
Chapter 58 He had just kissed.

The musing was broken by Ravel who stormed out of the room. She would look after her brother. Not that Sirzechs blamed her. It was only right that a sibling fretted over another one.

"Mother, do you mind if I check on Rias? I am going to give her my congratulations." Venelana shook her head. Unlike their husbands, she and Lady Phenex had already recovered from the fight.

"Give her mine as well and that of your father. I am proud of her." Sirzechs would admit, she looked forward to this.

Scene skip

"Damn, I thought he was brutal during that day he saved me." Raynare could claim that Issei had saved her before but that was from a certain demise.

But now, this was more and she admired the fact of what Issei had done with Riser. Her own life was now secured and she could continue her life there.

Kalawarner and Mittelt shared her expression while their thoughts were different. Kalawarner had enjoyed the fight and her admiration grew for Issei while Mittelt swore on her worthless life that she would never mistreat Issei again.

The only reason why she could, was because he allowed it. Now, she found that Issei had a limit on his mercy.

The Student Council girls had different views. Sona and Tsubaki couldn't fault Rias for the choice of Issei but there were now things she could ask of him.

Only one member actually renewed her look. Sarakawa Genshirou found that she would ask a few favors. There was something that awakened in her.

Scene skip

"Can't say that wasn't fun." Azazel closed the laptop while he had seen the stuff. He would have to send out a few messages to his former brethren about this White Saint. Issei Hyoudou was impressive.

"There is much to learn from this guy, wouldn't you agree? Do you keep yourself under wraps though?"

Valina didn't react to the comments of Azazel but given her heavy breathing, her blush, and her twitching, Azazel believed there were other reasons why Valina would visit her rival. It wouldn't hurt at all.

A child born between the Two Heavenly Dragons. Two opposite beings came together.

Scene skip

Issei landed back at the room where they ended up leaving from the place. He smiled when he realized the Jackal was back where it belonged. He would later check out Joyeuse as he felt quite joyful himself.

Then he turned to see the two other members standing.

[King] and [Queen]. Their smiles were identical and it was a mix of joy, gratefulness, relief, and happiness that spread over them.

"You kept your promise," Rias said as the two joined him.

"I told you. And well, I'm glad I did." The Princess grabbed his face and pressed a loving, searing kiss on his lips. It was one that thanked him for what he had done and who just loved the feeling of him.

When she let him go, her soft, delectable body was hugging his. He had one arm open while Akeno just rolled her eyes.

"Now, Issei-kun. I believe you made me a promise as well." Before Issei could even respond, Akeno threw her own lips on his. It carried passion, fire, and an underlying hint of relief as well.

[Count the Fallen, that [Rook] and Asia, that puts your count at seven. Impressive.]

A circle opened and behind and from there out, came someone that had an air of authority.

It broke Rias and Akeno away from him and turned to the magical show as well. Out of the circle stepped a woman, wearing a formal robe while looking as strong as ever. Behind Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia Lucifuge would have clicked her tongue if she didn't realize that Rias made a choice.

It was the redhead who spoke and who addressed the group.

"Issei Hyoudou, I presume. My name is Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias' older sister. One of the four Maou."

"Eh, hi?"

This wasn't exactly how Issei Hyoudou wanted to meet his future sister-in-law.


Issei had been in uncomfortable spots before in his life. Like many other beings, it was just a part of life that one had to deal with. But now, this would be the first time Sirzechs Lucifer looked upon him.

Issei spotted a hundred similarities between Rias and her older sister. In fact, were it not for the distinct height difference, they could pass for twins.

Sirzechs wore robes that were normally for men, a formal one with dark colors but they could not hide the impressive chest and her pants clung to her legs that showed that the shapely, long legs were something that Rias carried along.

He wasn't alone in his awkwardness. The [King] and [Queen], who he had just kissed, were also present, feeling cold sweat, running down their backs as they watched their older sisters, feeling the scrutiny of Sirzechs and Grayfia about their choice of men in their lives.

Eventually, it was the Super Devil who relaxed as her face softened and a wistful sigh escaped those gracious lips.

"I wasn't expecting something like this when I came to congratulate you on your win, Rias. But it appears that you have already taken your prize." The Crimson-Haired Princess blushed before the Crimson-Haired Lucifer as Sirzechs laughed again.

Issei knew when he was outclassed and when Sirzechs motioned to Rias to come closer, the heiress obeyed.

It wasn't a punishment although Rias would say that it could be just as humiliating.

Ruffling her hair like Sirzechs so often did, Rias let out her breath that signaled they were in the clear.

"I have seen the match and I have to admit. If you chose the White Saint as your partner, I think our future is secure."

Rias blushed again while Issei's bravery returned.

"Could you not call me that, please? I despise that nickname."

None of the three in the room missed the word "please" and his more polite tone in front of Sirzechs.

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