
Chapter 5

"The first part of the exam was a complete waste of time." Naruto thought as he and everyone that passed the first exam were standing in front of the closed gates of training ground 44 or as the proctor called it The Forest of Death, the place where the second test was going to held. He could clearly see that most of the Chunin hopefuls were clearly scared by the creepiness of both the forest and the proctor of this exam.

"All right maggots! This is the place for your second test, Training Area Forty Four, or better known as Forrest of Death.," said the proctor for the second test. She was tall, athletic and absolutely mean in appearance and behavior. Her name was Anko Mitarashi, special Jounin. That wasn't all she was though.

Naruto took note of Kabuto's hidden amusement, shared by the disguised Orochimaru, Suddenly he leaned aside to dodge the kunai thrown by Anko who flashed behind him with another under his chin, Naruto could smell the vervain that it was laced with as well.

Naruto smiled genuinely and turned to Anko "You should know I'm not that easy Anko-chan." He said before kissing her on the forehead

"Spoilsport," Anko grumbled while Naruto looked at her face and remembered the day he turned her


Naruto was running towards the hospital, he had received word that his best friend Anko Mitarashi had awakened but she was still really weak. It's been a year since he became a vampire, he had meet Anko while he was in the forest of death feeding on a Chunin. He couldn't really control his cravings so he attacked her as well, and as he was about to feed on her he saw the loneliness in her eyes, and in a flash he saw himself in her position causing him to pause. She wasn't scared of him though she caressed the veins on his face as she looked at his eyes and smiled at him. Since then they were always together, after she moved into his estate. Naruto didn't really trust himself though so he started putting vervain in her food and making sure she had it on her at all times.

Bursting into the hospital Naruto ran to Anko's room, arriving he walked in to see the Hokage, Kurenai, Yugao, Hana, and her mother Tsume looking at the weak Anko in sadness as tears were in their eyes. "Anko-chan." Naruto called out getting everyone's attention, Anko smiled at him and motioned him to come over which he did. "Your going to be ok right?" he asked

"I-I don't think so little Dracula." Anko said "The doctor said, the poison has spread, and I'll be dead by tonight." Anko said getting a shocked look from Naruto

"Y-you don't have to die, you could take my blood and it'll heal you!" Naruto said franticly not caring that the Hokage and the others were looking at him confused.

"No, we agreed you will only give me your blood if you decided to turn me." Anko said

"Then I will." Naruto replied causing her eyes to widen "We promised each other we would protect each other and make sure we were never lonely again." Naruto said, Anko nodded and smiled, returning the smile Naruto climbed into the bed and moved behind Anko who he helped lean up a bit

"Naruto-kun, what are you going to do." Hiruzen asked Naruto looked at him and the others who were watching in interest as well, instead of saying anything Naruto vamped out causing them to gasp in fright and back away from him. They watched as Naruto bit his wrist and held it to Anko's mouth, their eyes widen as Anko held Naruto's wrist to her mouth and started to drink his blood

"W-what are you doing, Anko? Stop!" Kurenai shouted moving to stop Anko but Tsume stopped her, "Why are you stopping m-"

"Look!" Tsume interrupted pointing to Anko, who was starting to look healthy, while they stared shocked, taking his wrist away from her mouth, Naruto got out of bed follow by Anko who smiled at him. They turned to the others who were looking at them shocked when Hiruzen got out of his stupor

"What the hell was that?!" Hiruzen asked after getting out of his stupor

End Flashback

After Anko finished explaining the rules Naruto and his teammates stood in front of a gate as a Shinobi opened the gate and turned to them "Good luck," the Shinobi said and closed the door once again after they dashed off.

"I thought that that we would run into someone other then that weak Ame Genin from earlier." Naruto thought, it had been about four hours since they had enter the forest and nothing had really happened, he was seriously starting to get bored. "I'm going to scout the area." The blond said to his teammates and before they had time to reply he was gone.

"That baka left us!" Sakura screeched in outrage, even though she wouldn't admit it, she was hoping for Naruto more then Sasuke to protect her, she wasn't to delusional to think that an Uchiha would make a better protector then a vampire in the creepy forest.

Sasuke grunted before he looked up and his eyes widen, "Sakura move out of the way!" he screamed before he and Sakura jumped and instantly some sort of wind blast passed right through where they were.

Sasuke started to look around to find who had attacked them. "So there you are Sasuke-kun." A grass-nin said stepping out of the shadows.

With Naruto

Naruto was walking through the forest, he had a run in with a giant snake, that tried to eat him, he killed it but now he was looking for a team for their scroll. Hearing the sound of shuriken and kunai heading his way Naruto turned and ducked before he looked up to see an older Konoha Genin with his fist about to punch him in the face. Acting quickly Naruto grabbed the fist, swiped the scroll which so happened to be the one he needed and kicked the Genin away from him.

"Well, looks like you were right, Gen. The demon brat is all alone." said another Genin as he along with his other teammate came out of the shadows

"Sweat, even if we fail, if we kill the demon-brat we'll be heroes, for finishing the job Yondaime-sama left us!" said the one in the middle as the one known as Gen stood up

"I got this." Gen said looking to his teammates Yoshiro and Kenchi, they nodded and Gen took out two kunai before he ran towards the silent Naruto at mid-Chunin level speeds, Naruto instead of dodging took the charge head on, he was pushed back into a tree, as the kunai had grazed his face leaving a scar that healed moments later.

Naruto concentrating chakra into his bones to activate the bloodline he took from a Kaguya clan member he killed in Kiri, smirking Naruto watched as three bone claws emerged from spaces between his knuckles, Gen looked shocked before he was kicked away. Naruto looked to his bone claws, before using steel release on them, he watched as the claws turned into metal, smirking Naruto looked to the three Genin that were looking at him in shock

Gen seeing the smirk shouted "You think your hot shit freak!" before he charged with his kunai at the ready, Naruto vanished in a blur and appeared in front of Gen. Gen's eyes widen, before excruciating pain erupted from his chest as Naruto stabbed him, "N-No way, if I die you die, you bastard!" Gen managed to force out, before coughing up a glob of blood then he stabbed Naruto with both the kunai to Naruto's heart, causing him to grunt.

Backing away Naruto along with Yoshiro, and Kenchi watched as Gen fell back dead. "Gen." Kenchi muttered staring at Gen's body "At least you killed the demon." Kenchi said

"Don't be so sure." Naruto said with a grunt. Yoshiro and Kenchi watched as Naruto retracted his claws and took out the two kunai. They watched as Naruto lift his shirt and watched as the wounds from the kunais sealed up completely, looking to each other, with their strongest fighter dead, they took off through the forest. Naruto looked up, his vampire features showing, growling Naruto threw the kunai away before going after them.

With Yoshiro, and Kenchi

"This was a bad idea!" Kenchi yelled as he ran behind Yoshiro as they made way towards the gates in hopes that one of the proctors would protect them

"I know man!…Shit Gen had our scroll, we have to go back, and get it!" Yoshiro yelled before stopping and looking around the clearing "Kenchi we're going back." Yoshiro said but he didn't get a response "Kenchi?" he asked turning around only to find Kenchi gone. Eyes widening Yoshiro shouted "Kenchi! Come on out, I don't feel like joking around right now!" after a moment of silence fearfully he said "Kenchi." before a thud was heard behind him, smiling he turned around relieved only he didn't see anything but the clearing he was in.

Looking down, his eyes widen as the head of Kenchi looked up at him, with an expression of fear, and pain, looking up hesitantly Yoshiro saw a normal face Naruto sitting down on a branch leaning against the tree with his arm on his knee and one of his legs hanging off the branch, with blood on his chin "You didn't think that you would try to kill me, and that you would live to see the sunrise did you?" Naruto asked with narrowed

Gulping Yoshiro backed away slowly before turning to run only for Naruto to be there in his face, Naruto smirked before he vamped out and lunged for Yoshiro whose scream was heard throughout Konoha. After feeding till Yoshiro was dead, Naruto dropped the body and looked into the forest "You know, it's rude to watch someone feed, Orochimaru." Naruto said

