




...As consciousness slowly seeped into the haze of sleep, the world began to materialize in fragments for me. A gentle filtering of light peeked through the curtains, casting a soft, golden hue across the room. The distant chirping of birds painted the air, adding a serene soundtrack to the awakening.

The first sensation that registered was the warmth cocooning the body, nestled within the embrace of soft blankets. A slow, languid stretch coursed through each limb, a ritualistic greeting to the morning.

With a subtle shift, my eyelids fluttered, adjusting to the gentle glow filtering into the room. The ceiling came into focus, details sharpening gradually as the fog of slumber lifted...

'I'm not at the hospital, am I...?' I thought with a slight burden. My thoughts strangely heavier than I'm used to.

"It looks like he's-" I heard gentle feminine accented voice say before it wisped into pure nonsense.

"Seems like it, the kid shouldn't even b-" Another older yet, gritty tone chimed before it too fell into nonsense...

"Where... Am... I" I asked curiously, still feeling ladened, but said feeling was slowly disappearing...

I quickly remembered my fight with Taskmaster. Then, someone saving me right after. That was it, everything else was just Darkness..

As silence echoed in the room...

'Am... I going crazy? That's impossible...' The silence was making me question myself. It sucked that my eyes were too tired at the moment to open, much less register anything right about now...

"Take it easy..." I hear the feminine voice say.

"You shouldn't've even be awake yet..." The gentle voice said once more, but her voice sounded very familiar, like the voice of the woman that came to my rescue last night...

"Ye-Yeah, that's probably for the best..." I responded. Feeling strength quickly returning to my eyes, I attempted to open my open. With it being successful.

And I saw her

..A dark-skinned beauty, her hair long and pure white, with her gaze gentle, her facial features seemed otherworldly to me. I took the time to truly burn her image into my mind...

'She's, breathtaking...' I noted.

Next to her, I saw a much shorter man maybe my height? He was Caucasian. However he was extremally well built from what I could make out, his face was wild yet militant too. He most likely did some years in the military...

I was confused. I didn't know where I was, and who these people were, even if they seemed harmless, I still feel slightly paranoid because of the universe I was in.

"I think... It would be best for us to- fill you in -with what happened..." She said, causing the man to snicker to himself slightly.

'That can't be good...' I thought, hearing his stifled laughter...




~A lot of explanations Later...~




"So... You're telling me, that I was critically injured, near death, but instead of bringing me to a hospital... You brought me to where ever this is? But, Why?" I asked curious, being filled in. I was confused as to why they would bring me here instead of a real hospital, and I still didn't know who these people really were either...

"Because" She said a-matter-of-factly. She then pointed at right hand were a slight scar could be see...

"I saw one of your opened wounds being healed right in front of my eyes." She said without hesitation. Externally, my face was stiff. Internally? My heart was racing...

'Ohhh fuck...' I thought.

"His heart rate is rising..." The man suddenly interjected calmy, his voice felt as if it carried a certain edge to it now.

"Ya' know something, kid?" He asked, his tone daring for any lies...

'The hell was I supposed to say? It's clear they're unto me.' My mind raced with any possible excuse, but none would be sufficient. What was I supposed to say? That magically, my wounds were healing at a rate the eyes can see?

That was plain retarded... If I denied it, whoever this guy was, could tell that I was most likely lying. He could fucking read my heart rate, and even IF, I remained perfectly calm, they could still not buy the lie...

"Stop, Logan... You're scaring the poor boy." The lady said once more.

'Wait... Logan?' I thought, I looked at the man carefully this time. His height, his stature, his apparent enhanced senses, his features almost animalistic in nature, large canines and hairy arms... Oh... Fuck...

'How could I be this dense! This is wolverine!!!' The realization shocking me. Once again I should have read the marvel comics more.

The man huffed, slightly annoyed. His eyes meeting mine, his canine teeth showing slightly, his pupils turning into a slit for just a moment. Everything was clear within my perception, that felt weirdly, detailed...

"Fine, but I'm onto you kid..." Logan said, walking out of the room.

The woman sighed. She then looked towards me gently. I knew who this was... It must be that lady they called tornado... Or was it, tsunami? I couldn't place it, but she seemed to have had weather control from what I hazily remembered...

'Wait a minute... Weather. Lighting. Storm!... I need a smack in the head...' I thought foolishly at myself.

"Well, I'll give you more time to think about your, situation... I will be back in a couple of hours, be well..." She finished, getting up and leaving me alone here. I need the alone time...

I was clearly with the X-Men. The group of mutants heroes...




~Omni Pov~




The dark-skinned woman left the room, as she waked, she saw her older comrade from afar...

"Professor Xavier... Did you get what you want?" She asked hesitantly, her face filled with a mix of emotions. None that which were pleasant...

The man known as the professor looked towards the younger female, with the gaze of a teacher, parent and comrade.

