
I'm not out of touch, I'm trying to understand

The world melded and whirled and she slipped, yelping as she fell from a tree branch.

As she fell.

She could really appreciate how high in the air she'd managed to make it before she fell.

She managed a good, healthy scream, before something slammed into her.

Not the ground.

Her overworked knight, moving far faster than she realized he even could.

Still, the impact was enough to knock the breath out of her lungs.

Everything was spinning around in slow motion and it was impossible for Isabelle to figure out what was happening.

Lyov had caught her mid-air, although 'caught' was too kind a word for effectively tackling her.

Then they spun from the force of their two momentum colliding.


The wind whipped by Isabelle's ears while Lyov grunted and gasped painfully as he twisted them both around midair so he landed squarely on his back, cushioning her fall.

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