
Chapter 70 Mysterious Portal

As Jin Wei dived into the pond, he summoned the blood energy within him, transforming it into a life-sustaining force that acted as air for him to breathe. His eyes, now shielded by an invisible barrier crafted from his star energy, pierced through the murky water, allowing him to see clearly in the liquid darkness.

Without hesitation, Jin Wei propelled himself downward with a speed that would leave even the most elite swimmers in awe. From the surface, the pond appeared deceptively calm, but its depths were a different story. As he descended, the water grew colder, and the pressure intensified, threatening to crush him. Yet, Jin Wei's speed remained relentless.

Within five minutes, he had already descended over 100 meters, but the bottom was nowhere in sight. The abyss seemed endless, an eternal void that swallowed all light. But Jin Wei was undeterred. He pressed on, each stroke taking him deeper into the suffocating darkness.

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