Orochimaru walked into the clearing with a smirk as he looked at Naruto in wonder and a hint of jealously "Hello Naruto-kun." Orochimaru said

"What do you want?" Naruto asked putting his hands in the pockets of his hoody

"I just wanted to see the Vampire of Konoha, I wanted to test you with Sasuke-kun, but you left as soon as I entered the area." Orochimaru mused

"If you're here to brag about you marking the emo with the curse mark, your wasting your time, because I don't give a shit." Naruto said turning around and walking away before Orochimaru appeared before him

"How did you become a vampire?" Orochimaru asked trying to be civil

"The only person who can answer that is my mother." Naruto lied

"Well, that's not hard, all I have to do is summon her." Orochimaru said smirking

"I'd like to see you try." Naruto said causing Orochimaru's smirk to vanish "I've tried to resurrect my mother using Edo Tensei just to get 5 minutes with her, but it's impossible to summon someone's whose soul was obliterated from existence." Naruto said emotionlessly as Orochimaru's eyes narrowed

"Well then I'll just study your body, and find out for myself!" Orochimaru shouted before rushing Naruto smiling sadistically, the last thing he expected was for metal claws to appear from Naruto's knuckles and slice of his forearm "Arghhhh!" Orochimaru shouted in pain before Naruto using his vampire strength and Tsunade's super strength, punched Orochimaru in the jaw sending him flying away through a dozen trees.

"Fool. To think that he would come at me with more than half his power suppressed, fucks wrong with him." Naruto thought "He's lucky, I need him to get the Uchiha to betray the village, giving me freedom to kill him." before vanishing in a crimson flash.

Appearing in a cave, Naruto looked around to see Sakura asleep and Sasuke unconscious, shaking his head at the fact that she wasn't keeping watch on the area. Naruto grabbed Sakura's arm where the Hiraishin seal he placed on her on the second floor of the academy was located. Naruto grabbed Sasuke before teleporting to the tower.

3 Days Later

It's been 3 days since Naruto entered the tower, nothing really note worthy happened only that Kabuto had dropped out when his team made it to the tower. Currently Naruto was standing along with the other participants that passed the Second Exam, he looked to the higher ups of Konoha that were watching him intently, as well as glance at their teams worriedly since they knew that in the event that Naruto was to be matched against one of them, he would not hold back

Naruto sighed as he started to think about what he was going to do for the month break, before he could continue thinking Sarutobi finished his speech, and Hayate Gekko stepped forward to take over.

"I am going to be your Proctor for the preliminaries if any of you wish to quit now is the time." he said. (I wont write his coughing). When no one raised there hand he continued explaining the rules.

(Skipping To Naruto's Fight)

"The next match is Kiba Inuzuka vs. Naruto Uzumaki." Hayate said. Kiba jumped down. "This is gonna be fun, Akamaru." Kiba said "We get to pay back the freak." Akamaru just barked as Naruto walked down, with a disinterested look in his eyes

When he stood in front of Kiba, Kiba opened his mouth "You should give up freak. I'll show you what the alpha of Konoha can do!" He boasted while Naruto smirked

Hayate coughed and raised his hand. "Hajime." He said as he jumped away.

Kiba put his hand in his ninja pouch and looked down to Akamaru, a big mistake, as he opened his mouth to speak Naruto appeared in front of him and punched him in the jaw. Sending Kiba crashing to the ground as he slid to the wall. Akamaru growled and prepared to lunge at Naruto before he saw a huge pack of Kiba's soldier pills on the ground

Naruto watched as Kiba stood up and glared at him before he let out a war cry. Kiba attempting to punch Naruto, only for Naruto to move out of the way seeing this Kiba made a few swipes at Naruto, who just dodged them all. When Naruto got an opening he kneed Kiba in the stomach. Kiba in pain spat out a wad of blood, as he was about to fall forward, Naruto's hand gripped Kiba's face and held him high in the air, before throwing him into a wall.

