
Chapter 80 - Artican Trade in Westeros 07 (Dorne 05).

[Chapter Size: 3300 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Dorne, 295 AC.


We present, with immense respect and honor, the arrival of the Northern Delegation with the intention of creating a bond of friendship with Dorne. Jon Arctic, leader of the Arctic, accompanied by the noble Ladies Ygritte and Seryna, his wives who also carry his name, and by the valiant Lady Arya Stark of Winterfell, followed by his ministers and guards! 

"May the gates of Sunspear open to receive these illustrious visitors, whose journey through distant lands reflects their tireless search for friendship and strong alliances. May tonight be a milestone of union and celebration between our peoples." 

As the herald concluded his announcement, Jon's delegation advanced majestically through the hall, with Jon at the forefront, flanked by Ygritte and Seryna. Arya followed closely behind, with a posture that blended elegance and readiness, while the ministers and guards completed the procession with dignity. 

The gaze of all those present was turned towards them, some with admiration, others with curiosity, but all recognizing how unique this group was, for the interactions that would follow throughout the night. 



Jon calmly led the group past the herald after they announced flowery words and entered the Dornish hall. There were some bards playing music in a corner, while some nobles were scattered around the place talking among themselves and drinking wine, but there were not many of them, as this banquet was something planned at the last minute. 

In the middle of the place, there was the main table with the Martell family, so Jon went to them, as it was his etiquette to greet his host. Then, arriving in front of the main table, Doran took the initiative to greet him, while Jon glanced at Nyra. 

"Welcome, come join us as our guests, House Martell will be pleased to have you with us," Doran spoke formally, and Jon nodded and began to sit at the table before interacting with all the other guests. 

After settling down, with his wives and closest brother, followed by the ministers, Jon was next to Doran Martell, where the Martell family took up half of the table and Arctic the other side. Soon, servants began to bring Dorne's specialties, placing numerous dishes from the desert kingdom on the table. 

"I hope our food is to your liking, Lord Jon," Doran spoke calmly. 

"I have never tried the spice of Dorne, so let's see," Jon spoke, he did not mind being called Lord, after all, he could understand that calling him king might cause problems with the crown in King's Landing, so for him, it was all right. 

In the center of the table, three main dishes stood out, inviting not only by their aroma but also by their presentation. A platter of lemon and garlic chicken with herbs exuded a citrus fragrance, promising a taste that balanced acidity with the warmth of spices. Next to it, a baked fish boasted a golden crust of Dornish spices—pepper, cumin, and coriander—its succulent flesh inviting immediate tasting. Completing the trio, a lamb drizzled with mint and honey sauce shone under the light, the sweetness of the honey perfectly contrasting with the freshness of the mint, creating a harmonious balance between sweet and savory. 

The side dishes were no less splendid. An orange and olive salad brought freshness to the table, with its vibrant colors and zest flavor enhancing the palate. Stuffed peppers with rice and herbs offered a visual and gustatory delight, their interiors full of flavor and texture. There was also cornbread, fresh from the oven, served alongside extra-virgin olive oil and garlic. 

Jon began to serve himself, tasting the Dornish food with satisfaction, it could not be better than Arctic food, but it certainly had its flavor, and Jon did not mind having the food accompanied by pepper. 

"It's great food, I admit," Jon commented while accompanying the chicken with pepper. 

"I'm glad you liked it," Doran nodded. 

"It's quite spicy..." Ygritte said talking to the women around her. 

"It is really spicy, but I liked it," Arya spoke up taking fish. 

"I also did not mind," Seryna commented. 

"Leaving the food aside, look at those women looking at Jon," Ygritte spoke to Seryna.

"It's not the first time this happens, even in the Arctic the women do the same, especially the single ones," Seryna spoke, both at the table and among the other nobles, women looked at Jon with interest, since he was the main attraction of the party. His wives were also eyed, being exotic beauties for the Dornish, but none of them cared for it, they were disgusted by it. 

Jon didn't care either, but his wives were thinking something else. "However... that Nyra... Jon is interested," Seryna spoke to Ygritte on the side. 

"If she's at least not like that sister of yours," Ygritte spoke, as none approved of Arianne Martell. 

The dinner continued, and Oberyn and Doran's children hardly interacted, as the conversation continued between Jon and Doran. 

"We haven't talked much about your journey, you must have spent a good time at sea, right?" Doran asked, initiating a conversation and wanting to know more about this boy. 

"A bit, Prince Doran. We had some minor issues with a pirate and a storm at sea, but we managed to get through all of that quite well," Jon said in a neutral tone. 

"That's great, I saw your giants after we said goodbye the first time, I was quite fascinated, I never imagined seeing such creatures, how did you tame them?" Doran asked curiously. 

"I didn't tame them, I had to fight with some, of course," Jon said, ignoring Doran's skeptical look before continuing, "I think of it as a partnership between two peoples, I created a land where everyone can thrive beyond the wall, and we all work for these same lands, which today are Arctic, to prosper so that everyone can live well, whether it be commercially or militarily, we all work towards a common goal." Jon said these words and tasted the Dornish wine. 

