

When Jin and Pidgey turned the corner they saw a huge cavern.

Moss lights the cavern located on the side and ceilings.

Stalagmites and stalactites were scattered everywhere, they were adorned with glittering gems reflecting the glow, and pools of water scattered about.

Pockets of vegetation existed surrounding the pools of waters.

This cave, cavern, further cemented Jin's view that he was in another world.

Jin was surprised that there was no Pokémon within a hundred meters of him.

Though with the map Jin saw that loads of resources were located within the cavern.

Using his identifying ability,

[Glowing moss: Only found in damp caverns, can be eaten.]

[Enchanting Gem: A gem that shines with the littlest bit of light in the dark.]

[Iron ore and Iron chunk]


'If only I had chosen a crafting ability I could have my own Pokeballs.'

Jin was admiring the beauty of the caves when he noticed that a Pokémon was gradually approaching his side.

Jin couldn't spot the figure even when there was nothing capable of hiding them, they weren't at the top as Jin already checked.

However, a nearby pool ripples as a figure emerges from the pool of water.

The figure unknown to Jin's presence enjoyed its meal of vegetation.

The unknown Pokémon was Wimpod.

Jin was fascinated as he watched the bug type scuttle about in the vegetation.

As for Wimpod itself, it couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling that something was watching it.

It looked around trying to find its source of unease and soon Jin was within its sights.

Jin watched as Wimpod looked at him, he started to think that it might attack or call its friend but to his surprise.

Wimpod scurried away once saw him as it showed a frightened expression as it quickly went back into the water. 

'It ran away.'

Though Jin was confused, he quickly accepted it as Wimpod in his world were cowardly.

As for whether it was just this Wimpod or all of them he wasn't sure.

Jin and Pidgey started to explore the cavern.

Taking pieces of ores that he was able to carry without it being a burden.

As they explored the cavern, Jin found more Wimpod but within seconds of meeting him they would scurry away.

Pidgey seeing them run away at first sight couldn't help but scoff seeing such a cowardly Pokémon.

Ignoring the fact that just earlier he had shouted to his trainer to run faster.

As they followed the right side of the cave following it, Jin quickly noticed that it was just a big hole, there were no other paths to get out besides the area they came from.

Though there were two places that Jin hadn't explored yet one being the pools of water, the other being the center of the cave as Jin only hugged the side of the cave that way he only had to watch out for one side.

Although Jin looked into one of the pools of water he couldn't see much because the lighting was not strong enough to see the bottom of the pool, not helping much there.

Especially when he decided to checked where the Wimpod went when it ran back into the pool of water.

Jin figured there must be a cave system in the water, but Jin couldn't explore as he had no way to breathe underwater.

Jin decided that would go to the center as there weren't anything but Wimpod within the cave, so he figured that only Wimpod were found in the cave.

As Jin continued to move to the center of the cave he quickly came across a multitude of Wimpods.

They still haven't noticed him as he was hiding behind a group of stalagmites.

It seems that the center of the cave is where they gathered.

But an oval shape quickly took Jin's attention, it was a Pokémon egg.

It wasn't just one or two, there were a multitude of them.

It seemed to Jin that this was their nest, but something puzzled Jin, although he saw a lot of Wimpods he didn't see any of their evolutionary forms, Golisopod.

Could it be that they live such a relaxing life they haven't felt the need to evolve to protect themselves?

As Jin was still thinking about the Wimpod circumstance, Pidgey accidentally stumbled on a rock causing the Wimpod to turn to the sound of noise.

Seeing figures they have never seen their entire lives, the Wimpods quickly deserted the area leaving their nest and eggs behind.

Jin was stunned that the Wimpods left the eggs behind, do they not have any concept of love for their child?

Is their life really that important?

While Jin had his thoughts Pidgey simply held disgust for such a Pokémon, to leave their child behind brought it great disdain for them.

After all, it had been abandoned, but it was understood as it was a liability. 

She had lost her way to move which hindered her flock.

But these eggs have done nothing wrong, yet they abandoned them without a second thought, hence her disgust for Wimpod.

Jin approached the eggs as he had never seen or held a Pokémon egg before.

He held one in his hand to get the feel of the texture, before deciding to check all of the egg's potential.

After he examined them all, he noticed the majority were red and orange with a yellow and green appearing once in a while.

With this information Jin figured out that red and orange were the lowest types of potential and green and yellow were the next in scale.

Jin glanced at Pidgey and remembered how her Potential was red, 'Forget it once I activate my first ability I'm sure I'll be able to raise it in the future.'


There will no chapters next weeks as I have exams next week and I will post again on Dec 11th.

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