
Chapter 4: Family Ties

Sheila's Home

Sheila was sitting in her living room, candles lit around her, and herbs on the ground, as she chanted to herself and cut her finger, before the candles flared, and she gasped as her eyes tuned white

After 5 Minutes, she came from her trance as her eyes returned to normal, and she took repeated deep breaths, before she quickly got up and walked over to a closet, and opened it turning on a light, she looked through her families grimoire's, and grabbed a very old one

Placing the grimoire on a table, she grabbed her keys and went upstairs and unlocked the door to her attic, stepping in she looked around at all the old boxes that have been collecting dust, and walked towards one in particular, that held an object that's been passed down through her family for 1000 years

"Spirits please forgive me, but I must protect my family." she said as she grabbed a piece of wood from the box, and left

The wood she was holding was very special, and rare, it was White Oak, from an ancient white oak tree, passed down through the line of her family should a special kind of vampire terrorize them


Bonnie's House

Bonnie, and Elena sighed as they awoke, with small smiles, before they blinked upon realizing that Naruto was no longer in bed, giving them perfect time to talk more about their new relationship

"So..we're really going through with this? Share a guy." Bonnie started

"I know it's not normal in this day and age, but he makes us happy, and I'd rather both of us have a chance at happiness then just one of us ad the other having to be alone." Elena replied

"So how do we go about this? Because I'm not to comfortable with this being public, you know how judgmental the people of this town is." Bonnie wondered

"I don't know, we can ask Naruto." Elena said getting a nod from Bonnie


Naruto was in the kitchen drinking from a blood bag, and took deep breaths when he was finished, before he heard footsteps and quickly tossed the bloodbath into the trash under a box of pancake mix, and turned to the counter and began to pour himself some Orange juice,

Elena, and Bonnie walked into the kitchen to see the table set, with pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, grits, toast, hashbrowns, and sausages,

"Morning." Naruto said with his back still turned as he took deep breath and sipped his orange juice as his face finally returned to normal, and turned to smile at the girls

"Hey, how long have you been up?" Bonnie asked looking at the spread Naruto had laid out

"2 Hours." Naruto shrugged as the girls sat down and grabbed a plate, before they went about getting whatever they wanted

"So, we have to talk." Elena said chewing on a strip of bacon "We were wondering what will we do, concerning dates, and festivals."

"Well, I have no problem taking you both on a date out of town, but as for festivals, why don't you both go and I'll just show up, and we enjoy the night together."

'That could work." Bonnie nodded, along with Elena

"Listen, I never want you guys to do something your uncomfortable with, so as long as you both are okay with this kind of thing, I will do my best to make the both of you happy." Naruto said confidently getting smiles from the girls who nodded, before the three went about eating breakfast


Sheila's House

Sheila, was sitting at her table, around 40 open grimoires were around her as she worked tirelessly to complete her work, when there was a knock at the door, standing up she walked and opened the door and immediately grabbed Naruto and pulled him inside "Thank god, you're here." she said

"Well you said it was urgent." Naruto said before he noticed the opened grimoires, and empty coffee cups and turned to Sheila who walked to her table "What's going on?"

Sheila stopped and turned to Naruto "Last night, I did a premonition spell." she said causing Naruto to frown

"Sheila, you know how dange-"

'I know, it's dangerous, but I had to see." Sheila said as Naruto saw her hands shaking

"What did you see?" Naruto asked causing Sheila to look at him "Right, you can't tell me, but what can you tell me?"

"They find Elena." Sheila said

"Who?' Naruto asked

"The Mikaelson's." Sheila said causing Naruto to frown

"They want to break the curse." Naruto said getting a nod from Sheila who turned to her table

"I've been up all night, trying to find anything to help our chances without changing the future to much, and I came up with one method." Sheila frowned picking up the stake she had retrieved last night

"Well don't keep me in suspense what's the method?" Naruto asked after a moment of silence

"You." Sheila said turning to Naruto who raised an eyebrow "The Mikaelson's have more then 500 years on you, true. And while your ingenuity with your other abilities are unprecedented, you will still be crushed by them since they can't die. They are stronger, and faster than you, I want to remove that advantage."

