

[Flashback: 150 years ago.]

"Ah, okay so if I am correct the energy I use to create my Golems is normally evenly sprayed throughout the body… What if I just centralise it directly into the artificial brain?" In front of me was an empty golem with no soul yet, which I was currently experimenting on.

The Golem had tanned brown skin with wavey grass hair its eyes were open but held no sign of life, the eyes themselves were two pebbles with a darker coloured rock as the pupils. This was a subtype of a citizen-type golem, A dirt Golem, every Golem had a 'race' like humans but we don't do racism. It's just to add some variety to my future kingdom, after all, it would be bland if all the golems were made of steel or something else.

*This experiment was the turning point in the need to make a core to house my Golem's souls…*

"Okay…Ollie yeah, Ollie. Let's give you life!" I place my hand over the Golem's head and Start to inject the energy to form a soul within the Golem, but this time, this time would be different instead of spreading the soul evenly throughout the body I would inject it all into its artificial brain.

Within five seconds of this process, however, the body of the Golem started to convulse on the table this made the steady Stream of soul energy I was injecting it with break into multiple shards and in bed into the artificial brain, I was in a panic I had to fix this!

I tried to mend the soul but it was too late the soul had already hardened and settled in the golem…

The Golem's eyes shot towards me and I flinched back at the look within them.

One of the eyes where wide open and the other was shut partially giving the Golem I had named Ollie a crazed expression.

"H-Holy Fuckin' Shit!!" I jumped back startled as it perked up into a sitting position on the table…

"Heh, Ha. HAHAHA!!" It started to laugh manically while its fingers pulled onto its grassy hair.

Suddenly the door to my lab was slammed open and a citizen-type golem came in wearing a Lab coat, "Is something wrong my king!-" it said in a confused voice when suddenly Ollie leapt off the table while still laughing like a madman and bit into the Lab coat Golem.

"AHH!" Liquid Copper bled out of the bite and Ollie then proceeded to rip the poor guy apart like an animal while Copper was stained all over its face…

I quickly reacted and shot a chain of metal out of my hand which tied around Ollie and he thrashed around while grinning like a madman.

…What the fuck man…

[Flashback end]

(Pov: ?)

"London Bridge is falling down"~" A voice can be heard within a dark cell in the dungeon of the castle in the Gaia Kingdom.

"Ollie…" Said the voice of Duke Gemstone which made Ollie stop singing and look up showing a scared face with long grassy hair, the scars were self-inflicted it's the reason why he had his arms and legs tied by steel cuffs.

"Oh?! Well, Welly we'll!!! Look what we have here! The Duke of our beloved Kingdom and the adopted brother of our dear king. OH WAIT! Did he tell you that you were adopted? HAHAHAHA!" He said while rocking back and forth while laughing.

"SHUT UP!" Shouted Gemstone in an enraged tone, "I'm here because we finally found a use for your crazy ass.." he said with a disdained-filled sneer.

"Oh? Is that so? Hehehe, I look forward to seeing what you have to for me to do Hahaha!" He said a grin splitting his face.

Gemstone's face scrunched up and discussed and walked away, "Crazy bastard…"


AN: Here is something to nibble on while I head back into my man cave to find more motivation haha.


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