
Rok Fight Pt.3

A single drop pod struck the rear of the Rok without anyone of the Orks taking notice thanks to the big fight happening in the former hangar. The Astartes were using a Kharybdis Assault Claw, a special type of drop pod meant for boarding actions. 

The powerful laser at the base of the Kharybdis began to cut through the thick layer of rock before firing several blasts that destroyed the weakened portion. Once the opening was made, 20 Astartes led by Lt. Daniel poured out of the Claw and through the hole. 

Each of them was armed with a Volkite Chargers and with their preferred choice of melee weapon, except for Jaxton who was given a custom suit of armor and weapons due to being Dogan's Squire/apprentice.

Due to his smaller size and weaker body, Dogan had helped get him an Artificer Power Armor, a custom design. His was made with two built-in bolters that were fixed to his gauntlets. He also wielded Mercy Chainsword, a unique version of the famous Chainsword that lacked the safe side, having blades on both sides and the tip of the blade. 

Most would not take this weapon as it was extremely dangerous to use and if one was overpowered, they would be cut down by their own weapon, but Jaxton was a unique type of fool who didn't think about how his smaller size would make the weapon even more of a dangerous weapon in his hands. 

The group began making their way through the halls of the Rok, silently killing any Ork that they had come across and dropped off napalm charges under each of their bodies. It took them 15 minutes until they finally reached the factory.

When they arrived, they saw many humans that were still being forced to build weapons by a few Orks but it was a horrifying sight.

Most of the Mechanicum members were covered in cybernetics and other mechanical enhancements, while the Orks were creatures that would tear apart working a spaceship in order to create 4 guns out of it. 

So when they saw the members of the Mechanicum, most of them had been torn apart quite brutally by the Mekboyz of the Orks. The men and women were almost completely naked, with the few clothes they had being used to cover their wounds and prevent themselves from bleeding out, if only barely. 

The flesh that was revealed was barely skin, mostly the muscles under it. Their skin had been ripped apart while several of them had their eye sockets that used to house cybernetics exposed. If any lesser man saw the scene, they wouldn't be able to help from feeling sick at the sight. 

And even after having all of that done to them, the Mechanicum personnel were forced to create bullets for the Orks that forced them to reveal the flesh they hated so much about themselves and took away the parts they found sacred. 

The Astartes went around the factory area in separate groups and killed each Ork silently, not wanting to alert the others and risk the lives of the Mechanicum members. 

When most of the Orks were killed, the Astartes finally revealed themselves to the remaining few who were watching over the Mechanicum members and killed them all. 

"Anyone need immediate medical treatment?" Lt. Daniel asked, the Apothecary he brought already prepared to assist. 

"No, Astartes. We can make it out," the leader of the group explained. "Please lead the way," he requested. The Mechanicum were a prideful and unusual bunch, so for them to say 'please' to Astartes was unusual. But they had been stripped of their pride (their enhancements) and therefore did not mind asking or even begging for help. 

Daniel nodded and started ordering the Astartes to escort the Mechanicum members when a large figure walked into the room. It stood almost 9' tall with a large Power Klaw in one hand and a blade-like weapon made out of chaos-knows-what. 

"Fuck!" Daniel cursed, unsheathing his hammer and looking toward the Ork with hatred and frustration. "These guys were about to have a civil war for a new Warboss." 

Just as he was about to give the signal, one of the Mechanicum members pressed a button on the assembly line that turned on several of the missiles. These missiles seemed to have a mind of their own as they turned toward the potential Warboss and fired at it, blowing the creature to whatever the Orks considered the afterlife. 

Everyone looked at the woman who had done it and were surprised to see the hatred in her eyes. 

"Apologies. If you guys came any later, I was still planning on doing that, even if I ended up getting killed," the woman said

The Astartes looked on in shock, not expecting for one of the Mechanicum members to actually prepare a weapon and have the will to use it even if they were going to die. 

"I see," was all Daniel could say before the Astartes began to escort the members of the Mechanicum back to their breaching location. 

"We have the packages and are ready for pickup. Send it to the Claw," Daniel told them as they rushed through the halls, careful not to move too fast for the weakened Mechanicum members.

The main ship acknowledged the information and began to send out the Dragons in full force. The forces that acted as distractions were slowly being extracted, the dead bodies being placed on the Dragons first along with the injured. 

It took them nearly an hour to extract most of the forces that had been deployed, leaving only Dogan and the Terminators on the Rok to hold the line. 

After killing the Warboss, Dogan did not stop at all. He moved through the Orks like a man possessed, killing Ork that entered his sights. Flames surged all around him, torching the room and melting weapons due to the intense heat that he was giving off. 

The sight of his battle left many impressed, as few had seen Dogan battle to such a degree. They had always thought he was a simple Sorcerer, never having expected that he was actually a warrior as well. 

"Boss! The ship is here!" one of the Terminators called out as they began to board the ship. 

"Got it!" Dogan replied as flames surrounding him and made him appeared like a sun before it burst and attacked anyone in the area. As soon as the move ended, Dogan flew back to the Dragon and collapsed on the ground, barely able to catch his breath. 

"Fuck me," he complained, trying to standing up but not able to feel his legs. He had never fought so intensely for so long, able to end most fights quickly or using his powers sparingly. He had never had to fight so intensely for so long. 

With Dogan and his forces safely off the Rok as well as Daniel safely escorting the Mechanicum members away, larger ships began to open fire on the Rok, destroying it and killing all the Orks that were still alive. 

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