
Ignition attempt

Raehla is hesitant, but Lissa seems to know which of Raehla's buttons to press. "I can't wait to see what his ritual energy looks like! The relic is just next door! He knows what to do now, as much as anyone does! Didn't you say we have no time to waste?"

"Alright!" Raehla snaps and Lissa joyfully dashes out to fetch the relic from the armoury. In Lissa's absence, Raehla calmly asks me if I feel up to doing this.

It does sound interesting, so I tell her that I am.

"I have one condition" Raehla says. "If anything about this seems promising, you will enlist immediately." I smile and agree. This place seems like fun, and I do want to help. Lissa returns and thrusts the familiar small wooden box into my hands.

"Go on, make the connection!" Lissa stands back and squeezes her hands.

I have no idea what she means. The box is nothing unusual. I turn it over but there is no obvious lid. I stare at the inert box in my hands, and then up at Raehla and Lissa.

Lissa continues to beam at me. The box continues to do nothing.

Raehla makes a suggestion. "The Wand Bearer bears the energy channel of the weapon. Close your eyes and imagine yourself bearing a... channel of... um, energy. But most importantly, relax!"

Her suggestion doesn't seem especially useful. But I breathe out, and relax. I let my arms fall, still clasping the box. I look down at it again, and then up at the two women before me. Lissa steps a bit closer to Raehla and her hair distracts me; it is now backlit by the streaming morning sunlight and her smiling eyes are locked onto me with wonder. I close my eyes and think about what an energy channel might look like. I think of the relic. I think of the light around Lissa's hair.

I feel warm.

Something warm and deep resonates within me.

"Oh wow!" says Lissa. Startled, I open my eyes with difficulty. My hands and the box are glowing, which alarms me, but the glow is quickly fading. Lissa starts bouncing excitedly, and Raehla crouches down to stare at the relic.

"How do you feel?" asks Raehla crisply. "Um. Okay? Warm," I say. The feeling of warmth has faded and the room now feels quite cold. Lissa beams at me, "That was -"

A heavy double 'thunk' sound from the walls is followed by an alarm horn and the shouts of men running. A guard runs in, sword drawn. He shouts that we are currently under attack from invaders!

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