
Chapter 2: Overseer Again?

(Note: I'm sure this will be slightly familiar to those who have read my Dragon Ball Fanfic)

Amidst my confusion, I looked around, trying to figure out where the hell I was and why I was still alive because I knew for a fact I died. I can vividly recall the sensation of myself dying, and it wasn't a pleasant one by any means.

'Alright, well, it's not all bad; I'm still alive, so that's a plus. I just need to figure out why I'm at a rave; this heaven or something?' Thought Carson as he walked or floated through the seemingly infinite void of endless colors for an uncountable amount of time.

While walking or floating, I think, through this empty void that was devoid of any life, I quickly realized I was no longer on earth, which should've been evident since I'd died, but it's still a rather hard thing to comprehend when all your life you've been living on earth. Another thing I quickly learned was that in this place, time moves chaotically. I don't know how I know that; I just instinctively know. It was weird, but I gave up questioning it since no one was here to answer me.

With time just passing by, in the distance, I suddenly saw a white light, and despite seeing an almost endless amount of colors, this was the first time I'd seen white light; so thinking it must be something different, I floated myself toward it, and eventually, after what felt like days, I finally arrived before the massive sphere of white light.

[Hello Soul, I'm the Overseer of all reality in existence; could you tell me how you made it into my domain?] Asked the large white sphere, and although it sounded calm, it was actually slightly annoyed that even after shielding its domain, a second soul still managed to enter.

"Ayo, nigga, who said that?" Asked Carson as he warily looked around, searching for the source of the sudden voice, though he found nothing besides the large bright sphere; even the other lights had vanished.

[I'm in front of you, Soul, now, could you tell me how you made it into my domain?]

"In front of you-oh, damn, you're the giant white sphere?" Remarked Carson as he turned and looked at the white sphere, backing away to get a better look.

"Yeah, about your earlier question, I don't really know; I should be dead, floating somewhere in heaven, maybe getting a lapdance by a beautiful angel. So, I'm just as confused as you; also, why don't I remember much, either? Didn't I live a life? I should remember more than just a few things." Added Carson calmly as he folded his arms while nodding his head before furrowing his brows in confusion, causing the white sphere to fall silent for a moment.

[. . . That is interesting. For a soul to not only stay conscious after death but even absorb some of my remnant energy in only a couple hundred million years after shielding my domain.]

"Shit, well, you know how I be nigga- wait, did you just say a couple hundred million years!?" Exclaimed Carson with a smirk as he dusted his shoulder, only to freeze and look at the white sphere with widened eyes full of disbelief.

[Yes, you heard me correctly]

"Damn, that's a long ass time; yo, did that girl I saved have a fulfilling life?" Muttered Carson before shaking his head and looking up at the Overseer.

[Yes, after you gave your life for her, she went on to marry her fated partner and gave birth to 5 kids, who each ended up with four kids of their own. She died on her deathbed, surrounded by her family, with a happy smile; although I never saw her, she wanted to thank you.]

"Haa, that's good to hear; at least I didn't end up sacrificing my life for nothing." Said Carson with a content smile before the two descended into darkness.

"So, my dawg, what happens now?" Asked Carson after a few seconds of silence as he walked around the area while the Overseer oversaw him.

[You can stay with me for eternity and help me oversee all of reality]

"Hell no nigga, that sounds like a lame ass job to me; I've died, and while I don't remember much, I know I ain't trying to work again. Got any better options?" Replied Carson firmly, the mere thought of working again making him want to bash his brains.

[Or I could reincarnate you into another world.]

"Dammit, those are both terrible options; it's either an endless job or live life again, which probably wasn't that good considering I'm dead despite being so young; I'm really just picking the lesser of the evils. Haa, I'll take the second one; at least it won't be boring." Stated Carson with a scowl before sighing, and after thinking about it for several seconds, he finally chose.

[Then that shall be done, but before that, I must take my energy back from you as the energy you have will easily destroy whatever universe I send you to. But as you have worked hard to acquire that energy, I shall convert the energy into perks or wishes for you.]

"Perks or wishes? Ayy, now you're talking, my dawg; how many I got? Three like a genie, or what?" Questioned Carson eagerly as he rubbed his hands together like an evil villain while chuckling.

[There is no numerical amount of wishes as some will take more energy to fulfill, and others might take barely any energy at all.]

"Makes sense. Now then, what kind of wish do I want to make?" Said Carson with a nod as he fell silent while taking on a thoughtful expression.

Well, since I ended up dying, I don't wish to die again, so I'll want to be strong, super strong, and while we're at it, why not make me super fast as well? At this point, I might as well add super intelligence, hearing, vision, and smell. However, here's the problem: how do I comprise all of those into a single wish?

"Haa, I got it. I'd like to be Superman. Well, not exactly Superman; I'd prefer to stay black, you know, since I'm used to it, so I guess I'll choose to be his species." Stated Carson with a triumphant smirk before quickly tweaking his wish just in case.

(Note: There actually exists a black Superman called Calvin Ellis; he lives in Earth-23 of DC, obviously)

[That shall leave you with 5% energy left.]

