

After looking at this Thunderbolt Blue Bull Monster, Zheng-Fu could sense that this Bull Monster was not like the other Thunderbolt Blue Bull Monsters because the energy waves inside its body were different, and its appearance was slightly different, but he did not know what the difference was.

What he did know was that it and he were already connected by the spell pattern that he had previously modified, which he did not know how he had done. He was able to do it just because the images of the spell pattern appeared when he was trying to accomplish it, and he followed them until the unexpected happened.

As for the elders and the disciples from the Poisonous Insect Sect who were gathering poison energy, their expressions turned extremely shocked and suspicious when they saw the monster's appearance change. During this time, some people were so distracted from their tactical formation that the whirlpool of energy at the center of the formation exploded.



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