
Chapter 243: The Door to Ling Domain Opens, Those with Yu Ling May Enter_2

The old man looked down at the man with the purple crown, speaking indifferently, "Announce to the inner domain, anyone who holds the Jade Order, may enter the Ling Domain for a period of one month."

"Yes, lord!"

The man in the purple crown was shaken to the core, hastily replying respectfully.

He was greatly shocked. Why would they suddenly open the Gate of Lingyu, allowing those who hold the Jade Order to enter?

What is a Jade Order?

At this moment, the man with the purple crown realized he seemed to have missed this crucial message. If he had held a Jade Order back then, would his circumstances have been different?

After issuing his decree, the old man, apparently disgusted by the thin spiritual energy in the inner domain, turned and went back to the Gate of Lingyu.

Only after the old man had entered the Gate of Lingyu did the man with the purple crown and others dare to stand and hurriedly disseminate the news around the Inner Domain via the Tianbao Pavilion.

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