
A Vampire And A Wendigo Part 2

"Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text > = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: Middle of bum fuck nowhere, Time: Two minutes before Eve and the others arrived, POV: Seras Victoria's)


I was supposed to be going on a simple noise complaint issue at a damn church, it was supposed to just be in and out, quick and easy. So, someone please tell me, WHY THE BLOODY FUCK AM I LAYING ON THE GROUND WITH MY HEART SHOT OUT AND SOMEONE RED COATED FUCK TELLING ME TO FORGIVE HIM EVEN THOUGH HE'S THE ONE THAT SHOT ME?!?!

"Aw, jeez, you look like a puppy. A blonde, eviscerated puppy!" BITCH DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME A PUPPY!! I'M LITERALLY CHOKING ON MY OWN BLOOD BECAUSE OF YOU!!

"Christ! Fine! I'll help you!" HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME, YOU LITERALLY SHOT OUT ME HEART!! "But only because you've got nice tits." EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME!?!?!

The Ozzy Osbourne looking motherfucker knelt down next to me and grabbed my arm, I don't know why, but he then brought it up towards his face. Does this idiot think he can fix a LOSS OF A HEART with a fucking kiss on the hand or some shit?


While I counted to mentally curse this pale idiot out, I started to feel light-headed, but not in the sense that I was still dying, more like when someone just got drugged with something. Though, I was too angry to notice that I would need a heart to pump a drug through my system to even drug me at the moment.


I still couldn't move, but feeling started to return to my body again, including the pain from missing my heart. Though, this didn't change the fact that my body was somehow healing itself, but this went unnoticed to me, as I was still angry, and I also began to feel thirsty.

"Well that should do it Police Girl, you should be all healed up in a bit." The pale bastard said as he took his teeth out of my wrist, licking off some of my blood that lingered on his lips.

"But, anyways, once you're all better let's get out of here, I still need to report to Integra-" He cut himself off and looked over at an area to my left. I looked there too, curious what he was seeing, and I saw something strange, red portals(?) in the air over the grass with several people falling out of them.

The fuck? First that weird preacher fuck saying he's going rape and kill me, then getting shot through the heart and bitten by the guy who shot me, and now red whatever-the-fucks dropping people out of the sky, what is my life becoming?

Before I could continue to have my existential crisis the sixth, and final, person fell out of the portal, and something instantly drew me to her, she smelled, for lack of a better word, heavenly. I didn't even realize that I had tackled and bitten her on the neck until we were both on the ground.

I would have usually gotten off of someone that I was suddenly on top of, but the delicious warm liquid flowing into my mouth made my body refuse to move. It tasted so good, as if every amazing thing I have ever eaten in my life had mixed into one beautiful symphony of flavor that I instantly became addicted to.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?!? GET OFF OF HER!!!" Someone yelled behind me, I couldn't even fully understand what they said, I was too focused on consuming more of the girl's blood, I didn't even care at this point that it was blood that I was happily gulping down.

"Relax, Tenko, I'm fine. She's obviously thirsty, so it's best that she have her fill now." The girl under me said stopping whoever this 'Tenko' was. Her voice was like music to my ears at the moment, her voice held authority, but also the compassion of a loving mother, it paired beautifully with what I was drinking.

"Though, I'd like to talk to you when you're in your right mind, Seras Victoria~" She said to me, the way she said my name sent shivers down my spine, for what reason? I have no fucking clue.

"So, I'll sing you a song, that's sure to get your attention!" She seemed excited when she mentioned singing. She must really like to sing, I wonder how her voice sounds when she's singing.

(Eat Your Young - Hozier, I recommend listening to Annapantsu's cover of it for this)

"I'm starving, darling~ Let me put my lips to something. Let me wrap my teeth around the world!" As she began to sing she grabbed me by the waist and sat up, all while I continued to drink her blood. I could feel her warm breath on my neck in this position.

"Start carving, darling~ I wanna smell the dinner cooking. I wanna feel edges start to burn~" I couldn't tell if she was teasing me with this song, or was hitting on me, but I didn't care either way, I just wanted to hear more of her voice.

"Honey, I wanna race you to the table. If you hesitate, the getting is gone~" She moved a bit closer to my neck as she continued the song.