"That's fascinating, your story is quite inspiring, have you ever thought you might become famous for doing things no one else has done for thousands of years?" Doran asked. 

"Maybe, but the things that end up in books will depend on who writes them," Jon spoke, looking towards the hall where some people began to dance. 

"..." Doran fell silent but said in the end, "Depend on whom?" 

Jon returned his gaze, while the members of the Martell family looked at him at that moment, since their conversation was quite loud. "It depends on who writes, whether they are our allies or the descendants of our old enemies, after all, Arctic has no enemies," Jon said, and Doran raised an eyebrow, this boy clearly was suggesting he would eliminate anyone. 

Even Oberyn, who was a bit gruff, looked at Jon with a surprised look, he had to admit this boy was quite brave to say those words. 

Nyra was silent, watching the words, while Arianne seemed to be having an orgasm with that look. 

"Hahaha. That's very interesting," Doran spoke with a laugh, but Jon could feel he was just putting on a social mask now. 

"Anyway, let's continue the banquet with more positive things," Doran spoke, wanting to change the subject. Jon and the others nodded. 

"What's that?" Arya at one point pointed to some nobles on the lower side. 

"They are eating scorpions," Seryna commented calmly. 

"And that's supposed to be normal?" She asked with a somewhat strange look. 

"The people of Dorne like to eat some unique things, Lady Stark," Doran answered Arya without seeming offended, just smiling and looking at the girl. "Perhaps you might get used to life in Dorne," he suggested, making Jon raise an eyebrow. 

'This guy wants to fish my sister for one of his sons?' Jon looked at him for a while, but he had no control over it, his sister was proving to become an extremely beautiful and elegant woman, he was sure it wouldn't be the first time this happened, but his father should deal with it and mainly Arya, as he taught her to make her own path and would support and defend her in any marriage she would have in the future, as long as she chose a lifelong marriage, then she should choose very well. 

Arya just shrugged, already understanding Doran's hint, but didn't want to offend him, as Jon wouldn't approve of her next words, and she decided to remain silent. Jon continued talking about Dorne with Doran, wanting to understand more about the climate, animals, and the kind of foods they cultivate in the desert.

The conversation continued as they ate until the whole place was dancing. Jon looked at his wives, "Why don't we dance a little?" Jon said, and Seryna smiled, being the first. 

"You can go, I think I better not, this food made me feel a bit sick," Ygritte said, and Jon approached her, slightly worried about his wife. 

"How's the baby?" He said, placing his hand on her stomach and using his healing unnoticed. 

"I'm fine, just a bit nauseous. You should go, I'll be okay, after all, you have to talk to other nobles," she said, and Jon nodded, albeit reluctantly. 

"Take care of her," Jon warned Arya, who nodded in agreement. 

Jon then descended to the main table with his giantess in a gray dress and entered along with some nobles, without them giving a better look at them. 

Jon started a small dance, one they had in the Arctic at some events. Jon learned to dance through green vision and taught Seryna, who had quickly learned, thinking of having these moments with the man she loved. 

Then, without much highlight, they placed their hand on the waist of her dress and took another while their feet followed the rhythm of the bards, dancing among the other nobles without Jon taking his eyes off Seryna's crystallized blue eyes. 

The music continued as they danced together until another song started to play, and they continued dancing with each other. Four songs had passed until Seryna sighed. 

"I think you need to talk to some Dornish nobles," she said, looking to one side where many were staring at him, waiting to talk to the man who owned a fleet of 200 ships and commanded giants with unique products. 

Jon nodded, having had enough dances with his wife for the night. He saw her return to the main table while he walked up to a servant, grabbing a drink in the middle of the place. It didn't take long for the nobles to approach him like vultures, eager to establish a connection with this intriguing visitor from the North, approaching with a mix of curiosity and respect. Among them, a middle-aged man with a cunning expression and a young woman with her gaze fixed on Jon while he took a wine dance alone approached. The man, whom Jon knew to be a veteran in politics and diplomacy, took the lead. 

"Lord Jon," the man began, extending his hand in greeting. "I am Alvan Gargalen, and this is my niece, Vilia Gargalen. It's a great pleasure to have you with us in Dorne. Your deeds north of the Wall are the subject of many conversations at this banquet, though many seem skeptical, I cannot say my eyes are lying." The man spoke calmly. 

Jon, with his etiquette, accepted the greeting. "The pleasure is mine, Lord Gargalen, Lady Vilia. Dorne has always fascinated me with its rich history and diverse culture. I am happy to visit this place for the first time," Jon spoke diplomatically. 

Vilia, with a spark of boldness in her eyes, intervened. "And we are equally fascinated, Lord Jon. It's said that you command giants and have a special bond with wolves, I saw your animal, it's like the Starks of old," she said with a slightly shy smile, and her uncle nodded in approval of his niece's words. 

Jon had to avoid raising an eyebrow, already knowing what was happening here. But he smiled and remained neutral, not even caring that the girl was trying to seduce him. He just smiled. "I haven't lived as the ancient Starks to know how they were. But the giants are valuable allies and the wolves are part of my family by blood, just as my sister has her wolf," he said. 

