
Idol Monarch

Marie Antoinette was a Queen of France, born to play her role, born to be loved by the people and in turn love them even when they rose against her and took her head in the name of revolution...

She was a person that would love her people regardless of all, never wish tragedy upon them and always hope for their betterment.

But right now, all of that was a fleeting memory.

She'd arrived in this distant time, where her people were in turmoil so it was only right that as one born to be monarch, she would strive to help them again.

...Still, these wolfish beast-like people were getting pretty dangerous.

"Woah, no, no, you're getting way too close! Put away those claws and we could all get along!"

She hurriedly grabbed the top of her hat and ducked down, narrowly avoiding claws that dug into the tree right behind her, ripping open the bark.

"Way too sharp too!"

"Marie, pay a little more attention to your surroundings... We're in quite the pinch here, you know?"

A musical note rang out before her assailant was blasted away by a burst of invisible air from her companion.

"Tehe... well, I'm not really made for fighting." Marie giggled, bopping her head, "Besides, you're here so it's alright? Right, Amadeus?"

The blonde older man looked at her for a moment before shrugging, "I want to say yes like a dazzling hero but... we're surrounded." He gestured to the dense forest around him, "The numbers are a bit much for me to be that confident."

Unfortunately for them, fate was feeling like being more of a bitch than it usually was on that particular day.

A deafening screech echoed across the forest, startling the few birds that were still resting in their nests despite the clash. Moments later, the sound of trees being toppled over and crashing onto the forest floor started ringing in their ears, telling them to get the fuck out of there.

But that'd take a level of intell-... *ehem* They had no idea where to go.

"Marie... I think we should run."

"...Where though?" The Monarch asked innocently, there was nothing but trees all around, "H-Hey maybe it's someone kind and helpful? We don't have to be so pessimistic, do we?"

Amadeus... tilted his head slightly, visibly confused by her words, "Huh... Leave it to you to say something like that. You do realise that optimism is what ended your tale right? People aren't that kind, you should know that better than anyone... Wait no, nevermind. I guess optimism is what makes you, you."

Their questions were answered by a motherfucking crimson-scaled wyvern crashing near them, roaring out to declare it's superiority over... a dozen more, much smaller, green wyverns.

"H-Hello Mister Wyvern... You don't want to eat us, do you? I wouldn't make much of a snack anyway." The Queen of France gestured to her small figure, going so far as to hold up her colourless hair, "I know even you have a heart! You can do it!"

The creature looked down at her with large golden eyes, opening it's maw to reveal rows upon rows of massive jagged teeth as a guttural roar left it's throat.

"Um... Marie, I think you should get away..."

Surprisingly enough, the creature raised it's head and looked to the side as if it was confused.

"No look, he's nice. He's trying to show us something." Marie smiled happily, she knew everything had good in it's heart! "You can do it, Mister Dragon! I believe in you!"

The smaller wyverns all eyed her in different manners but Amadeus got the faint feeling even they were weirded out by her 'eccentricities'.

"Wait... What's that noise?" Amadeus' sensitive ears picked up on a buzzing sound, coming from... The blonde man looked around curiously, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise, "What even makes that? Er Marie, I think that noise is what it's reacting to... You should probably get away while you can."

What happened next, left the minds of man and beast alike, reeling as they tried to make sense of what their eyes witnessed.

"Ayo, mooo-"

In one instant, the foot of a pale haired teenager was firmly planted on the larger wyvern's face.

In the next instant, the head of a creature likened to the supreme and mighty dragons exploded in a gory mess.

And in the one after that, the whole forest floor cracked under their feet as the teenager shot down diagonally, skidding across the ground for a few metres and ripping open a massive crater in the process.


Nicholas curiously looked around at the fore-... former forest, he'd arrived at in a moment of unfiltered genius, "Well... damn... PETA gonna get my ass for this." He stared down at the headless dragon lying behind him.




"Wait, hol up."

A dragon?!

He then spotted the dozen or small 'dragons' staring at him with eyes so wide you'd think someone had kicked them in their family jewels... These things were intelligent, right?

"Fuck y'all looking at?"

All of them straightened up instantly and squeaked.

"...The hell kinda dragon makes chicken noises?" He tilted his head in confusion, crouching down to observe the corpse, "Are y'all chicken?"

"Caw caw..."

One of the 'dragons' shamelessly let out a cry... only to be smacked over the head by the one next to it, "Buck buck..."

What happened is precisely what anyone would be thinking if they saw the scene.

Unlike Saber Alter who got her noble phantasm bitch slapped and only then understood her place, the animalistic instincts of the dragons made them realise before any engagement that they were just not that guy that day.

That they were in the presence of 'Him'.

Nicholas' stared at the creatures gobsmacked... they were even lowering their heads and slowly, slowly walking back... Was walking backwards even physically possible for creatures like these?

"Thank you for saving us, stranger."

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a voice that was... oddly cutesy, like one of those..., "I fucking knew it. France had that uwu shit before us all, damn you people. I knew y'all had something to do with it."

She even looked like it...

With white hair tied in two long ponytails, a huge 'cute' hat, a petite body and even a small dress to go with it...

The girl slightly tilted her head, visibly confused, "What is this...uwu?"

"Oh mah GAWD NOO..."

"E-Eh? Amadeus! What happened to him? Did I do something to offend you, stranger?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Marie." Amadeus quietly explained, smiling in defeat as he looked Nicholas up and down, "We just seem to have met someone 'special' like yourself."

Nicholas' head shot towards the man, "Did she just call you Amadeus?"

It was a weird name, a name you didn't typically hear.

There was that baton used in orchestras in one of his hands and he was wearing a long dress and cloak too... Not to mention the-

"You wouldn't happen to be...?"

"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." Amadeus bowed slightly, a hand over his chest, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Oh oh..." Nicholas rushed over to him and forcibly shook his hand, forgetting his annoyance at the girl's behaviour and the fact that he had to look for the rest of the Chaldean party after his genius got him stranded, "I'm a huge fan."

He wasn't all that much into classical music but his mother was so of course, there were certain pieces he came to have an affinity and appreciation for.

Mozart's works took the top place.

"...Ahahaha... It makes me happy to hear that but... how?"

Ah, he was talking about how they were in the 13th century and he was from the 18th one.

"Oh yeah, I'm not from here. 21st century company grunt, Nicholas Martel, at your service." The teenager gestured to his black t-shirt and grey camo pants, "You think these 12th century mooks would be dripped out like ya boi? We're here to solve whatever's fucking up everything around here."

"...Uh-huh? I apologise if I'm rude but... I didn't understand a single word of what you just said."

"...Umm, am I being ignored?" Marie Antoinette asked curiously, holding up her hand like a child.


Enjoy the chapter.


You can find up to 9 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

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