
Otherworlders Assemble


As soon as it said this, the bony jaws of the Skeletal Dragon Lord opened up, and an immensely concentrated pool of energy began to slowly converge inside it.

It formed an orb—blackish purple in color—that seemed to hold all of chaos inside it.

All of this happened in an instant, so before anyone could even think of making a move, the corrupted sphere was done forming.

All that remained… was its eventual trail into the world.


The orb erupted as it descended upon the parties who witnessed the catastrophe. 

The crowd knew, by instinct, what the incredible energy that rained down on them was.

It was Miasma—enough Miasma to melt all their bodies until not even their bones were left. The best case scenario would be them turning into a grotesque sight like the Guildmaster's corpse. 

To call that the best was, however, incredibly dubious.

Needless to say, only certain death awaited.


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