"I won't lie, if there's something to be gained. There's money to be made, whatever's still to come." I could feel her right hand reach up, and begin to caress the back of my head, her touch was comforting and warm.

"Get some! Pull up the ladder when the flood comes. Throw enough rope until the legs have swung. Seven new ways that you can eat your young" I couldn't fully understand what the lyrics meant, if they were supposed to mean anything, but it still sounded nice in its own way.

"Come and get some! Skinning the children for a war drum. Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns. It's quicker and easier to eat your young~" It was at this point that she bit my neck, while I was still sucking the blood from hers, how much blood does this girl have?

I felt her sharp teeth dig into the skin of my neck, and soon pierce it like it was nothing, her teeth were razor sharp. Then it felt like she was sucking my blood, and licking the area where she bit me, it felt painful, but also so good at the same time.

"You can't buy this fineness~ Let me see the heat get to it~ Let me watch the dressing start to peel~" I could feel the blood rushing to my face as she sang these words into my ear, her voice was like a siren's call to me.

"It's a kindness, Highness~ Crumbs enough for everyone. Old and young are welcome to the meal." But, I don't want anyone else to do that to me, I only want her to do it again, it felt so... right.

"Honey, I'm making sure the table's made~ We can celebrate the good that we've done. I won't lie, if there's something still to take. There is ground to break, whatever's still to come~" I want so badly to reply to her, even if it might just be a song, it felt like she was talking to me with these words.

"Get some, pull up the ladder when the flood comes! Throw enough rope until the legs have swung. Seven new ways that you can eat your young. Come and get some. Skinning the children for a war drum. Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns. It's quicker and easier to eat your young~"

As the song ended I felt her hands let go of my waist. No! I want to feel her touch more! I want to hear her voice more! I want her to focus on me more! I finally stopped drinking her blood, and moved my face away from her neck, now I was looking directly into her eyes that were a mesmerizing blood-red. I was practically panting like a dog, everything she did combined with the taste of her blood had made me excited beyond belief.

"Hehe, looks like that worked! Hello there Seras, for now you can call me, Red." She said to me with teasing smile. Wait... WAS SHE JUST TEASING ME THE ENTIRE TIME!?!?!?!

"How the fuck? Kid did you just make yourself her master now?! And how are you not a Vampire, or a Ghoul, she drank your blood!?" The pale jackass practically yelled behind me. I don't know what the hell this master talk was, I just knew that I was frustrated right now because of her teasing.

"Firstly Al, I like her, so I made her mine, consider it an early payment for me saving your ass in the future. Second, I didn't want to be a Vampire, so I just went nuh-uh, simple as that." Huh? She likes me? Then why the hell did she tease me like that?!

"How the fuck is taking what should by my new toy a form of payment? Also, THE FUCK YOU MEAN NUH-UH!!!" It finally hit that these two are talking about Vampires. Is that what I became? Is that why I wanted to drink her blood so badly?

"Did you not see me get the ability to warp reality to my liking earlier?" I... actually fuck it, if Vampires are real whose to say that someone that can warp reality however they want isn't real too?

"Ah... that is some hacks bullshit, and you know it. Also, no, I haven't watched your latest 'stream' today, since I wanted to go for a walk first." First off, pot meet kettle! Second, the fuck is he talking about, is this girl famous or something? Did I drink the blood of a celebrity?

"Huh, I thought you guys just watched me all the time, unless I 'turn off' your views. Eh, either why, let's head to the manor, I want to talk with Integra." While she said this I could feel her hands move to my lower back. Suddenly she stood up with me in her grasp, as if I didn't weigh anything to her, I ended up instinctively wrapping my legs around her waist to support myself.

"Fine, Red, but I do want to know later why, and how you got here. I may have wanted to eventually meet you, but I at least wanted a heads-up, and for one of my new toys to not get immediately taken from me." The Vampire man said as he started to walk in a random direction.

"Ya'know I honestly expected you to act more chaotic, or perverted, the second I arrived, instead you seem pretty normal." Red said to, I think she called him Al? At her words though he stopped, and slowly looked back at her, he looked frustrated, but also confused.

