
Frighten, Edwards Rückkehr

To say that assassins were not afraid of death was actually a lie — assassins killed to live.

After Millie left, Kingsley stood on the balcony outside the room for a long time, smoking.

He smoked cigarette after cigarette.

"Don't you feel sad about her death?" Jeanne's words echoed in his ears.

He did not feel sad.

He had seen many assassins die. He had seen many assassins leave and never return, so he really was used to it.

Moreover, his life did not allow him the luxury of feeling sad about their deaths!


After hanging up the phone, Jeanne couldn't sleep either.

Lucy's death weighed heavily on her.

She had only been with Kingsley for a few years, but she had already witnessed the departure and tragic deaths of many assassins. That's why the Hills continued to nurture assassins and see them die, one after another.

She just hadn't expected Lucy to be the one to die this time.

Originally, Lucy didn't go on missions alone.

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