
Chapter 336: Heavenly Grotto Order, Azure Sea Blood Blade Bandit_3

"I heard that these waters are tumultuous, everybody be careful."

A Martial Artist aboard the large ship said in a deep voice.

The Azure Sea is vast, even for a Refining God Heavenly Man, who prefer to travel by ship. After all, relying solely on one's own strength to fly is too tiring. Besides, if too much power is consumed, it can be dangerous if attacked.

"What's there to fear? We have over twenty Refining God Heavenly Men, are we still scared of those bandits?"

A Martial Artist said disdainfully.

The Azure Sea is infested with pirates, most of them lurking outside the Yuntian Sea, robbing passing Martial Artists.

These pirates are either vicious Martial Artists who escaped from the Eighteen States, or fallen Spirit Sect or family martial artists that have banded together.

There are even sea spirits that became pirates.

In the entire Azure Sea, outside of the Yuntian Sea, pirates could be encountered anywhere.

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