"How?" Naruto asked watching as Sheila turned to her table again and began to organize her things

"The spell that created Vampires comes from the spell Qetsiyah used for herself and Silas 2000 years ago. Amelia Bennett wrote down the spell used in the creation, I have wood from the tree, blood from a Bennett and blood of the doppelganger will make a better much more powerful link, and,"

"Sheila are you hearing yourself." Naruto interrupted causing Sheila to turn to him "Your talking about doing dark magic."

'I am desperate, I will give my friend a means to protect our loved ones. I convened with the spirits of those who came before me, and they agree."

"Sheila think about this, I can't even control myself on human blood. Your talking about making me an Original vampire." Naruto said

"I know, and if we do this your hunger will only get worst, but you will be able to initiate the transition anytime. You can use that time to get your bloodlust under control." Sheila said causing Naruto to shake his head before she walked up to him and took his face in her hands "Please, Naruto. What I saw, Bonnie going through, I don't want that for her, please."

Naruto looked Sheila in the eye for a moment and sighed before he pulled her into a hug, and kissed her temple 'Fine."

Sheila breathed a sigh of relief, before she pulled back and nodded to him

"What do you need me to do?" Naruto asked

"Be here on the night of the full moon, once it has reached its apex, we can began." Sheila said causing Naruto to nod

9 Days Later

It's been 9 days since Tanner's deah, and Naruto, Bonnie , and Elena began their relationship, the three would began to hang out all over the state of Virginia, Elena, and Bonnie's time with Naruto became very fun, as he supported them, and listened to their problems, before he took their minds off of them, he, Elena, and Bonnie had all even made out together

Lately though Elena had been asking more questions about his past, letting Naruto know that if he didn't reveal what he was to her, and soon they may not be together much longer

Currently, Naruto was walking through the boarding house, down to the cellar, Damon had covered his tracks by compelling a puma to attack a hunter, whatever it was Damon was up to it had to do with the Founder's Party, luckily before Zach had left he had showed him something, entering into a cellar where flowers of vervain was held, he checked his phone to see that it was almost time for him to leave, and quickly put on a glove and plucked a flower, and got to work

Gilbert House

Elena walked into her kitchen to see Jenna looking at the news "To repeat the animal terrorizing Mystic falls has been caught." Logan Fell said through the TV

"Scum ball. Scum bucket." Jenna said glaring at the screen

"Who are you talking to?" asked Elena standing behind Jenna

"Him." Jenna said motioning to the TV

"The news guy?" Elena asked

"Otherwise known as Logan 'Scum' Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Jenna asked

"Oh, no way. You and him?" Elena asked smiling looking over to the tv "He's cute."

"No he's not, there's nothing cute about him." Jenna said cutting off the television "What are you doing with that?" she asked motioning to the box Elena placed on the table

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display." Elena smiled as she began to clean a pocket watch

"Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" asked Jenna as she picked up the ring

"Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring." Elena smiled as Jeremy entered the room

"How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?" Jeremy asked picking up the watch

"You're not going to find out." Elena said quickly snatching the watch from him

"That stuff is mom and dads. You can't just give it away." Jeremy said turning away and heading toward the refrigerator.

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Elena sighed but before anyone could speak up the doorbell rung, and quickly Elena made her way to answer it and smiled when she saw Naruto at the door.

"Hi." Naruto greeted with a smile.

Smiling herself Elena pulled him inside and after closing the door behind him stood up on her toes and pulled him into a deep kiss, moaning as he groped her ass, as he pulled her closer "Hi." Elena smiled

"Elena!" Jenna walked in causing Naruto and Elena to look over blinked, as he caught a flash of the memory of the last time he had ever seen Jenna, it had been in 1994, when he was visiting Zach, and he had slept with the woman, her sister, Abby, and a blonde who was apparently Sheriff now

"You must be Naruto." Jenna said causing Naruto to smile, and shake her hand

"Yes, nice to meet you." Naruto nodded,

"You look familiar." Jenna said causing Naruto's smile to twitch before he wordlessly compelled the woman

"Aw you know, I have one of those faces." Naruto smiled

"No, your face is one of a kind." Jenna said looking Naruto over, before she realized she said that out loud "I'm going to go do something."

