
Chapter 110 Problem_1

Lin Shu didn't hide anything from him and said straight away, "Today, there was a brat in our class, well, not really a brat anymore, it would be fairer to say he's become a criminal."

"What happened? Did he hurt someone intentionally?" Fang Zhi adjusted his glasses and looked at Lin Shu.

Listening to Lin Shu's statement, Fang Zhi's professional instincts kicked in.

Lin Shu shook her head, "No, he tried to undress a girl in front of the entire class."

Lin Shu wasn't sure whether Fang Zhi's question about intentional harm was more serious, or undressing a girl in public was. Either way, dealing with such students was enough to give her a headache.

"That's considered harassment," Fang Zhi's eyes reflected the white light of his computer screen. His gaze was somewhat sharp.

"I know, but he's still young, not even old enough for trial," Lin Shu sighed, "But I can't hit him or scold him. I can only make him apologize to the female victim in front of the whole class."

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