Everyone watched as Naruto's eyes glowed red before to all the Genin's and foreigner Jonin's shock did beams of fire shoot from his eyes, "Kiba move!" the rookies and Jonin-sensei's yelled

Kiba shook his head, before he looked up to see the attack, jumping out of the way Kiba watched as the beams put two scorching holes in the solid concrete walls. Turning back to Naruto, Kiba channeled chakra to his legs and rushed Naruto who sidestepped him, coming to a stop Kiba turned to Naruto who shook his head "To think Tsume-chan's son is so weak." Naruto said

Gritting his teeth Kiba rushed Naruto again, and tried to punch Naruto in the stomach only for Naruto to block it, Kiba threw a left that Naruto ducked under, when Kiba threw a right Naruto parried and sent a jab that connected to Kiba's jaw and sent him tumbling away.

Kiba on the ground groaning in pain saw Akamaru had dug into his soldier pill pack and had ate three of them, channeling his chakra Kiba activated his clan jutsu, Naruto hearing a puff of smoke turned to see a cloud of smoke. Coming out of the smoke Akamaru in the form of a buffed up Kiba rushed him. Acting quickly Naruto grabbed Akamaru by the neck he held him up before punching him to the ground, bending down Naruto picked up Akamaru's transformed body and held him over he head before throwing him threw the multiple walls of the tower

Naruto turned back to Kiba as the rumbles of Akamaru flying through the walls were felt by everyone, Kiba stood up with a murderous expression before he shoulder tackled Naruto, falling Naruto skidded back. Kiba ate a soldier pill from his spare pack, and jumped towards Naruto's down form, channeling chakra into his legs Kiba was about to land on Naruto only for Naruto to slide away and flip to his feet as Kiba put a crater in the ground where he was. Naruto seeing Kiba diving at him super sped behind him and grabbed Kiba's legs turning he slammed Kiba into the ground leaving cracks in the ground lifting Kiba up again he did it again leaving a crater, walking around Naruto kicked Kiba in the ribs sending him flying away before super speeding and stopping in front of him. Naruto punched his air born body to the ground causing him to skip across the arena.

Naruto watched as Kiba rolled over holding his ribs and sat up before he sped at him and drove his knee into his chest, Naruto looked over to the hole in the wall, as Akamaru still in his buffed up Kiba form walked in covered in blood. He saw Kiba moving and looked to him to see him pull out a scroll, Naruto eyes narrowed as he saw it was the scroll he gave Tsume, the seal on the scroll would allow for whoever placed their blood and chakra on it to make blood clones of themselves. He watched as Kiba placed some blood on the seal when a puff of smoke clouded his vision, when the smoke vanished Naruto saw about 20 blood clones.

Kiba forced himself to stand up before he smirked mockingly at Naruto who had a bored look on his face, Naruto seeing the smirk appeared and with a roundhouse he kicked Kiba in the jaw sending him flying into the wall, where he groaned he looked to Akamaru and thought "I'm sorry Akamaru, but I have to catch my breath, I hope the clones are enough."

Naruto looked at the clones and noticed that they all had kunai's at the ready, jumping Naruto landed by a group of clones and they immediately they started throwing kunai's at him, ignoring the kunai's that hit him, Naruto punched the closest one to him punching its head off, he elbowed another in the throat crushing its windpipe, before grabbing another by the throat. Looking to another group, to the spectators it was like he teleported as he had another clone by the throat before he surrounded the two clones with wind chakra before throwing them into another group of clones the wind chakra causing them to slice through the group of clones before their heads exploded on contact with the wall.

Turning as the clones continued to throw kunai at him Naruto super sped to one and punched it in the jaw as the head turned all the way around, while he pulled the heart out of another one, before punching the third one to the ground and stomping it's head to paste.

Naruto grabbed Akamaru and threw him into the recovering Kiba sending them deeper into the wall, before turning only to be stabbed in the cheek and punched in the other jaw by a clone, putting up his hands Naruto caught both of the clones fists as the clone tried to overpower, him, hearing shouts of "Fang over Fang!" Naruto slammed the clone into the ground before kicking him through the torso his kick bisecting the clone. Turning Naruto saw multiple twisters heading towards him, channeling fire chakra into his eyes Naruto using his heat vision destroyed the rest of the clones.

