
I'm not a suspect, I'm exonerated

Phoenix made a rather grand showing of walking out of the room, stretching as if the room had been so cramped he'd been unable to fully extend his legs.

Lyov hummed as he wandered out, arms crossed. His emerald eyes glittered with mirth as they met Caleb's. "Will I be accused of a crime if I go and cook once more...?"

The crown prince offered a tight smile. "That depends entirely on the quality of your food."

Isabelle laughed. "Ah, are you sure your abilities haven't rusted, Lyov? Before you go cooking for the prince and getting us locked back up-"

"You." He pointed at her, lips quirked in a small smile. "Keep talking and you'll be punished."

Her cheeks heated and she shut her mouth.

From behind her, Snowball chirruped.

Tenshi made an alarmed gasp, and the kitten leaped right out of his arms and zoomed top speed, like a bulldozer, down the hall way.

He in fact even caused a poor maid to crash to the ground.

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