Quickly she walked away, while Naruto looked to Elena "I didn't know you aunt was a cougar."

Elena giggled and slapped his arm,

"So what're you doing today?" Naruto asked

"Preparing for the Founder's Party, you?" Elena asked

"Nothing, of importance, Bonnie is with her Grams, and I'm bored."

"Well I can take a break from, getting ready. What do you want to do?" Elena asked

Naruto smiled, and slowly looked at her seriously, "I want to show you something. Is that okay?"

"Sure, just give me a minute." Elena quickly ran to the kitchen and told Jenna that Tyler would be here to get the box, before she ran upstairs to get her shoes, and jacket

Salvatore Boarding House

Naruto's Room

Naruto, and Elena entered his bedroom, and she smiled "Oh, did you want to take me in your room?" she asked hugging his arm, into her DD-cup breast, as Naruto smiled

"As fun as that would be, I brought you here to show you that I'm actually committed to being with you." Naruto said, causing Elena to raise an eyebrow "I know you're still wondering why Bonnie was so scared of me at first."

"It was just because she didn't know you." Elena smiled

"That wasn't it." Naruto said "She is a witch, and it helped her find out about me."

Elena looked confused as Naruto opened up his secret room, and turned on the light,

Elena walked into the room, and looked around at the large walls of money, diaries, old school weapons, and clothing "What is this?" Elena asked walking up to a photo of Naruto in 1703, New Orleans

Turning slowly to Naruto she gasped, when she saw his face change, and he give her a soft smile "I'm a vampire."

Elena fainted

20 Minutes Later

Naruto, sat in a chair as Elena was unconscious on his bed, when she suddenly gasped awake, and as soon as she saw Naruto fear settled in, "Stay away from me!" she said terrified

"I'm not going to hurt you." Naruto said gently as he stood up

"Your the one whose been killing people." Elena said getting off the bed

"Not recently. I don't kill to survive, hell I haven't fed on a human in almost 80 years, Elena. Please sit down, and just listen." Naruto said, only for her to remain standing, before he grabbed a stake and tossed it on the bed, and as soon as she picked it up Naruto sped onto the bed, and was sitting in front of her holding her wrist, with the stake to his chest "Now, I'm at your mercy. If I make you feel unsafe, plunge this into my heart, and kill me."

Elena looked into Naruto's eyes in shock

"I'm telling you this, because I want you to hear this from me, before you find out in some other type of fashion."

Elena took a deep breath as she looked into Naruto's calm, and loving blue eyes, and hesitantly she sat down beside him with the stake in hand

"How is this possible."

'The time around when I was turned is very vague, but I became like this in 1460."

"Y-your 566 years old?" Elena asked in shock

"Yes," Naruto nodded "In that time, I've seen and done a lot of things, some I'm not proud of."

"Bonnie knows about you?"

'I've been a friend of the Bennett family for a very long time, the night of the comet when she touched me, she went to Sheila who told her to keep quiet, as it wasn't her secret to tell. It's mine, and I can tell you whatever you wanna know."

"I know you eat garlic." Elena said

"Yes." Naruto said with a nod

"And somehow, sunlight's not an issue." Elena said seeing as the sun was shining brightly into Naruto's room

"We have rings that protect us." Naruto said showing his ring, keeping his tattoo under wraps since that is Bonnie's family secret

"Crucifixes?" Elena asked

"Decorative." Naruto shrugged

"Holy water?"



"Myth." Naruto said pointing to a mirror

"You said you don't kill to survive." Elena said after shaking off her surprise that almost everything she knew about vampires was a lie

"Blood bags, keep me top form. I don't feed on fresh human blood because I have control issues when I'm on it." Naruto said

"Are there any others aside for you?" Elena asked putting down the stake

"In Mystic Falls, there's only me and Damon. 145 years ago, this place was crawling with them, when the Founder's caught wind of them, they destroyed the city trying to find any and all vampires. Lots of people died. That's why you can't tell anyone."