"Damn my nigga! Only 5% left!? I know Kryptonians is powerful, but that sounds like an absolute fucking scam to me, and I've been scammed before, probably." Remarked Carson with an intense frown as he glared at the Overseer while refraining from getting physical, not like he could when his opponent is a literal intangible white sphere.

[You did not specify which Kryptonian or Superman you would like to be, so I gave you the potential to be the best version of him or his species possible.]

"What? My nigga Superman had more than one version? I ain't know that; fuck, the one I know is only capable of lifting a fucking planet; how strong is the best version of Superman then?" Asked Carson in astonishment as he imagined himself being able to defeat the whole Justice League easily, though he only remembered the core members.

[At your prime, you'll be able to defeat dimensional entities and go toe-to-toe with the strongest of celestial beings.]

(Note: The strongest version of Superman, Superman Prime One-million, isn't that powerful, at least, that's what the Wiki tier list says about him, and I only learned of this after I had written this chapter, but since it's my fanfic, fuck it, I'm making him as strong as I want him to be.)

I had no idea what a dimensional entity or a celestial being was, but they sounded powerful as hell, so I assumed I'd also be powerful.

"Alright, cool, so I've 5% left? Damn, what do I do with that? I mean, I've pretty much got everything I need; wait, now that I think about it, isn't it only Superman's body that absorbs sunlight? What about his soul? Does that stay weak?" Muttered Cason with a thoughtful expression.

(Another freaking Note: Superman doesn't only absorb sunlight, but all Cosmic radiation, which is pretty much any radiation naturally produced, including Gamma radiation. Of course, he'll only learn of this much later. However, he must be under a yellow, blue, or neutron star to absorb cosmic radiation.)

"Yo, my dawg, is 5% enough for me to ask you to tie my soul to my body? I mean, the soul is always tied to the body, but could you make it so that whenever my body gets stronger, so does my soul? With you talking about dimensional and celestial beings, I've got a feeling I'm not going somewhere nice, and I don't want to be caught lacking, if you know what I mean." Said Carson seriously as he looked up at the giant white sphere that was calmly floating in the void.

[That is all of the energy, I wish you a good life, little soul.]

"Damn, just like that? Ay, anyways, thanks, my dawg, I think; who knows, I might end up fucking dying again." Muttered Carson with a slight smile before sighing to himself; next thing he knew, he was getting sucked into what felt like a blackhole before he vanished from the Overseer's domain.

[Two times. I would improve my shielding, but I already know another one will come no matter what I do.] Said the Overseer as it oversaw everything, from the very first creation of the endless reality to its infinitely expanding future.



So yeah, that Overseer person wasted no time, and although it's hard to hear, I'm currently being held by some dude or woman; I can't really tell as every time I open my eyes, it's like I'm staring right into the sun. I hear a whole bunch of sirens, along with what sounds like distant explosions, which is quite nerve-wracking; I can hardly move, and I'm about to die again.

When I no longer felt myself being shaken, I felt the hands holding me disappear as another set of smaller hands took their place. I tried opening my eyes once more, but again, all I saw was intense light, causing me to groan, but I think I accidentally ended up crying, probably cause I was a child; well, I assumed so; otherwise, why the hell was a grown ass man being carried around like a baby.

Feeling the trembling intensify, I heard the person holding me talk in a panicking yet feminine voice while a calm and solemn voice responded, causing me to feel rather fond of their voices even though I had no idea what they were saying. After a few moments, I felt the woman who was holding me set me in what felt like an incredibly comfortable bed before she planted a kiss on my head, followed by the man doing the same and saying something.

Following that, the trembling again intensified, but suddenly, everything quieted down to almost silence; I could still hear the explosions, but just barely. I used this as a chance to open my eyes, and when I did, while everything was very bright, it wasn't super intense like previously, and I was actually able to see. The first thing I noticed was a tall, handsome, muscular, dark-skinned man with a short beard and what looked like a fade; the other person was a short, mixed woman with long black hair, good curves, and a motherly aura to her.

'I don't know why, but I really like them.' Mused Carson as he curiously glanced at the two people giving him loving looks, not even noticing the destruction happening behind them.

While I was happily observing them, I felt myself tremble slightly as I was being lifted into the air by whatever I was held in; I saw my parent's figure slowly vanish as I was shooting high into the sky, allowing me to see the sheer destruction of the planet that was happening every second.

Before I knew it, I was now above the whole planet, and I was forced to watch as it destroyed itself; although I didn't know my parents, I felt really sad, sad enough to the point where I was even crying without my knowledge.

Reaching my hand forward, trying to touch the glass as I rapidly flew away from the planet, I watched it explode, causing the entire ship I was in to tremble intensely from the shockwave, but I was far enough away that none of the debris managed to reach me.

'Wait, debris? Fuck me; I had completely forgotten about it! KRYPTONITE!' Thought Carson as he inwardly yelled while crying, realizing that he had forgotten about a Kryptonian's main weakness because of his lack of judgment.



I'll be making an auxiliary chapter with all of his abilities and future abilities, so what for that.

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