
Chapter 60 I'm your headwife.

Rias crossed her arms under her sizeable bust and smiled.

"You are my fiancée. That is now set in."

"And given the fact that you are master of Akeno, Koneko-chan, and Asia, plus, master by proxy of Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt, plus, highest in terms of blood, I'd say you are head-wife."

Rias didn't know how many times she could turn crimson red but it became a regular occurrence.

"What do you mean by proxy, Issei?" Raynare wondered while Issei turned to her.

"The agreement I made to save your lives, was done between her, Sona, and myself. In terms of that, they are also your master, Raynare. Look, in terms of this, three of you are bound to me by saving your lives, another by taking a place and you three," he looked over at Akeno, Koneko, and Asia, "do like me for one reason or another. Now, here comes the question. Do you all agree to be part of this harem plan?"

Akeno giggled while she sauntered over to him.

"What if we do not?"

"Then the girl in question and me do not proceed. I swear that I'll treat you all like ladies, courting as you deserve but monogamy isn't written in my dictionary."

[Not to mention that it'd be more beneficial for you all, to listen to my host in this regard.]

Every eye turned to the jewel on Issei's forehand.

"What do you mean, specifically with that, Albion?" Rias asked while the Dragon inside bristled.

[I have had countless hosts over my eons, little Devil. Therefore, I am pretty good at judging and predicting where a host would go. Issei awakened at a very young age and trained well throughout the last decade. If he won't be the strongest one that I'll ever have, he'll make the top five before he turns 20. The stronger my host is, the more women he'll attract. It also comes with another nice side benefit of having boundless stamina. The refractory period would nearly become nonexistent. If I compare him to previous hosts in his power department before he turns 25, he would have 30 women courting him.]

Issei shut down his partner when it was his turn to blush. Luckily for him, every girl shared that sentiment.

"I wish he didn't mention that number. Not at least, until we are done."

The girls already began to think about that but none of them would wonder how that would work.

"That is an extreme number, chief. But what does this do now?"

Issei looked over at her.

"Koneko-chan, we have to make rules for this now. Before we were interrupted, do you all agree to this harem or whatever the hell we'll call it?"

Rias was the first.

"You are now my fiancée. And given all that happened, I was the damsel in distress. I don't think it'd be right to make a judgment on it."

Akeno followed up.

"I think it'd be a wonderful thing. Issei-kun has really proven himself.

Koneko walked over to him.

"You're a perv. You are a lot of things, chief. But I think I can come to like this."

Asia joined her Peerage member.

"I have been in love with you since I was little. I have lost enough. I don't want to lose my chance at happiness."

His eyes turned to Raynare and Kalawarner.

"We are your slaves. We do not get a say in this matter what you do." The Raven haired answered for the two.

"You do have a say in how you get treated as slaves. Just because you are my slaves, doesn't mean that if you don't want this, you can say no."

Shaking her head, Raynare leaned back.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you think that I'll let you walk away? We can have fun on this."

Issei looked over to Rias.

"Rias, you are my headwife. Your decision?"

The Crimson-Haired Princess walked over to Raynare and it always felt like an incredible flood wave met the tiniest of river banks.

"Over the last two weeks, you have lived with us, trained with us, and fought with us. If you want, you're welcome to join us as your home."

Wrapping her arms around the Fallen Angel, Rias calmed the girl down while Raynare, happy and relieved, did the same.

"Welcome to your family." It was hard for Kalawarner to hold herself back and from the side, she got into the hug while just like Raynare, she was happy to find a place where she belonged.

From the looks of the other girls, they agreed with this. The start had been rough but they were happy with how this was resolved.

When Rias finally let go of the Fallen Angels, she looked over at Issei.

"I think that shows my approval."

"Great, because we are not out of the woods yet. Listen, girls, you heard Albion. I want to make those rules now. I know it's not fun and it's awkward but the sooner we figure this out, the sooner we can have the fun bits."

Issei began to understand how much this sucked.

"Why exactly do you insist on this? I think we can go as we please."

Akeno began to think about all that she could do with this. Fantasies began to run wild and ideas filled her head.

"If we do, this won't last. If we agree on this, Akeno and we all agree on the rules, that way, things like infidelity, stepping out and jealousy can be avoided. One of the rules that I have in mind is before others get into this, they need your approval first. I really hate to say this but I can't control it. Dragons attract women like honey attracts bees. Therefore, I'd like to be sure of that."

Rias walked over to him.

"Or I, as you mentioned beforehand, I'm your headwife."

His smile was a bit crooked but she could see the ideas of it.

"I wouldn't want it any other way, Rias. But as you mentioned, you are the leader of this. Now, I can't come up with any other rules. Therefore, I'll let you ladies work those rules. Is that agreeable?"

They all nodded and with that done, Issei hopped off the desk and opened the door.

Kiba was leaning against the wall that was just next to it.


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