"Damon is a vampire, and you let him get involved with Caroline?" Elena asked

"Woah, I didn't let him do anything." Naruto said stopping that train of thought quickly "I'm going to do something about him, but I just need the perfect opportunity."

Elena nodded slowly, "So you and Damon have been brothers for almost 600 years, why does he hate you so much?"

"Well, we used to be best friends, along with our little brother Stefan.

"He called you Stef, at dinner."

"A way of reminding me of my selfishness." Naruto said causing Elena to blink "When Damon was in transition, I forced him to complete it. Our younger brother Stefan was only 15, and he was to innocent to become like this, I didn't want to be alone, so I selfishly made it so that I wouldn't be. Damon and I grew estranged for 30 years, over the centuries we would fight and make up but in 1864 when I caught him and Katherine together, is when I realized that my brother truly didn't give a crap about me. I grew tired of it all, making up and fighting again, it became a cycle that I broke, the night of the battle of Willow Creek, I left Mystic Falls, behind, Katherine was dead, Damon was making proclamations of ruining my life for all eternity."

"I'm sorry." Elena said grabbing Naruto's hand, as he looked at her

"There's nothing you need to be sorry for. It's all my fault, there is no way to fix what I did, all I can do is just continue to live my life. I hope your not to upset with me."

"A little bit, yeah." Elena nodded causing Naruto to purse his lips "but, I'm also happy you told me, it tells me that you really want me to trust you, and that you really want to be in a relationship with me. Also it's kinda hot."

Naruto gave a small chuckle

"Wait, do you have any.."

'Any what?" Naruto asked

"Vampire girlfriends?" Elena asked

"Um, I have some exes yes, and a couple friends with benefits." Naruto said before after watching Elena look thoughtful he grabbed her by the waist and picked her up before placing her atop on him so she was straddling him "I'm sorry. There is a lot more that I need to tell you, but that can wait for another time."

"It's okay."

"This is a different kind of secret from you, and I, and Bonnie's relationship, this is life and de-" Elena kissed Naruto interrupting him as he eagerly returned the kiss,


Damon entered the boarding house, but before he closed the door he stopped as he heard a loud feminine moan, and with a frown he turned around and left, as his brother had sex with a carbon copy of the love of his life.

Next Day

Naruto stood behind Bonnie, and Elena who looked back to him and he winked at both with a smile which they returned, before they were invited into the party by Carol Lockwood, who Naruto noticed it was a good thing vampires couldnt get people pregnant because he was looking at another woman he slept with in the 90's

Stepping up he smiled as he walked into the house having been invited in back when he was piping her down all over the mansion "Mrs. Lockwood, I presume. I'm Naruto Salvatore it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello. Salvatore, any relation to Zach?" Carol asked the gorgeous young man

"My uncle." Naruto nodded

"Oh, well please come in and have a wonderful time." Carol said as Naruto smiled and walked deeper into the party, meeting up with Bonnie, and Elena who linked an themselves before the three smiled as they walked further through the mansion, as Caroline, and Damon entered arrived to the door moments after "Caroline! You look smashing." she said as they hugged while Damon waited to be invited in

"Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood. This is my boyfriend Damon." Caroline said introducing Carol to Damon

"Oh, well, come on in." Carol said with a smile

"Lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while." Damon said stepping into the house

"Well, enjoy." Carol said walking off

"Let's get a drink." Damon said extending his arm to Caroline who took it as they started to walk in, Caroline saw her mother Sheriff Elizabeth 'Liz' Forbes.

