Argon, a man possessed by anger, charged with hatred and an unquenchable thirst for blood. As if possessed, he ignored the gasps, cries, and shouts that surrounded him.
It was as if his senses were in an altered state, causing him to disregard everything in the world. His sight narrowed onto a single target, while his mind was blank except for the voice echoing within: Kill him... KILL HIM!
On the other hand, Asher sensed someone rushing towards him with anger, and when he saw Argon, he frowned as he didn't understand what was going on with him. 'Why is he charging at me with such intense killing intent? Is he worried that his crush will be taken away by me? Such a petty guy.'
Even though he saw him approaching, he didn't move an inch but kept his calm expression without feeling any concern whatsoever.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: