
Chapter 15: Party 4

One hour into the party and the party never died down. Especially with the host's arrival. Kevin had a way of pumping things up and I even found myself enjoying it. Somewhere along the line, I learnt that Kevin was actually a stuntsman and has even been one in some movies. That really explained the crazy stunt he pulled.

I decided to stick around Karla and her friends. I figured I was better off staying out of the craziness of the party. There were times I caught glances of Shawn. I knew Karla was finding the right time to introduce him to me and I didn't want that. 

"Emily, do you want to play?" Mike asked. Right now, we were at the farther side of the house, where a beer pong spot has been set up. The others were playing, except for me and Tasha and Shawn, who was a few metres away from us and not even paying attention to us.


"Come on Senorita, it'll be fun." I stared at the table. I was here to have fun and I've not been doing a good job at that. 

"Alright, let's do it." Karla and Kat cheered me on and Tasha just gave me a pat on my back. 

"Emily, why don't you be my teammate, we'll kick a lot of asses together." Carl rolled his eyes.

"Just because you have her on your side, it doesn't mean you're going to win. Don't worry Senorita, I'll go easy on you." I pursed my lips.

"I never asked you to, Carl, your ego might just be your doom."

"That's quite a comeback newbie." Kevin punched my arm a little and I laughed.

"Please Senorita, my ego is what attracts the girls." He gave me a wink and Karla pretended to gag.

"Let's just get this over with!" Tasha exclaimed. Carl chose Kevin as his partner and we began. 

Within five minutes, we were beating Carl and Kevin. I had only missed one shot. I never knew I could be so good at this game. 

"Whoo!!! Go Mike and Emily! Destroy that stupid excuse of a brother!" Karla exclaimed. From the side of my eye, I could see Shawn watching us, watching me!

"You know what, I'm done." Kevin announced. Karla, Kat and Tasha started to boo him.

"Oh come on, that's not part of the rules." Said Mike. There was a big grin on my face.

"He's the birthday boy, so I guess he needs to go to sleep with his ego intact." I commented. Karla laughed and Kevin sighed.

"Emily, you're absolutely right. That is what I want. You guys can continue all you want. I'll just sit down and watch "

"Hey, so we're just forfeiting?" Carl asked with wide eyes. I just shrugged.

"The guy has spoken so…" But Carl Interrupted his sister before she could finish her sentence.

"As the current beer pong champion, I say that no one can forfeit, not until the game is finished!"

"Dude, the probability of us winning is slim. Especially with miss targeter." I furrowed my eyebrow a little.

'Weirdest nickname anyone has ever given me.'

"I don't care, we're ending this." He insisted. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt emboldened.

"Then I challenge you Carl. If you win, Mike and I will accept defeat and even do whatever you tell us to do. But if I win, I get the champion title, and you will go home crying to your dog."

"How do you know he has a dog?" Karla asked 

"He seems like a dog owner." I said. Carl contemplated for a while then finally agreed.

I threw a ball and it got into one of his cups, he gulped the whole content of the cup and it was removed. He had his turn. The ball missed, and a shrill was heard.

This kept going for a while and it ended in a tie. So what happens when it goes into a tie? Sudden-death.The first person to hit the cup wins. Carl was the next person to throw. The air around us suddenly got stiff and my heart rate picked up slightly.

"Ready to lose Senorita?" He asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Just throw you idiot!" Yelled Karla. I laughed out loud.

"Some sister you are." I heard him mumble. He took his shot, and as if time had slowed down, I watched the ball hit the tip of the cup and roll off. Carl groaned loudly.

"My turn champ." I said with a smirk. I seriously don't know where this confidenice came from. I hadn't drunk any alcohol, or was it in one of my drinks and I hadn't realised? Whatever it was, I loved it!

I placed a kiss on my ball. I took my aim and shot! Slowly, and slowly the ball flew in the air, just for it to hit the tip and roll in!

"Yes! That's my girl!" Karla exclaimed. She and Kat tackled me with a hug and I almost fell. I saw Carl take the cup and take a swig. He then headed to the bar and asked for a tequila.

"Someone needs to wash down the defeat." Tasha mocked. But Carl just ignored it. I laughed but Shawn's voice made my laughter seize.

"Not bad new blood. You were lucky though, but at least you sassed him.That takes guts." I heard Shawn say and my heart fluttered a little. I looked up at him for the first time. Our eyes met and I suddenly got lost in them. He wasn't even close to me! I felt something weird churn in me, like a small pull.

"It wasn't that hard though." I said. Honestly, I found it to be easy and fun.

"May I have everyone's attention." I gave Carl a curious look.

"As the former champion of beer pong, I announce Emily Hernandez, Queen of beer pong. She fought a great battle, and she won." He took another swig of his tequila. 

Whoops and screams filled the air and my body fluttered with excitement.

'Wait a minute, how does he know my last name!'

"Emily, we need to celebrate." Before I could protest, Karla and Kat pulled me away. Before leaving, I got a glimpse of Shawn looking towards my side. 

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