"Wait here." Caroline told Damon as she went to talk to her mother, Damon walked away

"Really, you couldn't even change out of the badge for this?" Caroline asked

"I'm working, honey." Liz said as she looked at Damon who was walking away "Who's the date you just tried to sneak past me?" Liz asked

"Just some guy." Caroline said with a shrug

"He's a little old for you, don't you think?" Liz asked

"Oh, 'cause otherwise you'd approve. Yeah, I doubt that." Caroline retorted

"Where's your dad?" Liz asked Caroline with a sigh

"Memphis." Caroline answered starting to walk away

"Good." Liz said lowly before Caroline looked back

"With Steven." Caroline said leaving as Liz frowned at her

Hours Later.

It's night now, and the Founder's Ball was in full swing, Naruto and Bonnie were talking to each other and laughing, while they danced, before she saw some friends and walked off, while Naruto entered a room where he found Elena who was looking at her parent's wedding rings, and he walked up behind her. "Your parents?" Naruto asked after a moment

"There's a lot of history here." Elena said walking away from the rings

Jenna was walking around and she took a glass of wine from a butler. As she continued to walk away she was called "Jenna." turning around she saw Logan Fell

Sighing Jenna greeted "Hello Logan."

"It's good to see you." Logan said walking forward, moving to kiss her but she leaned away from him

"I thought I might see you here." Jenna said standing back up

"You knew it." Logan said

"I dreaded." Jenna retorted

"But were secretly hoping." Logan returned with a small nod

"And now that I have…" She trailed turning around to leave but Logan grabbed her arm

"Whoa, hey, not so fast. I know you. You have a lot more insults in you, I can tell." Logan said

"Your hairline's receding."

"No, it's not. You want to have lunch?" Logan asked

"Nope." Jenna said immediately

"You haven't changed a bit." Logan said with a smirk

"Oh, yes, I have. I'm meaner now." Jenna said before she walked away with a sigh


Naruto was with Elena who was reading the first registry, "The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration." Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar names—Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood." Elena read before Naruto squeezed her hand and she glanced at him to see him make a motion with his head and she took a deep breath, as she looked to the next two named "Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Nathaniel Salvatore?"

"The original Salvatore brothers." Damon said walking in with Caroline as Naruto and Elena turned to them with Elena holding in a frown as she saw her best friend with what she now knew to be a monster "Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually."

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Naruto said

"It's not boring, Naruto. I'd love to hear more about your family." Elena smiled squeezing his hand back ready to play her part in the plan they set up before coming here

"Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me." Caroline complained as Damon shook his head "Could I just borrow Naruto?"

"Oh, uh...well I'm with Bonnie so it's really up to him." Elena smiled

"Sure, why not." Naruto said as Caroline smiled and took his hand before she dragged him off

Damon watched with a smug smirk, before he turned to Elena putting on a apologetic facade "I want to apologize to you for being such a world-class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you. There's no excuse. My therapist says I'm...Acting out, trying to punish Nate.

"For what?" Elena asked

"It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry. And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers."

Dance Floor

Naruto and Caroline was dancing, "How have you been Caroline?"

"I've been fine, your brother is a real gentleman." Caroline smiled

"Hm, really? He hasn't done anything awful to you, or treated you badly in anyway?" Naruto asked

"Why would he do that?" Caroline asked

"He is his father's son." Naruto said knowing that Damon was eavesdropping, before he noticed a waiter carrying a tray of champagne "Would you like one?"

Naruto grabbed a glass of champagne for himself and Caroline, and handed one of them to her "Okay, just tell me if you see my mom." she said clinking her glass against his own and they both drunk from their glass, as Naruto slipped am empty vile into his pocket

With Damon

Damon, withheld frown having heard what Naruto had said, and continued speaking with Elena "The Salvatore name was practically royalty in this town. Until the war. There was a battle here—"

"The Battle of Willow Creek." Elena interrupted

"Right." Damon said slightly surprised she knew about it

"I know, we talked about it in class. Confederate soldiers fired on a church with civilians inside." Elena said

"What the history books left out was the people that were killed. They weren't there by accident. They were believed to be union sympathizers. So some of the founders on the confederacy side back then wanted them rounded up and burned alive. Nathaniel and Damon had someone they loved very much in that church. And when pushed came to shove, Nathaniel left, while Damon went to rescue them, but he was shot. Murdered in cold blood."