"Oh yeah, and your such an expert on what's 'normal', huh? Though, you do have a point, usually I would have immediately made a remark at the sight of a six foot tall big titty girl with a tail and deer ears. But everytime I look at you, or think of you, I just get this feeling that saying that type of stuff would be disgusting."

Actually, I never got a proper look at her, other than staring at her cat like red eyes and mouth, so hearing him say that she had deer ears got me curious. Looking at Red again I saw that he was telling the truth, she had silvery deer ears that matched her silver like hair, she also had these strange red antlers on her head, and crown like black things on her forehead.Also, holy fuck she does have big tits, even if they aren't as big as mine, they are still pretty big. All in all, she looked like something straight out of an erotic fantasy novel.

"Huh, wonder if mom did anything to you when you made that deal? Because last I checked you're willing to fuck practically any woman as long as she's a bombshell in your opinion." That explains why his reason for saving me was because I had 'nice tits' fucking perverted Vampire.

"Of course that giant milf had to ruin my fun! That mom of yours is a fucking tease of a Goddess, dammit." Huh? Why did he describe Red's mom as a Goddess, and as a giant? I wonder what her mom is like though, is she like Red?

"I mean, it's better that she did do what she did. You should know better than most what I think about certain types of guys, and what I tend to do to them..." Wait, what? Does Red have a fear of men or something? Wait no, I think that fear goes to men in general, not specific types of men? I'm most likely wrong though.

"Yeah... this might actually be a good thing then. Also, why have you been holding the Police Girl since we started walking?" Actually I was wondering that too, but, hey, I'm not complaining that she's holding me like this.

"Because, her body hasn't fully adapted to being a Vampire, I could tell when she bit me. So, I don't want her to walk like a newborn fawn and possibly fall all the way to the manor." I don't know how to really feel about that, on one hand, it's nice that she wants to make sure I don't stumble, on the other, I kind of find it funny that a girl with deer ears compared me to a fawn.

After Red said that we continued to go in the direction that Al was guiding us, most likely in the direction of this manor that they've been talking about. I wonder what it looks like.

The rest of the walk was pretty quiet, though I think I can feel someone staring at me, while I was still being held by Red. I looked back behind her to see who it was, and it seemed to be a girl with pink hair, strange eyes, and goggles on her head.

She was looking at me with an expression that screamed jealousy at my current position. I guess the pink haired girl likes Red, I wonder if should mess with her? I do want to taste her blood some more, so I guess I'll use that to my advantage here, it should also serve as payback for Red teasing me earlier.


(POV Change to Eve's/Red's)


So, I'll be honest, I teased Seras purely on a whim, since I'm most likely going to add her to my harem, whether I like it or not, it also helps that I do find her physically attractive. 

And, before anyone ask why I introduced myself as Red, it's because I feel more comfortable using an alias in this type of situation. If someone already knows my true name, then that means I respect them, consider them family, or consider them an equal, and for now Seras is none of those. I should also say that I do have some respect for those that are considered my 'sponsors' since they put their abilities into my system.

Either way, I'm still following Alucard to Hellsing Manor, since I want to inform Integra of something, and I want to deal with a certain traitorous butler. I don't want to work with traitors, so I'll get rid of any chances for him to betray us.

While I was in my own thoughts I suddenly felt my neck being licked, which sent a shiver down my spine. This was then followed by the familiar feeling of teeth piercing the skin of my neck.

"Fuck~..." I subconsciously moaned out. Dammit Seras, you bit me on my damn sweet spot! I am so getting you back for this later!

Everyone stopped when they heard my sudden moan, even Seras stopped biting my neck and looked up at me completely flustered. I had a light blush on my face from what just happened, cause who the hell willingly wants to moan in front several people?! Some of which I consider family!

"If any one of you say a fucking word I will force you to relive your worst memories on loop for the rest of the week...." At my threat everyone immediately started walking like nothing happened, Alucard did too, he didn't want to relive those years of rape.

Fucking hell, I want this day to end already. But at least thank fuck that I can start to see Hellsing Manor in the distance. Once I get there, and put down Seras, I can just go back to my business mode and hopefully push down this embarressment. Today already feels like some slice of life anime bullshit, I want to get back to being brutal and causing chaos!

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