dramatic way. He slightly tilted his head right and saw what cards he got, the vizor of his helmet showing their reflection. He added the 2 cards to his hand making it a total of 5, before taking one of them.

"I discard my Stardust Wurm!" Yusei stated, sending one of his new cards to the Graveyard. He took another card from his card holder and holder and held it out to the side. "Since you control a monster and I don't, I'm allowed to Summon Sneak Giant from my hand! But not only that..." Satellite's Shooting Star began explaining, gazing down at his Duel Disk right as Jet Synchron's card slotted out of the Graveyard Zone.

He took it and held up both cards of Sneak Giant and Jet Synchron. "I can Special Summon a Level 2 or lower monster as well! Come on Sneak Giant and Jet Synchron!" The black-haired adult called out, throwing both cards down on the Duel Disk's blade. Two portals appeared on Yusei's sides with both Jet Synchron and Sneak Giant emerging from within them.

Sneak Giant ATK: 0/ Level: 5.

Jet Synchron ATK: 500/ Level: 1.

Declan narrowed his eyes at seeing the two monsters, while Yuya gave a grin at the sight. "Alright! Time for some Synchro action!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist called out with excitement leaking out of his voice. Kit chuckled with a grin at the sight, honestly impressed with Yusei's skills as a Synchro user.

"Now Jet Synchron gives Sneak Giant a tune up!" Yusei called out, rearing his right hand back before throwing it out. Jet Synchron flew up and gave a cry as it burst into red energy, then transformed into a single light. It ascended into the sky, then transformed into a single green light. Sneak Giant flew up into the air, passing through the green ring until he was halfway through. He turned orange transparent with five stars appearing within its body.

The stars lined up in Sneak Giant's body, before a thin beam appeared in between them all and transformed into a massive one. "Sacred wings that command the meteor shower! Ride the wind of souls around the world! Synchro Summon! Level 6! Stardust Charge Warrior!" Yusei chanted right as his new Synchro Monster; Stardust Charge Warrior shot out of the beam with its wing blades fully spread.

Stardust Charge Warrior brought its fists up together above its head, before throwing them out to the sides.

Stardust Charge Warrior ATK: 2000/ Level: 6

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