
An Accidental Meeting

The street of Dazn, the capital city of Dars is known for its beauty, outside the gate of the palace heading out into the city, the floor is tiled, there are rows of beautiful houses leading up into the more central parts of the city, although the nobles live in a separate part of the city, but nonetheless this beautiful rows of houses are owned by rich individuals who are either merchants, masons, land owners and all such of rich individuals and as such the street leading out of the palace is called "King's row."

On this particularly fine evening, prince Kristoff walks across the gates of the palace and head into the central part of the town with no particular destination in town, he seems to be in a daze. The prince has a lot on his mind, and from a commoner's view, even though he's dressed well enough, he looks nothing more than a commoner who is averagely richer than another commoner but looks nothing like a royalty, although that is the way the prince wants it, this way nobody will know who he is and as such he will be safe to walk about freely in the street.

In his dazed state, he has forgotten to watch where he is going until he hears someone shout at him, he was shocked and almost jumped out of his body, looking up he sees a carriage being led by a horse and a man at the helm of it, still in the middle of the road and unmoving because he is still shocked at the man shouted at him, the prince didn't realize how far he had gone into the city, he didn't even realize or know when he got to the Three Inn Crossing, located inside the market of Dazn, an inn known for its popularity because it is frequented by people just coming into the city, also by merchant who are tired after a day's work and looking to relieve themselves and have some fun, if you're looking for a place to get the latest news and events in the kingdom, Three Inn Crossing is the place to go because you're guaranteed to get the latest gossip there, the reason for the name Three Inn Crossing given to the inn is because it is located in the center of three important roads in the kingdom, the road leading to the palace called king's row, the road leading to the exclusive street where the rich nobles reside known as the Golden Strait Street and the street that leads out of the city.

"Will you get off the road young man?" the driver scolded.

"You gave me a fright old man." The prince countered still unmoving.

"Will you get off the road?" the driver repeated looking angry.

"Is that how you make a request? Rudely I might add from strangers?" the prince reply still unmoving.

The man getting angrier get down from the carriage with the horse whip in his right hand moves forward towards the prince, not knowing who this young man is and not caring to know who he might be he said in anger. "Does the road belong to your father?"

The prince smiled and calmly answered. "No mister, the road belongs to all the people." The prince said spreading both hands in a gesture that meant to express what he means by all the people. "But you are being uncharacteristically rude, mister!!!"

The driver in a fit of rage at being delayed by this perceived insolent youth raised the whip and as he was about to land it on the prince, "Kazvin!!!" a beautiful voice belonging to a lady ranged out from behind getting down from the carriage.

Prince Kristoff looked behind the driver whose name he now knows to be Kazvin to see who the beautiful voice belongs to, on seeing the face the voice belongs to, Kristoff felt the air in his lung dried up, the young lady who got down from the carriage looks to be around eighteen, she has a slim figure, a little bit tall, a beautiful face to match her beautiful voice, prince Kristoff couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her and he neither realize he was staring too hard nor knew the young lady was already in front of him, for all he cares, the two of them are the only one in existence and he didn't care about anyone else at the moment.

"Excuse me?" the young lady said.

Prince Kristoff couldn't bring himself to stop staring at the face of the young lady and he was unconscious of the young lady talking to him, it wasn't until he felt a strong hand tugging at his shoulder that he was able to bring himself out of his reverie.

"Are you ok mister? Didn't you hear the mistress talking to you?" said Kazvin.

"It's ok Kazvin." She said to her driver raising her right hand. "Are you alright?" the lady asked Kristoff tenderly. The prince said nothing still looking at her face lost in his own world.

"I am sorry if Kazvin was a little bit rude towards you please forgive him, he gets like that sometimes." The young lady said, and prince Kristoff couldn't help but noticing way her voice sounded, it sounded so smooth like milk, in that instance prince Kristoff admitted to himself that he is in love with this lady and nothing she does will make him angry.

"It's okay, there is nothing to forgive." Prince Kristoff said finally finding his voice. "I have my own fault in the matter, I wasn't focused on the road because I have a lot going through my head but right now I have only one thing going through my head." The prince said smiling. "I apologize."

The young lady smile and looks at Kristoff with interest. "My name is Minerva, daughter of Martin Soares the merchant from Oss." She said extending her right hand towards Kristoff.

"Nice meeting you." The prince said looking into her eyes taking her handing and gave her hand a light kiss.

She smiled, flashing Kristoff a nice set of teeth. "Pardon me but I believe when someone introduce themselves to another and tell the person their name, courtesy demands that the other party tells the person their name in return or is the custom different here in Dars?" Minerva said giving Kristoff the look of being offended but she didn't mean it.

"Oh pardon my rudeness, I was just captivated by you and I forgot my manners." Kristoff said "My name is Kristoff and I am a citizen of Dars, I live not too far from here." Prince Kristoff said, intentionally not telling her who he really was.

"But pardon me what bring you all the way from Oss to Dars?" prince Kristoff asked.

"Well that's a nice question and yes Oss a little way off from here but I will answer your question if you promise to show me around the city, I just came into the city yesterday and I don't know much about the city and I don't have any friend here, so if you show me around, maybe I will tell you about myself." Minerva said looking at Kristoff for an answer.

"I would love to be your friend and show you around." Prince Kristoff said smiling.

"That's good then, you seem to smile a lot, you have a nice smile. I like it." Minerva said. "Our residence is at king's row, just ask for Soares mansion, it will be easy to locate, I will be expecting you tomorrow afternoon, is that okay with you." She asks Kristoff.

"Yes sure it is, I will be there tomorrow at noon." Kristoff said happy at the thought of seeing this beautiful girl once again.

"Good, see you tomorrow Kristoff." She said heading back towards the carriage.

Prince Kristoff stood watching her as she walks away back into her carriage; he loves the way his name sounds in her mouth, she makes it sound so beautiful, prince Kristoff steps away from the road so the carriage may pass, as he did this the driver climbed onto the carriage but he never took his eyes of Kristoff, the look in his eyes clearly shows that he does not like Kristoff in the least bit but Kristoff isn't bothered by this at all.

As the carriage started off down the road towards king's row, prince Kristoff waved at Minerva's carriage until it was out of sight, when he saw that the carriage was gone, he decided to head back towards the palace, he discovers he is no longer troubled, moreover at this moment he is more than happy, as he head back towards the palace he couldn't keep his feet from moving too fast.

As Minerva's carriage left the three inn crossing, she couldn't stop thinking about Kristoff, even though she knows next to nothing about the young man, it feels as if she has known him her entire life, she feels she can trust him and not have to worry about the fact that he is more or less a stranger to her, she tries to remember his face, that beautiful smile of his that makes her feel like the god themselves are smiling down upon her when he smiled, his beautiful eyes and the tender look in them, her mind keep telling her that there is more than meets the eyes about Kristoff but she feels she has nothing to worry about and she can't wait till tomorrow to meet him again, now she feels like she may not have to worry too much about coming to Dars, she had fought her father relentlessly about coming and had to leave Oss in anger, but now it seems fate has a blessing for her in disguise, she sat back and tilted her head backwards looking at the roof of her carriage. "Maybe coming to Dars isn't going to be bad after all.

Things happens the way they are meant too, we can't force fate...

MrOlly04creators' thoughts
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