
Helping Somebody

Amanda continued her day at Jhon's cafe as usual. Although she was still very upset because of the treatment of one of the customers who tried to harass her, Amanda could not let it affect her work.

She tried to contain her swinging mood because she was pregnant so that other customers would feel comfortable with her.

She had learned to act and mask her feelings during her time as a secret agent. So this kind of thing should be something she could handle well.

"Good Afternoon George, want me to refill your coffee?" Amanda asked Jhon's loyal customer.

The man always came every lunchtime, so Amanda remembered his name well. From the uniform and badge George wore, Amanda could tell that George was the sheriff of the county.

"Oh sure... Are you okay? You should be careful next time, men can be very dangerous looking at beautiful women," George said.

"Thank you very much for reminding me. I'll be more careful next time," she said as she filled George's coffee cup.

The man smiled at Amanda who was always friendly to everyone. Actually, he felt fascinated by Amanda's beauty and kept a little feeling since he first met Amanda at the cafe.

"Here you go, do you need anything else? Maybe order another meal?" Amanda asked.

"No, I have to be back on duty soon. Thank you Amanda."

Amanda nodded and went over to the other customers to offer them coffee. The young sheriff kept watching Amanda as he drank his hot coffee. He wanted to ask Amanda if she had a boyfriend or not, but he was hesitant to do so.

He even asked Jhon about it, but of course Jhon had no idea. The man said that it was Amanda's privacy, why would he know about his own employee's privacy?

Time passed quickly that day, until finally the cafe closed at 8 pm and Amanda could only leave the cafe at 9 pm. She opened the message from Camille on her cell phone with a list of ingredients Amanda needed to buy for tomorrow's cooking.

"At this hour, the vegetable and other shops must be closed. Only the mini market is open 24 hours, but it's a bit far from here. What should i do.."

Actually, she was already a bit tired from working all day, but since she had to get the ingredients for tomorrow, Amanda decided to go to the convenience store to buy them. The items in the convenience store were much more complete than in the store. However, because it was quite far away, the residents of the houses in the area where Amanda lived, they preferred to shop at the nearby shopping area.

Carrying two paper bags, Amanda had just finished paying for her groceries. She also bought some supplies at home that were running low such as milk and cereal.

"Hufft... Alright, it's time for us to go home and rest. It's almost 10 o'clock." Amanda put her cell phone back in her bag and carried her groceries home.

On the way, Amanda passed through a quiet and rather dark alley, considering that the surrounding streets were also only dimly lit. As she passed by, she could hear a woman's voice asking for help, followed by a man laughing at her and saying that no one would be able to help her.

Curious, Amanda approached the alley sneakily and peeked inside. It turned out that there was a woman who was confronted by three men who seemed to want to harass the woman. After looking carefully, Amanda recognized the woman.

"That's... Cecil? What is she doing in a place like this? She's in danger."

Amanda intended to help Cecil, even though the woman was very indifferent to her, but Amanda felt that fellow women should help each other. However, she couldn't just show her face. She didn't want anyone to recognize her.

"Come on, beautiful, just a minute. Let's play at my place," invited one of the three men.

"N-no! Let go of me!" Cecil tried to rebel by pulling her arm that was being gripped.

"Don't be like that, we'll play softly with you. Do you want to?"

They continued to force Cecil to come with them, even one of them said to lift Cecil's body and take him away immediately.

"Good idea, let's do it--"

"Let her go!" cried Amanda who appeared in front of them.

She covered her face with her grocery paper bag which she punctured a little so she could see. The men immediately laughed at the sight of Amanda who they thought was a joke.

"Look... There's a clown trying to be a hero. Hey Miss, do you want to join us too? Heh, no need to be shy .. Come here, let's play together and--"

When the man was about to touch Amanda, Amanda immediately pulled the man's hand and slammed him against the wall hard. Seeing their friend being slammed into the wall, they were upset and immediately tried to attack Amanda.

The woman ran towards the wall and used it as a foothold and kicked the head of the man who had grabbed Cecil's hand. The strong kick to the head made the man fall down immediately.

With one man left, he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"How dare you attack my friends!!! I'll kill you!" He ran towards Amanda while pointing the knife.

Knowing that her opponent was just an amateur, Amanda knocked the knife away from her by kicking the man's arm and then smashing his face right into his nose. Instantly knocking the man down with blood flowing from his nose.


After everything was defeated, she turned to Cecil who was just standing still in fear. Amanda approached her and pulled Cecil's hand out of the deserted alley.

"I-I... I... T-thank you," said Cecil trembling.

Amanda nodded and then gave Cecil the code to leave immediately. She deliberately did not speak so that Cecil would not recognize her voice. The woman immediately left there, leaving Amanda behind. Amanda felt exhausted because she had to fight three men while she was two months pregnant.

"You're okay, right? Forgive me. I have to help someone..." Amanda said rubbing her stomach.

She put her groceries back into the paper bag she had hidden earlier and went home.

Without thinking about dinner, Amanda tidied up her groceries and went straight to her room to rest. There were so many things that happened today, making her very tired.

She rubbed her stomach, trying to make herself comfortable with her situation. Amanda's eyes slowly closed from the exhaustion she felt.

"Good night, dear."

On the other hand, William kept trying to dial Amanda's number. But the number continued to be inactive, only the operator's voice spoke. He also tried to track Amanda's cell phone and even searched her house, but nothing came of it.

William just wanted to know why Amanda just left without saying anything to him, because every time Amanda would do something, she would always tell William first.

But this time she left with the excuse of being transferred to another base, without saying anything let alone saying goodbye. It made William feel annoyed and quite disturbed.

"Where are you really going?"

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