

Mash Kyrielight had been designed in a lab for the express purpose of hosting the soul of a heroic spirit under the supervision of Chaldea's former, much less 'thoughtful' and 'empathetic', Director.

Then, she'd been deemed as a failure when she couldn't properly manifest the powers of the hero of legend that was residing inside her and tossed aside, handed over to Chaldea... where, well, it would be a lie if Mash were to say everything was all good right off but now, er, now it was much better, all she could ask for and much more.

There were people who saw her as her, acknowledged her meagre abilities, laughed with her and at times, shared their sorrows with her... gave her at least some sentiment of a 'normal' life.

Though, well, there were the embarrassing parts too... but, she didn't mind.

All in all, Mash Kyrielight liked where she was and she would do the best she could for her friends until her inevitable end as someone whose lifespan was determined at the moment of her birth.

Shaking her head and patting her cheeks, Mash resolved herself and looked around at the newest land they'd arrived in.

It was the place where the Roman Empire, arguably one of the longest, strongest and definitive empires in the history of man, was founded, the Seven Hills of Rome.

Where Emperor Romulus Quirinus, the man thought to be a Deity, laid down his city.

From what information they had about this singularity, it was on a completely different scale compared to the last ones.

True to the name, the area they'd landed in was hilly with air that felt dry to inhale, with sprawling patches of short grass and the occasional forestry.

... Maybe that was why Miss Hinako was looking at Nicholas with so much shock one would think she had developed a condition.

"Come on boy, you can do it."

"Fuck yeah, do it! I believe in you, you furball!"

The pale haired A-Team member had somehow, in the dozen or so minutes they'd been here, tracked down a sizable brown bear and was trying to make the animal jump.

"Where the hell do you even find something like that?" Yu asked blandly, massaging her temple, "When did you even go off?"

Nicholas glanced at her and shrugged before pointing to the left, "Over that a way, there was a forest or sum." He patted the creature's back, making it groan like it was tired of his shit, "This boy was tryna get some berries."

"How's that even possible?! That's a bear! A bear!"

"Why are you even surprised?" Gudako spoke plainly, sauntering over to the massive animal like it couldn't rip her in half with barely any effort and offering it her hand, "Who's a good boy?"

The bear looked at her in silence, and then looked at Nicholas who'd dragged it here, making the teenager narrow his eyes.

Nicholas shook his head and the bear seemed to sigh.


"...So no one's going to talk about how that thing understands him?" Yu pursed her lips.

"It's kind of...er... think of it like this." Gudako started, looking off into empty space, "Like two empty minds understan-... You know where animals have that thing where there instincts let them understand each other or something?"

Mash nodded at that explanation, "Like two animals who understand each other by body language."

"...You two realise you're implying he's like an an-..." Yu cut herself off with an enlightened expression, "You know what? That checks out."

Nicholas curiously looked over at the bear, "You get what they saying my dude?"

"Gur?" The bear tilted his head.

Both then proceeded to shrug in perfect sync, once more reinforcing Gudako's theory.

Mash sighed, moving her gaze over to the servants they'd brought along.

Mordred, the Knight of Betrayal, currently off on a quest to track down a bear of her own.

Emiya, the Archer who killed himself, was doing recon, getting a read for the area.

Martha, the Saint of Tarascon, was dreamily staring off at the Sun, sitting gracefully on a tree she'd toppled by kicking it.

...Something had happened there.

Other than her, there was Jalter who was trying to suffocate Kiyohime who, in turn, was smiling coyly at the Dragon Witch, mostly unbothered.

They also had Marie Antoinette for diplomatic purposes.

All in all, nowhere near the total manpower Chaldea had come to possess... mostly because Nicholas claimed they could be called in later as surprise reinforcements... and well, truth be told, the idea wasn't half bad.

Another reason why Mash firmly believed he was far smarter than the rest of her companions gave him credit for.

With that thought, the demiservant wandered off to ask Martha why she seemed happier than usual.

Oh and, Miss BB had come with them too... though, looking around, Mash couldn't find the girl who had declared herself her rival.


"Wait hold up, weren't we supposed to arrive near the city or something?" 

Nicholas suddenly perked up, bored of messing with the poor bear begging him to let it go... The guy even tried being funny and biting at his head... of course it wasn't so funny when his teeth shattered like glass against the rewards of the grind.

Now it was just whimpering in a corner.

"Er... yes." The doctor responded over comms after a bit of hesitation, "But som-..."

Unfortunately for him, he seemed to have forgotten who he was talking to, "Did you click one of them hot milfs near you ads?"

"The what now?"

"I mean it happens dude, no shame in it. But you know they got viruses and stuff."

"..." Romani was left speechless, "...I'd call you out but it's happened before."

The conversation was interrupted by a massive crash making Nicholas jerk from the sudden noise in his right ear, "The hell happened?"

"I couldn't listen to you two tarnish Chaldea's name anymore... There was no ad clicking! We don't even get ads! How did you not notice that before?!"

It was Olga talking now, with pained groans coming from beside her.

"...Oh yeah, you right. Why though?"

"Because someone clicked one of the-... it doesn't matter! What he was saying was, we couldn't get the exact coordinates because SOMEONE destroyed SHEBA!"

"I'll fucking do it again." Nicholas answered in his usual flat tone, chortling when the older woman started fuming, "Have Da Vinci make a new one by reverse engineering it or some shit."

"That's actually... plausible. I'll have to check back with you on that."

 Nicholas wanted to comment on how they hadn't thought of it before but stopped himself, it was probably because they took the whole world being at threat of destruction a lot more seriously than he did... also because they had probably thought of it but were probably too caught up with more important things to stop and remember.

These folk had no chill whatsoever sometimes...


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Sorry for no updates, I got sick outta nowhere yesterday and it's making me slightly delirious... That fucking sucks cause I have exams the whole month too.


You can find up to 9 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

Dunno how I did it, but I've managed to keep that filled.

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