Alvan watched attentively before speaking again, now with instruction and praise. "We're making some visits in the city, when we heard about a huge fleet in the southern sea. Did you build it a long time ago? It's said to be one of the most formidable in the known world. Words from the people of Stepstone," he said. 

"The fleet took a good while. But we have plenty of skilled engineers and builders in the Arctic. This is our first

movement outside our lands, so we are happy it's quite impactful," Jon confirmed with a satisfied smile. 

"Besides the giants, I heard you have imps! I thought they were used to entertain people in theaters!" Vilia said suddenly.

Hearing this, Jon's smile faded; he knew the girl wanted to talk to him, but speaking ill of his people right in front of him was something he did not take well. "I would appreciate if you showed some respect for my people; they are not part of a circus. Like the giants, they are a race of their own, stronger and more ingenious than us humans," Jon spoke sharply. 

Alvan swallowed hard at this. "I beg your pardon for my niece, she is not well acquainted with the world," he said in an apologetic tone and looked sternly at his niece, who lowered her head in shame. 

Jon sighed internally, knowing he would have to deal with these situations for the rest of the night, but he needed to gain knowledge of some houses and create a bond with them for his new trade network. 

The conversation continued after that, and the man even tried to push his niece towards Jon, saying what would be a third wife to someone who already has 2, but Jon managed to skillfully dodge that while other nobles approached him. The conversation went on, and Jon began to stand out as he talked with many nobles. 

This was not a surprise to him, but many were quite impressed with his courtesy and not just his oratory skills but his ability to lead conversations and even extract information he wanted from the nobles without them even realizing. 

"Attention everyone! Prince Doran Martell requests everyone's attention!" The Herald announced at one point while Jon was still talking. Doran requested everyone's attention at the main table, while he could not stand up due to his gout. 

"I am pleased that everyone is quite comfortable here, but now I will begin the main reason for tonight, the Arctic products, supplied by Jon Arctic with his opening of trade. I hope everyone enjoys them as I did, you will not regret it," he announced cunningly, after all, he wanted to receive Jon's products as a supplier and resell them to enrich the Martell family. 

A moment later, the main door opened and they began to bring in numerous Arctic items that Jon had asked them to place at the banquet. What stood out the most, that everyone wanted to see there, was the ice from the north, brought in large boxes with Arctic symbols and runes while placing them in the middle of the banquet. 

Doran looked at Jon at that moment, and Jon nodded. "Minister Junly, can you present our products?" Jon requested, and Junly nodded. "Yes, my king," he said and began to move away from the main table with everyone looking on strangely, but Junly was Arctic and called Jon by his true title. 

Junly positioned himself in front of the products, with numerous boxes of ice and beverages, beginning to talk about them while everyone looked on with interest. Jon was silent at that moment, watching through a window, and after seeing that his wives were talking with Arya while having their own guards, he decided to get some air. 

Stepping out of the banquet and looking at the constellation in the sky, he breathed in the air that cooled the desert night with satisfaction. While he spent some time doing this, he felt someone approaching, and it didn't take long to feel that feeling as he turned to see Nyra Sand in a purple dress. 

"You know... I used to look up at this sky a lot when I was younger," she started with a tone of appreciation. 

"..." Jon said nothing, just returning his gaze to where the girl was looking. 

"It calmed me, reminding me of a happier time, even being small, still remembering what my mother was like and her touch," she commented. 

"Did she die a long time ago?" Jon asked, already knowing that it might be the girl's true identity. 

"Yes, when I was 3 years old, something very bad happened..." she said with a sad tone. "I lost everything that night," she spoke, but did not elaborate further. 

"So, you were not from here?" Jon just asked without looking at her now. 

"Yes, I did not live here, then I came to live with my father..." she said, and Jon could sense her lie. She continued. 

"You know... I feel strange with you... Do you feel the same?" she suddenly asked. 

Jon was silent for a while before finally speaking. "Yes..." he said without turning to her.

She turned her gaze back. "You know about the enmity between the Starks and Martells... My uncle is really difficult to deal with, but deep down he has some respect for your father... After all, he fought for his sister, something my uncle regrets not having arrived in time to fight for yours," she said, and Jon could detect a multitude of emotions in her tone. 

"I can understand that, but I will not accept disrespect towards me, my family, or my people," Jon said, looking at her now, showing that he was serious. 

She was silent, absorbing his words before speaking. "You really are an incredible man... Jon Arctic," she said with a look intending to seduce Jon. "I would like to get to know you better." 

"Do you really want to get to know me better, or is that what your father instructed you to do?" Jon raised an eyebrow, aware that all this was politics, and he had dealt with it all night, but seeing this woman with whom he felt something strange acting this way made him taste bitterness in his mouth for some reason. 

Jon did not wait for Nyra to respond; he simply turned around and went back to the banquet, leaving the girl just looking at him. 

Nyra felt torn; even though this conversation was demanded by Doran, and even though she tried to seduce Jon, deep down, some truths were in her words. She was genuinely attracted to him, and seeing him leave really made her feel a sharp pain in her heart.


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