"Who was in the church that he wanted to save?" Elena asked

"A woman, I guess. Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman?

"Look, I'm sorry that you and Naruto have this thing between you, but I can't get in the middle of it, Damon. I just...I hope you two can work it out." Elena said

"I hope so, too." Damon said hiding a smirk behind a sigh


Vicki and Tyler on a bench, away from the party. "So you want to dance?" Vicki asked hopefully, so that Tyler can actually start acting like this was the date she was hoping for

"Me dancing? Not pretty." Tyler denied getting a frown from Vicki

"Maybe you could show me around. I mean, this place is amazing." Vicki tried again

"Yeah, if you like living in a museum." Tyler said with a shrug as Vicki's frown deepened

"Maybe I should just strip naked and give Pastor Bill a lap dance." Vicki said angry Tyler looked at her in surprise "I mean, that's why we're hiding in a corner all night, isn't it? You're scared of how I'm going to act? You afraid of what your parents are going to think about your date from the wrong side of the tracks?" Vicki asked

"I don't care about what they think." Tyler lied as he tried to get her to calm down

"Great. Let's go say hi." Vicki said grabbing Tyler's hand and pulling him up from the bench

"Knock it off, vick." Tyler said stopping her

"Or we could just, you know, sneak up to your bedroom. As long as nobody sees us, right?" Vicki said with a glare

"Vicki, I swear…" Tyler started

"What's a matter, Ty? You scared to stand up to your mommy? It's pretty pathetic." Vicki interrupted sill holding Tyler's hand before she pulled him again

"Let go!" Tyler said yanking his arm back before Carol walked over

"Tyler…" she said before turning to Vicki who had backed away "We didn't get a chance to say hello earlier. It's Vicki, right? Matt's sister." Carol said

"Yes, ma'm." Vicki said politely

"You'll have to forgive my son's rudeness. He gets it from his father." Carol said looking at Tyler from the corner of her eye

"Well, that's ok, Mrs. Lockwood. Tyler and I were just saying good night." Vicki said with a glare aimed at Tyler before she turned around and walked away, her eyes a little tearful

Carol and Tyler both watched as Vicki left before Carol leaned over to Tyler "That's what you get when you bring the trash into the party." she said before leaving as Tyler continued to watch Vicki


Damon was walking upstairs as Caroline followed him "Where have you been?" Caroline asked

"Ah." Damn said grabbing her arm "Looking for you." he said as he led her to a room

"Naruto barely danced with me for five minutes—" Caroline started

"Ok, just a minute. Stand right...there." Damon said positioning her to stand facing the door before he went and started to search through the collection, grabbing what he was looking for Damon bit his thumb and swiped it over the seal inside and in a puff of smoke a crystal was there

"Um, you're not supposed to touch." Caroline said walking over "What is that?" Caroline asked as she saw Damon picking up the crystal

"A very important crystal." Damon said putting everything back the way he found it

"Well, how did you know that it was there?" Caroline asked finishing her drink

"Because I put it there." Damon said

"When?" Caroline asked

"A long time ago. Tonight, I'm taking it back, thanks to you." Damon said grabbing Caroline's arm and walking out of the room

"Well, what's it for?" she asked

"Never you mind." Damon said getting a little annoyed with all the questions

"Well, you can't just steal it." Caroline said

"It's not stealing. Come on." Damon said

At the bar

Jenna was looking out the window as Logan came to the bar, when she saw him she turned back "Vodka tonic." he said placing down an empty glass "Ok, I know that this is probably going to be strike 3, but I hope you can see it for what it is." Logan said walking over to Jenna

"And what is it?" Jenna asked turning to him

"Persistence. Groveling, commitment. Take your pick." Logan said

"I fled town because of you. Fled." Jenna said

"I was young and stupid, and then things changed. Life got...real. You'd know that better than anyone." Logan said sincerely

"Hypothetically speaking, if allowed, how would you make things right?" Jenna asked after a moment of silence

"Well, more groveling, of course. A recap of the past few years spent soul searching. Cheese fries." Logan said with a smile

"Obvious." Jenna said after a giggle

"I know my audience."

