
Chapter 328: Meng Chong Takes Action, Tang Jinyan's Move_1

Leaving Dachuan, Meng Chong traversed the Ling Domain and arrived in the Great Zhou State in Shengzhou. He thought of Zi Yun, an old acquaintance from the Inner Domain, and decided to pay her a visit.

"Even though I entered with a Yu Ling, will the royal family of Da Zhou treat me with the same coldness as they did at Spirit Sect?"

Meng Chong mumbled to himself. After all, he and Zi Yun had quite a deep friendship. If he couldn't stay, he could always go to Chang Qing Pavilion.

He was on good terms with his junior sister apprentice.

Doing odd jobs at Chang Qing Pavilion would be better than facing constant rejection from the Da Zhou royal family, right?

With these thoughts in mind, Meng Chong increased his pace. However, he didn't fly into the air towards Da Zhou's capital city, but instead, continued to walk there in large strides.


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