
Chapter 2 : Thunder Axe of Prophecy

Tomiji's body fell to the floor and left a thud noise. The darkened sky warped back to the beautiful blue with the sun becoming once more visible and clouds around it as well.

The dark and evil presence seemed to have been removed as now it's only the lifeless body of his on the floor. Nova had gotten up as Zankoku did too, assuring everyone that his injuries are nothing serious and that they do not need to worry.

Satoru saw a glowing blue shard that fell from his pockets and he picked it up, going to give it to sensei Primal.

"Keep it. We still have more to do until it's of use." he told Satoru.

"Sensei, who or what was that man we had to defeat?" asked Zankoku with a questionable tone, with a desire to learn more.

Primal hesitated for a second before deciding to say. "Tomiji. He possesses the visual prowess of the eyes of the Demon, which may also be called 'Oni Eyes' by some. He's ,of course, human and because of the sole reason he possessed these eyes, his soul was damned right at birth."

 Beginning to walk to their next location, with the sensei leading them, Zankoku continued to ask questions. "This Tomiji fella, did you really require our help to defeat him? Afterall, you were putting up hands with him."

Being highkey annoyed by the questions, he'd respond with : "I only required-..." before stopping himself and quickly changing his response to : "Yes, I did. It's for you all to gain experience and see what it's like out here."

Nova would linger back around Satoru, who didn't speak much the entire assignment but they ended up speaking to each other as they were getting near their next location which was surrounded by trees, mountains and behind the Ember village.

"Yo I'm Nova, I know your name but nothing about you. Mind telling me?" he asked in a friendly tone.

Being still quiet, Satoru told him : "You first." Despite speaking to him, he didn't see much interested in the conversation nor speaking to anyone for that matter.

Having both nothing to hide and questions about the one whom he is speaking to, he kindly told him. "Well I don't have much to my name and you know my rank. I don't particularly possess any special abilities except some basic fire and thunder manipulation as well as something more special such as tree manipulation and i'm very fast. Not as fast as Zankoku as he's a full breed from the clan and i'm only half. Now what about yourself?"

Not expecting him to actually tell him something, Satoru decided to speak anyway. "My name is Satoru. I'm from the clan that bears the eyes of the Demon but I haven't awoken them despite it being past due and hence forth I am rendered as the clan failure.

I don't particularly possess anything special except basic thunder manipulation and a hardly learnt white thunder ability. That's it."

With their conversation being cut short, they had arrived to where they initially needed to be.

It was an opening into a large dark cave. The sensei moved in first and the students went behind him, following him inside. They walked around unable to find anything as from the palm of Nova and Primal was a fire that illuminated the cave and allowed them to see much better.

A lot of rocks were obviously inside of the cave but when they got to an opening, where there was a crack in the tall ceiling, they could finally see. The small hole's sunlight was basically shining at something stuck inside the wall, which seemed to have previously crack the entire wall it was in. 

They all had hopped down and each of them went to pull the axe out with their strength, even combining forces yet it didn't work. With the chilly breeze coming from inside the cave and the humid air, Primal got the bright idea of using a basic thunder beam from their palms to fire it at the axe to loosen it up.

Could it work? What's the correlation? Who knows, but it seems that someone very powerful has left it here on purpose. Standing in a line, shoulder to shoulder, they all launched their lightning at the count of 3 and went on for what seemed a full minute.

It was barely able to loosen up yet it did happen nonetheless. Sensei Primal instantly went to get it and took it out the wall, holding and gazing at it. He turned around and saw the students stand there.

Feeling a spike in divine energy somewhere, Primal gave the axe to Satoru. Nova and Zankoku wanted to hold onto the axe but were unable to pick it up due to it's weight... Satoru on the other hand, was successful with no troubles. 

"You know the way out of this cave so I when you make it out go to the forgery and from there, you'll know what to do next. I need to leave immediately to do something, so stay safe." upon finishing his sentence, he quickly vanished. He's just that fast.

They had left the dark cave and returned to broad daylight, quickly arriving back to their village while Zankoku and Nova spoke about their ideals and goals. Not being bothered by that, they walked through the streets and past the buildings, arriving to the forgery building which, to their luck, was empty.

They went inside and as the two observed, Satoru placed the axe down on the table and pulled out the glowing blue shard, which had a pattern on it symbolizing a lightning bolt.

Seeing an opening on the axe's hilt, near the blade of the axe, Satoru placed the glowing blue 'thunder' shard inside of the opening and the axe sent out lightning sparks in all directions as it floated up, leaving all 3 of them surprised.

It began to slowly descend and Satoru picked it up. Upon taking it, lightning went throughout his entire body but no one, including him, had noticed it. They left the forgery building and Zankoku suggested that he tries it out. 

From earlier, Rai walked by and overheard them wanting to try it out so he used aura manipulation, which basically surrounds one in an aura which is granted to them by careful meditation and training physicals and it's not common.

Nova and Zankoku both didn't intend to get hurt by it 'somehow' so they jumped up onto a building and watched as Satoru was getting ready to use it. 

It didn't seem he knew how to use it at first but something just clicked in his head.. Rai didn't expect it to get past his aura, much less give him any serious injuries. Satoru jumped up into the air, and threw the axe right at him, striking him in his leg and 3 thunder strikes hitting him while also destroying and damaging the surrounding area which was a fence, a large tree and 3 buildings.

Rai was knocked unconscious from that but nothing severe was caused to him, so it seems... Except a bleeding leg and some 2nd degree burns. "WOAH!" Zankoku yelled out as he jumped down and told them that he'll take Rai to the Medical Center to check if anything severe was caused to him. Nova decided to accompany him but in reality he just left to get the 19% discount almond milk.

Satoru placed his hand out towards the axe and it flew into his grip, giving him ideas on how to make it more versatile and quick in an actual battle. He placed the axe onto his back and left his own way for the time being.

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