"Yes to lunch. Call me." Jenna said leaving

Dining room

Carol was with a butler complaining while Bonnie was listening "Look around. What's missing? The flames, the candles. Why aren't they lit? There's matches in the kitchen." Carol said before walking off

Bonnie watched her and shook her head "Bitch." she said before she turned to the candles on the table and she remember how she lit one earlier today. Placing down her glass, Bonnie bent over slightly and gazed at the candle, before she smiled as they all lit up the dining room before Naruto who was behind her wrapped his arms around her waist causing her to jump slightly "Been looking for you." Naruto whispered in her ear, causing Bonnie to smile

"Yeah, me to, so are you ready to," Bonnie paused as Elena walked in with her heels off looking around "What's up Elena?" Naruto asked

"Damon took Caroline." Elena said with a frown on her face "There are bruises all over her body. Bite marks, and Damon has her all confused and messed up in the head." Elena said

"Lets go." Naruto said as the girls nodded they headed outside

Gilbert House

Jeremy was on his Xbox 360 when the doorbell rang, sighing Jeremy got up and went to answer the door. When he answered it he saw that it was Vicki, who had got into a fight with Tyler, because he had her stay in the backyard while a party was going on, because he didn't want his parents to see her.

Jeremy looked at Vicki with his mouth open before he spoke "You look amazing. What are you doing here?" he asked

"I was thinking maybe I could make one more wrong choice today. I still have 17 minutes." Vicki said before she kissed him

The Founder's Party

Damon was dragging Caroline out to the lawn, when he turned her around to face him "Don't! She took it off and I got flustered, ok?! I didn't know what to say. But I swear, ok, I did not tell her. I just told her that you didn't mean to hurt me." Caroline explained scared, Damon sighed and nodded before he walked behind Caroline and wraps his arms around her waist.

"You make me crazy, you know that? It's okay. I forgive you." Damon whispered into her ear

"I swear I didn't say—" Caroline started

"Shh, shh, shh." Damon said as he started to kiss her neck "It's okay. Unfortunately... I am so over you now." Damon said before he vamped out and bit her, as he started draining Caroline of her blood they both fall to the ground. Before Damon suddenly stopped and sat up "What the hell?" Damon said with a groan as he fell back, that was when Naruto arrived Damon looked up as Naruto looked down at him

"I told you." Naruto said before he snapped Damon's neck, and knelt down next to Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie watched from a distance, as Naruto bit his wrist and fed Caroline his blood, before he gave them a thumbs up, and grabbed Damon before he sped off with the body, and they watched Caroline get up

Caroline sat up and saw the crystal by her leg, and picked it up before she heard Bonnie and Elena walking up and slipped the Crystal into her purse

"Caroline? There you are. We've been looking everywhere for you." Elena said before they notice her sad face

"Are you ok?" Bonnie asked a little concerned

"Yeah. I'm fine." Caroline said as she started breathing rapidly and shaking

"Caroline?" Bonnie asked concerned about one of her best friends

"I'm fine." Caroline repeated shaking more noticeable now as she placed her hand on her chest

"No. You're shaking. Caroline—What—" Elena started

"I'm fine!" Caroline interrupted hysterically, they looked at her in sympathy before they drew her into a hug and rubbed Caroline's back comfortably as she started to cry


After Damon was tossed into a cellar without his daylight ring and left to rot, Naruto went to check on Elena and Bonnie who were at Bonnie's House with Caroline, "How is she?" Naruto asked on the porch

"She's okay, is she." Elena began

"No, she needs to die with my blood in her system. Keep an eye on her."

'What did you do to Damon?" Bonnie asked

"I slipped vervain into Caroline's champagne. It poisonous to vampires, and keeps humans from being compelled." Naruto said "I need to go, tell Caroline I'm sorry, about what Damon did to her."

Kissing the girls goodnight, Naruto left.

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