

I'm visibly shaking, my countenance is fluctuating from fear to shock. The fabric of my garment is still in my hands and my focus is on the blood streaming down my thigh.


Hendrix rests his hands on my shoulders and squeezes gently in a reassuring way.


"Hey, look at me." He insists gently.


I do, staring into those beautiful sea-blue eyes of his. How could I possibly be losing a child he knows nothing about and worse still in his presence?


"You don't have to panic, alright?" His eyes are fixated on me.


I nod a response, absolutely speechless.


"I will need you to go wash up, while I get the physician and then herbs to cleanse your system.


My breath is shaky, his words are temporal comfort, unfortunately, I need more than mere words.


"Breathe in..." He instructs.


I'm lost in my state of frenzy as I keep shouldering.


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