With no more clones left Naruto turned to a rested Kiba and Akamaru. Both were intimidated by what they just saw, while everyone besides Anko looked at Naruto in fear, and shock as Naruto's body was littered with Kunai and shuriken, which he pulled out. Akamaru popped 5 more soldier pills in to eat, so he could use the boosted speed and strength to keep up with Naruto. He growled before he charged Naruto, who after taking out the last kunai charged him as well, when they met their fists connected causing a shockwave and covering them from others view as a dust cloud formed.

Kiba narrowing his eyes charged toward the dust cloud only to see Akamaru flying out of it, turning to see if Akamaru was alright Kiba was punched in the jaw, he went tumbling away and cradled his jaw, Naruto moved to press the attack but Akamaru charged him snarling, Naruto smiled in approval before he blocked a high punch and another aimed for his torso, deciding to end it, Naruto sent a left and punched Akamaru in the torso, when Akamaru's body was about to fly away Naruto grabbed Akamaru's right shoulder and punched him in the jaw sending him skipping across the ground when he came to a stop, in a puff of smoke Akamaru returned to normal.

Naruto turned to Kiba to only to see Kiba with a tanto, before he was stabbed in the heart causing him to grunt, and everyone's eyes to widen. Naruto looked down as he sent bursts of lightning chakra to stave off going into unconsciousness as Kiba smirked "Heal from that freak." Kiba said before Naruto backhanded Kiba away sending Kiba flying into the spectator area by the other rookies as they moved out of the way, Kiba's body impacted with the rail bending it inward before he fell to the ground unconscious.

Everyone turned back to Naruto as he pulled the tanto from his chest and lifted his shirt as everyone watched as he wiped the blood out of the way to see the wound closing up before Naruto looked to a shell shocked Hayate "Are you going to announce the winner proctor-san?" Naruto asked

Coming out of his stupor Hayate announced "W-Winner: Naruto Uzumaki!"

Suna's team and the Rookies along with their sensei's were unnerved, they just saw a Genin decimate twenty flesh and blood clones without hesitation, they couldn't keep up with his speed, and his strength was monstrous, while he had kunai's all over his body, he survived a stab to the heart, and he didn't really use any Ninjutsu, just chakra manipulation.

"Now I remember where I seen him before!" Temari said getting everyone's attention

"Where?" Baki, her Jonin-sensei asked

"He was in the Bingo Book." Temari said getting shocked looks from everyone as she pulled out her Bingo Book and read aloud

Name: Naruto Uzumaki 'Konoha's Vampire'

Gender: Male

Eye color: Purple

Hair color: Red

Height: 5' 8"

Ninja rank: Genin

Threat Level: High S-rank

Warnings: Engage with Extreme Caution

Other Information:

Most of his skills are unknown, but it is known he is highly capable in Kenjutsu, and Taijutsu. His speed is Kage level and he is very strong but it is unknown how strong he is.

He is the son of the SS-rank Kunoichi Kushina Uzumaki, and is a vampire, it is unknown if there are more. .

Bounties: 450,000,000 alive Ame, 125,000,000 alive or dead Iwa , 50,000,000 alive Oto,

After that, the matches pretty much neared the end, as Chouji faced Dosu, and the latter won by putting the former to sleep using those metal bracers on his arms to admit sound vibrations that attacked the sensory part of the brain responsible for controlling when a person sleeps. With the preliminaries now over, all that remained was to determine, who would face who in one Month's time, and in front of the public masses.

First Match: Uzumaki Naruto VS Neji Hyuga

Second Match: Gaara no Sabaku VS Sasuke Uchiha

Third Match: Dosu Kinta VS Shikamaru Nara

Fourth Match: Shino Aburame VS Kankuro no Sabaku

Fifth Match: Temari no Sabaku VS Winner of Fourth Match

"These are the matches that will take place in one month. Train well," said the Sandaime as everyone left the tower Naruto went to prepare for his trip to Kiri.

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