

As they arrived in Noah's mansion, both he and Anna stepped out of the car and hurried into their mansion. Noah had asked Lola not to release any press news about the general or act like anything was happening. Just like his wife's case, they needed everything to be as private as possible till they confirm everything.

"Aunt Grace " Anna called the woman who placed her cup of tea on the table as she listened to the news.

"You're home so late, I almost thought you wouldn't be returning back home today." Grace teased but her neice didn't smile or blush as always.

"Please come with me aunty we have somewhere important to got to." Noah stepped in almost immediately, his expression indifferent as he stared at his wife. She was shaking a bit, and he could tell she was trying to control her fear.

"Is everything okay?" Grace asked, her eyes moving between Noah and Anna.

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