
Chapter 382 Iron Ridge Heavenly Grotto, Wisdom Sword Slays Demons

Qinghua state experienced a massive invasion from the Netherworld Cave, and although the great battle had subsided, the two sides had resumed their standoff.

Yet within Qinghua state, turmoil was unceasing.

This time, the large-scale invasion by the Netherworld had caused Qinghua state, and especially Da Yue Country, to reel as if on the verge of collapse, leading some martial artists to defect to the Netherworld.

Now that the Netherworld had been repelled, these defectors, who had become Blood Shadows, were hiding everywhere, even sowing chaos, for they could not turn back.

Those who had secretly pledged allegiance, but yet to become Blood Shadows or Blood Slaves, Blood Disciples, were living in constant fear, dreading the day their betrayal would be exposed.

Some, as a result, had been caught and were being used by others.

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