"No, Ororo... Unfortunately, not... My powers, they do not work on him... It's still, all blank. I'm beginning to think that this boy is an anomaly." The man known as professor Xavier added. His hands still clutching the sides of his head in wonder...

He looked at his new visitor, but all he saw in front of him, was an enigma...

"I-I see..." Ororo, otherwise known as storm said barely over a whisper.

The older gentleman looked at this student in understanding. "I'm sorry Ororo, but this is for the greater good... We have to make sure he isn't potentially of danger to us, all of us..." He said smoothly.

Storm nodded. Clearly not happy with her own actions so far. "I understand... I will be at the library..." She said, taking her leave.

The older man looked back through the one way glass windows, staring at the boy with curiosity evident in his eyes. 

'For an entire week I've been trying to access this boy's mind, but nothing, not even Jean can get passed it either... Could he some super-mutant? Or is he simply immune to us psychics?' The man thought grimly.

Although he wasn't experienced with this sort of thing, the person in front of him had no technology that stopped his powers, a special mind, or any trace of mental barriers he could find...

'A true anomaly...' He thought to himself.




~The usual Pov...~




I lied down, thinking of what I should do right about now. I didn't want to join these people, but I doubt they would just let me walk free...

'What to do, what to do...' Once again I cursed myself at not knowing about these characters. My marvel knowledge was worse than elementary, at best.

'I should at least see one thing I can somewhat control.' I opened my status panel...


Name: Alex Young

Age: 17 Years Old and 1 month

Race: (Proto) Human

Weight: 107.5 ⟶ 102.1 KG (Happy now?)

Height: 5 feet, 8 inches ⟶ 5 feet, 9 inches (Happy now?)

Health: 100%/100%

Mana: Nil

Stamina: 78%/100%

- Striking Strength: 539 ⟶ 576 ⟶ 2489 KG

- Grip Strength: 135 ⟶ 155 ⟶ 666 KG

- Lifting Strength: 290 ⟶ 334 ⟶ 1436 KG

- Dexterity: 4.7 ⟶ 6 (10 for a normal human male)

- Movement Speed: 17 ⟶ 18.3 ⟶ 79.29 mph

- Attack Speed: 101 ⟶ 106 ⟶ 456.8 mph

- Reaction Speed: 2 --> 6.3 fold greater than Attack speed

- I.Q: 151


Telepathy Immunity: Allows your mind to be unreadable to any outside sources...

Adaptive Copy: Your ability to copy movements is unmatched, will increase when put to the test...

Perfect Muscle Memory: Repetitive action is unnecessary with this boon. It allows for efficient muscle usage when doing physical tasks. Helps for unconscious and reflexive movement to be perfect.

Martial genius: Martial arts techniques will come as naturally as breathing to you. A glance will make you be able to understand and pick apart a technique.

Perfect Body: Your body is perfect in every sense, the stronger you grow, the more you body will be refined, and honed to match your growing strength, eventually making you perfect...

Hanma Physiology: Your growth is passive but incredibly small if left untapped. You will grow stronger from every fight you encounter, as well as possessing all the abilities of this fiendish lineage. Over-training no longer hinders you, only utter exhaustion will...

Garou's Talent: Your talent in martial art's is like no other, with this boon, you will have the infinite physical potential of Garou, and his supreme talents! Your strength and technique will grow tremendously the more pressure you are put under...

Super-Genius: Your mind is wired like a super-computer and more. With this boon, you will absorb information like no human before whilst almost forever retaining it, and your thinking capabilities will be boosted based on the knowledge you have...

(New) Minor Regeneration: Your body has evolved and has adapted to the constant assaults... Through the bloody beatings, your body rejects being put in a pitiful state ever again, thus increasing your natural recovery time by 2-fold compared to before...


'Huh?' I thought, baffled. The biggest increase I've gotten in my time here was right in front of me...

I was way past being just human now. I'm comfortably sitting in the superhuman category... I even gained an inch from a week of sleep... Nice. And, that's new... Regeneration? I knew I was a fast healer, but to think it would actually become my ability now is a little insane...

It wasnt implausible, Garou eventually developed regeneration as the series progressed. So this much is possible... But why did I get high speed regeneration so early? I'm not nearly as strong as Garou is...

'I'm not dwelling on that front, a new ability that helps me to stop edging on death, is always welcomed by me...' I thought, smiling internally. It seems the ability may have gotten better after the fight with taskmaster... Not too sure though...

Either way, I still couldn't believe that theoretically, I had enough strength to lift a vehicle...

'Wasn't I stronger than Cap and Taskmaster now?' Even if I was, I sure didn't feel like it. Taskmaster was quick, unbelievably so... I won't even talk about his combat speed. I practically got blitzed at the end...

I clenched my fists and sighed, a little irritated at this point. Sure, I gained a lot of insight from his fight, but I still feel frustrated that I lost...

Tired, I let those thoughts quickly disperse, meditating... 'Now, I just needed to figure out what I should do from here on out...'












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