
That's the Way It Is!

"Oh, by the way, Captain Ke, you and your brothers should rest well. Tonight, I'll have my men take you to Jiangcheng City to get the supplies you need," Alex continued with a cheerful smile.

"What... what?!" Ke Wenhua was completely dumbfounded this time. "Alex, what do you mean? Didn't we agree before that as long as we handed over the tanks and heavy weapons, you would provide us with ammunition and food? How can you... how can you..."

The rest of Ke Wenhua's words were forcibly held back.

However, deep inside, Ke Wenhua was furious! Alex had spoken so nicely before, and now, he not only refused to give them any supplies but also wanted them to immediately go out and collect resources!

Wasn't this forcing them into a deadly situation?!

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